Secrets that helped me close more clients

I closed another few clients this week.

5 calls total to be precise.

And here’s the crazy part: I didn’t hop on a single call to close them.

I did them all through Twitter DMs.

No fancy sales tactics, no special offers, no crazy guarantees, not a single bonus added.

Want to know how I did it?


I asked questions to discover their goals and their current obstacles. And then I mentioned how we could solve it and proposed to hop on a call and figure it out together.

That’s it.

It turns out. All you really have to do is listen to people and help them.

Yet, that’s what 90% of people on Twitter miss.

They create “an offer” whatever it might be. Shove it under everyone’s nose and try to convince people they need it.

That’s not how you make sales.

I’ll let you in on another secret.

All of those 5 calls are different. I advertised each just slightly different.

Why? Because everyone needs different solutions.

Offers shouldn’t be a “one-size-fits-all”. And you shouldn’t try to create one.

The way it works is that you build an offer foundation. Come up with some stuff you can help people with. And combine them to fit your needs when the time comes.

An offer isn’t one big thing. An offer is a combination of many puzzle pieces.

I’ve got a lot of secrets such as those that I learned through practical experience.

Tell you what.

Here’s what we’ll do for today’s email.

If you currently have an offer that’s not selling. Respond to this email.

Explain to me EXACTLY what your offer entails and what your current approach is when looking to close clients.

I’ll give you some quick tips so you can get on your way and actually start making sales.