Do what I say—not what I do

I recently learned the importance of having a ‘flagship offer’ as many people call it—including Ben Settle who recently did the teaching/reminding for me.

In case you don’t know what a flagship offer is, a flagship offer is the main offer your business offers. It’s what everyone has to buy/go through to understand and get value out of all your other offers.

More often than not it’s also your most-sold offer.

This used to be Email Extraordinaire for me but it wasn’t built in the way I liked it to take the title of ‘flagship offer’.

So admittedly, I don’t currently have a flagship offer. (Hey, we can’t all be perfect, right?)

My plans are to rework Email Extraordinaire into an advanced (and high-ticket) email course which will serve as the next step in someone’s email journey AFTER they have bought my true flagship offer.

I already have a few plans and ideas for this new offer (which will be all about teaching the basics and fundamentals of my email methodology—which will be more than enough for most people and can thus function as a standalone course).

Every other course, product, service, bonus, whatever, I offer will be solely complementary and only for people who want more (and have already seen what I bring to the table through my flagship offer).

I’ll try to create that new flagship offer either this month or early next month (probably next month because there’s also another juicy surprise I can’t wait to reveal).

The essence here is speed.

A business simply cannot thrive without a good flagship offer.

Luckily I’ve got my fair share of product creation experience and I know what I’m doing so it shouldn’t take me that long to get everything just as I want it to be—all connected, working together, and helping both me and my customers get a ton a value out of it.

With that said.

I’m currently running a promotion (in case you hadn’t noticed) for my clarity calls because I’ll be increasing the price from $249 to $500 tomorrow (Friday) at 10 pm CET.

One of the things a big part of my prior clients hopped on a call with me for was to help them ideate, create, and launch their very own (flagship) offer/product.

Sometimes it was their first offer, sometimes it was their 20th.

If you’d like help crafting your own flagship product (or clarity on another topic) then be sure to check out my clarity calls here: