Yesterday I received a message on LinkedIn from Quy, a new email reader and “Executive Brand Concierge for busy 7-9 figure CEOs”.
Here it is:
[…] can I congratulate you on the welcome email for Ascend 101 – fantastically well written – engaging and full of personality. Defo up for someone else failing on my behalf.
I can confirm I don’t throw bananas away. Not even the peel (OK, just saying that cos I didn’t know how strict the rule was and didn’t want to risk it).
Now I’m sharing this for a few reasons.
First, to probably-not-so-subtle brag about how people react to my welcome email (aka my ability to hook people from the very first moment by inserting personality into my writing).
But more importantly, to highlight a mistake I see so so so so so so so (is this enough yet?) many people make when it comes to writing emails—welcome email or not.
They fail the number 1 rule of email marketing: “Don’t be boring”.
I’ve seen too many people do stupid shit when it comes to writing emails.
Either they swipe (read: copy-paste) the emails of their favorite so-called “social media expert” whose email marketing knowledge is as extensive as my braiding knowledge (aside from having relatively longer hair, I have absolutely zero clue).
If they’re not swiping, chances are they’re “leveraging the unlimited power of AI and the full potential of the future”, obviously making their emails read like crap without them noticing.
Or worse, they have no personality and write with as much entertainment as a dictionary.
I truly wish I was making this up.
To this day it still baffles me how this happens.
And don’t get me wrong. I’m not calling names or anything. Not even close. These people probably aren’t even aware of the mistakes they’re making. And it’s due to no fault of their own.
The sad reality is that there are way too many who built a big audience based on one of their skills, which they’re undoubtedly good at, but that skill isn’t email marketing.
Then they create their own list and start giving advice about writing emails—bad advice.
I’ve been there as well.
Listening to all the bad advice that’s out there—which is a shit ton because everyone with a phone and internet can make their voice heard all over the world.
The reason why I keep going on and on about these topics and these problems is because I care.
I care about sharing the right knowledge with people.
I care about making sure others can live a life of freedom and autonomy. One where your business revolves around writing engaging, valuable, and persuasive emails—helping others with whatever offer you have to sell and making a reliable income.
So please, for the love of everything that’s holy.
Don’t be boring.
And if you want to dive deeper into the wonderful world of email and learn how to write extraordinary emails that make sales and keep your readers reading day after day, then check out Email Extraordinaire.
Here’s the link: