A prime example of how to mess up your life in a simple step

A girl (who I won’t name for obvious reasons) I spoke with on LinkedIn told me:


“My goal for the next 2 months will be audience building. Then I'd love to get more clients for my writing services”


When I asked her why she thought she had to wait 2 months before getting clients she said this:


“I know people who focus on building first for months before they sell.

Especially when I want to get LinkedIn ghostwriting clients. You need to first build your LinkedIn, as your portfolio.

It’s like being a personal trainer. People will pick personal trainers who are already built, it shows they know what they’re doing.”


This to me screams “indoctrinated and brainwashed by BS-spouting gurus who have no idea what they’re doing and aren’t making any money”—which you can see because of the “personal trainer” analogy that couldn’t be applied in a more wrong way.

Also, damn you know people who focus on building first for months before they sell their services?

It just so happens that I also know people who have an extreme gambling addiction.

Now what?

But back to the argument.

Ask yourself this.

If those people aren’t selling, what are they even building in the first place then? Who are they attracting?

Not their dream customer, I’ll tell you that much—they literally can’t because they’re not selling anything (you can’t attract people who want to buy from you if nobody knows what you’re selling—or even if you’re selling anything at all).

So what ARE you building towards?

A meaningless number on your screen? So you can prove to other people you can also help them get meaningless numbers on their screens?

Forgive me if I’d rather hire someone who sells me their services and just shows me what they’re good at instead of wasting months, sometimes even years, chasing the wrong goals—not an attribute you’d want in someone you hire, do you?

No hate for the girl in question.

She simply doesn’t know any better. She’s been lied to. Due to no fault of her own. She looked up to people and they betrayed her trust.

But the sad thing is that she’s spreading the same exact message to the people following her and looking up to her (because she’s building… something). Yet she has as much client-getting, product-selling, and money-making experience as the next person (aka none).

That’s the state of social media nowadays.

A lot of wrong and hurtful advice from people who don’t know what they’re doing, yet getting supported, applauded for their so-called “success”, and even encouraged by people who also don’t know what they’re doing.

You see, the future won’t be kind to those people.

Here’s what it’ll look like (I’ve seen it happen multiple times):

They spend months sometimes years of their lives working (often with a lot of commitment) long hours, grinding away, sacrificing so many things in their own personal life, sometimes even leaving their jobs, their friend groups, and even their significant others, all because they’re laser-focused on achieving their goals while believing that every post they write, every reply they leave, every DM they send will get them closer to their goal—only to never actually get anywhere.

Years go by and now they’re in debt, have wasted precious years of their lives, nobody wants to hire them, their friends and family stopped supporting them, and they have nowhere to go.

And all they’ve got to show for it?

A couple dozen of sales on their $5 Gumroad eBook teaching “How to make money online through writing”.

Please don’t let this be you.

Don’t waste your time, your energy, your resources. Don’t waste your life.

Build with purpose. Start selling.

Learn how to attract and land clients.

But most importantly: start early.

Start today.

And if my obviously biased—yet looking out for you and wishing you make the right choices at the right time—ass may recommend you a perfect starting place.

Then I’d highly recommend you to check out my Abundant-Client System where I’ll teach you my entire system for getting leads, qualifying prospects, and landing clients consistently and effortlessly—without first having to build your profile for months and pray to whatever god(s) your worshipping that something will magically happen and you’ll start earning money.

Take matters into your own hands.

Check out my Abundant-Client System today: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients