Play your business like I play my guitar

I once again picked up my guitar today.

It’s been over a year since I last touched it. All this time, my guitar was nothing more than a decorative piece collecting dust in the corner of my room.

Yet when I did pick it up.

I found that I could still play most of what I knew when I played frequently—or at least after a few attempts.

And that’s the beauty of skills, especially when you spend time learning the fundamentals.

You never truly forget/unlearn something.

No matter how much time passes, you’ll always keep that knowledge, that experience. Just like riding a bike.

Sure you may forget the fancy stuff. You’ll have to spend time re-learning the advanced techniques, but even then, you’ll pick it up so much faster once again.

But, and this is a big but, this is only if you built up your foundations correctly.

Rush those, try to jump into the difficult terrain, try to be fancy and skip the learning phase and you might get some results early on. But you’ll undoubtedly stumble upon many roadblocks, ones that you shouldn’t have to face if you learned stuff the correct way. And not to mention, if even just a bit of time passes, you’ll forget a lot of stuff—all of which you have to re-learn, and which will take a whole lot longer than it would if you already mastered the fundamentals.

In case it wasn’t obvious.

I’m a big fundamentals guy. I’m big on principles, strategies, and mastering the simple stuff.

And it’s exactly the same when it comes to what I teach in my courses.

Such as my Abundant-Client System, where I don’t go in fancy appointment setting funnels or deal with sales teams, VAs, elaborate pitches and lots and lots of sales calls.

No, the opposite.

I teach the mere fundamentals, how to master and use the simple things to get you the most results (aka, to get you the best and most amount of clients while having to do the least amount of work possible).

Added onto that.

You only need to do it right a few times and you’ll never forget, nor have to revisit or relearn how the principles work.

Anyway, check it out here if you’d like to learn more: