How to structure copy to sell your offer

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

Building an online business is extremely powerful.

You get limitless leverage through the power of the internet. And if done well you can automate almost everything you do.

You build something once and it can keep bringing in money for years to come.

A big part of automating sales and clients is having a good sales page with proper copy. Both of which sound scary the first time around.

But writing good copy and structuring a good sales page shouldn’t be scary. It’s no different than the tweets you write or the emails you send.

All you do is you tell a story. You invoke some emotions. You outline the benefits and the problems, and you end with an offer and a CTA to buy, enroll, or book a call.

It just seems scary because sales pages can be extremely long.

But that problem can easily avoided by having a proper outline to follow. And that’s exactly what I’m sharing today.

A simple & effective outline to structure your copy and your sales page so you can create your automated money machine and print cash from the convenience of your home.

Structuring a sales page

Every sales page can be divided into multiple sections.

And each and every section has it’s own purpose. In what follow I’ll cover 11 sections you should include in your sales page.

These sections are written in the order you’ll include them in on your sales page. From top to bottom.

Starting with the eyebrow—the first thing people see. And ending wih


The eyebrow is what’s at the top of the page. It’s the first thing people see and what catches their attention.

It’s a good idea to include your Big Idea in here. Either that or a short description of whom you can help the most with your offer.

The focus here is to capture attention as quickly as possible and open a curiosity loop.


The headline gives the reader the first taste of what to expect in your sales page.

Here you want to include one (or more) of the following puzzle pieces:

  • Your big idea

  • Your clear promise

  • The big problem

  • A short description of whom you can help the most

  • A hint at your unique mechanism

  • Your risk reversal and/or guarantee

A good starting structure for your headline is:

  • (Clear promise) without (big problem or related common inconvenience of reaching that promise)


The subheadline is similar to the headline itself. But its aim is to add more information that you couldn’t include in the headline itself.

A good and compelling subheadline could include your target audience, the unique mechanism, and/or the risk reversal.


The lead is where you’ll start to explain who will be able to benefit the most from your product or service.

Here’s where you’ll want to use the “bullet spray” method. This is where you make a list of as many relevant and painful problems people often deal with, and you help solve them with your offer.

If you often post list tweets, they’re the same thing.

You give people multiple options to resonate with and create as much interest in your offer as possible.


After the lead you’ll transition to the body.

This is where you’ll dive into a story.

Talk about how you came to develop your offer. How it helped you improve your life and overcome the related problems you shared in the lead.

Dive deep into the transformation you made. People love transformations. Hint at option as to how the reader will be able to achieve similar results as you.

This is also where you’ll establish the “why” behind your offer. What motivated you to make this change? What were the results? And why would you recommend others to do the same?

Paint a vibrant picture of your life before and after the turning point in your story.

If done right, this is the point where people should start caring about your offer.

Unique mechanism

You need to show how your offer is slightly different than others.

What’s your process like? How do you get results?

This is also a great time to give some free value to people. Make them get a taste of your offer right there on the sales page.

The goal is to carefully give away just enough “free value” to make them want more. This could be done by giving away your unique step-by-step methods of how you achieved the transformation in your story, without going too deep into the details.

Give them the what. Not the how.

Offer introduction

It’s time to show the reader what’s in store for them.

Give a brief description of what’s inside your course/curriculum. With each ‘module’ you share, include 2–3 heavy-hitting benefits that are the opposite of the bullet points problems you mentioned in the lead.

Make them realize you’re not bluffing. You actually can solve all of those problems.

Make them feel the value you’ve got waiting for them.

Social proof

Hopefully you’ve gathered some testimonials from prior customers.

Now’s the time to show them. All of them. Don’t leave a single one behind. The aim is to have so many testimonials people get tired of scrolling.

Nobody is going to read every single one. All you want is for people to realize your credibility.

Gathering social proof should be a full-time job in the beginning.

Risk reversal & guarantee

Risk reversals & guarantees work great.

Most people are hesitant when it comes to investing in new offers. They’re scared it’s not going to deliver and/or it’s not going to work for them.

Including a promise or a guarantee so all of the risk is taken away will help people make the purchase.

Not every risk reversal should be a money-back guarantee. It’s not always feasible to do so.

But try to get creative. Think about what you can offer to people to reduce or eliminate the risk they’re taking.

Call to action

You’re not going to make a single sale if you don’t have a CTA. So it’s vital to include one.

The best CTA’s leave the reader with 2 simple options:

  • purchase your solution

  • continue to struggle on your own

The trick is to convey this message without it coming off as bad or high-pressure.

A simple story could work nicely for this as well.


Including frequently asked questions is a superpower.

First, you can reduce your own workload by answering questions people actually ask you repeatedly.

But secondly, this is a great way to handle common objections people have when coming across your offer.

Common questions could be:

  • Who is this for?

  • How much time should I have available

  • How much experience should I have?

  • How long will it take me to get results?

  • Why aren’t you covering x?

Anything you haven’t yet covered in the body should be included. And anything you deem super important should be covered again as well.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B that’ll get you there in the next 30–60 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

I’ve got 2 surprises for you

I’ve got two surprises for you today. Definitely read this email till the end to find out both of them.

That said. You didn’t expect an email today did you?

Well you might have if you subscribed to my email list somewhere in the past couple of days.

I used to send out daily emails every weekday. And a longer one every Sunday. At least that’s been my schedule for the past 2 months or so.

But here’s the thing I was thinking about.

Why don’t I send an email Saturday as well?

You know, I actually don’t NEED a full day of rest or recovery or anything to write out the longer email.

It’s not like I’m tired from writing emails throughout the week either. No, I love writing them. And why would I limit how much time I spend doing the thing I love—something that’s productive and gets me closer to reaching my long-term vision?

And as I often talk about experimenting and just trying stuff out. It only felt natural to write you an email today. And next week. And the week after that.

Meaning. I can properly say that I actually do send daily emails. Literally every single day. Not just 6 days a week. The full 7.

So that’s your first surprise! What a lucky bastard you are.

I’ll keep this one short today. You know, because maybe you wanted to do some mental preparation about getting absolutely bombarded with my emails every single day from now on.

Maybe you needed that one rest day weekly. And well in that case.

Sucks to be you then I guess.

Maybe don’t read my Saturday email when I send it and read it on Sunday together with the other one.

Or just unsubscribe. Or come find me where I live and throw some bananas through my window to annoy me.

Whatever floats your boat.

That being said. I did have another surprise.

Until now I’ve only ever been consulting clients. Either on one-off clarity calls or a package of 4 consulting calls.

I did this to get a wide range of experiences and help people with all kinds of different problems—which in turn require all kinds of different solutions.

But since I’m in the spirit of experimentation and doing new stuff at the moment.

I’ll help a select few through longer-term coaching as well.

What do I help people with, in case you’re not fully aware?

Short answer: Creator business monetization

Long answer:

  • Writing copy that sells

  • Creating offers prospects can’t refuse

  • Creating automatic money-printing products

  • Acquiring new clients consistently and effortlessly

  • Grabbing attention on social media so people pay attention to you

  • Building funnels that bring you consistent leads, customers, and clients

  • Sending emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day

  • Building worlds of your own that can’t be compared to anyone else’s and where customers want to buy more and never want to leave

So here’s the deal: I’m looking for two people who’d be interested in working with me 1-on-1. We’ll get you earning $1k–$5k per month in the next 60–90 days depending on where you’re at right now and how much effort you put in.

And yes you heard it right. Just two people. Not a single person more.

So if you’re interested just hit reply to this mail and let me know. Don’t wait too long because those spots will fill up before you know it.

The #1 most common question I get asked

I’ve been getting asked the same question over and over again lately.

And that question is how to pick a niche.

Turns out this is by far the most common question and the burning problem in people’s minds. Chances are you struggle with that same question.

Do you talk about copywriting? Will you become a life coach? Is becoming a crypto trader who you truly are?

And the most common obstacle in finding a niche is that people have too many interests and they “can’t choose”.

I’m here to tell you all of this is wrong. Yes. The whole approach. This is such a prevalent problem simply because it’s not how we’re supposed to function.

Buckle up because I’m severely passionate about this.

So first off. Stop listening to every single guru out there who says that you need to pick a profitable niche to build in if you want to make money. That’s pure BS.

Now, don’t go hating them. They simply don’t know any better themselves.

But here’s the thing.

Picking a niche worked in the past. It’s what businesses have done for ages. That’s traditional marketing.

But we’re not doing traditional marketing. We aren’t just some businesses. No no, you and I are building a personal brand.

We’re marketing ourselves. And we just so happen to sell something.

That’s the first rule. Your offer and YOU are 2 separate entities.

You might offer copywriting services. But that doesn’t mean you’re “just a copywriter”. No far from it. You’re more.

Every single human being has multiple interests, multiple passions, multiple opinions, multiple goals, multiple stories and experiences. Stop limiting yourself to only embodying one of them.

Your goal is to make people relate to you. To make them resonate with what you’re saying.

How are you going to achieve this by portraying a superficial image of yourself? Of a human being?

Answer: you don’t.

Here’s a fact: the average person follows 150 different accounts on any given social media platform.

Those 150 different people aren’t all talking about the same interests or skills. Maybe you follow 10 different copywriters. But surely not 100?

People want to hear more about different interests. So give them exactly that.

Added benefit: if you talk about 5 of your interests regularly, you’ll attract 5x times the audience.

You’ll attract the audience that’s attracted in each of those interests. And slowly you’ll be able to make connections between these interests. Show your audience the benefits of each.

How did they improve your life? Why do they matter? Slowly you’ll start educating and improving the lives of every single person in your audience.

And that’s how you’ll start to build your own world. A place that’s unforgettable.

The 10th copywriter you see isn’t memorable. But the first guy who introduced you to new topics is.

But, and I’ve said it before, there’s one problem. There’s no checklist. No easy fix to help you figure out what to talk about. Nobody can decide for you what you should pursue.

Because it wouldn’t be yours. It wouldn’t be your world.

You have to think about your interests. What excites you? What do you think would be exciting? What did you find fascinating as a child before you “grew up”?

Follow those curiosities. Don’t listen to the advice of other people.

In fact, don’t even listen to me. Do whatever the f you want to do. Do your own thing.

There are 8 billion people in the world. Trust me when I say millions of those people will resonate with you if you simply do what you find interesting.

And if you still don’t know what to do, I’ve got just the thing for you.

Let me introduce you to my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit. It’s a collection of all the most important resources I’ve found and used myself to build the business I’ve got today.

It took me 7 months, more than $5,000, and countless stupid mistakes to get here. But I could’ve done it in 2 months and a lot cheaper if I just knew where to look and what to believe when I first started.

Again, this won’t tell you what to do. It won’t lay out a roadmap for you to follow. There’s no checklist to complete. But there’s a lot of vital information you need to figure out your own way of doing this.

This is for you if you want to make an impact. If you want to be something more than yet another copywriter.

This is for you if you know there’s something more and are willing to pursue your own curiosities. Without letting other people tell you what you can & can’t do.

Check it out here:

My mother joined the family party

My mother joined my email list yesterday.

She doesn’t speak or understand English. So she never quite got to read any of my emails, articles, tweets, or anything else for that matter.

But apparently yesterday Gmail introduced this new functionality where Google Translate could automatically translate emails from English to Dutch. Or at least, we discovered it could do that yesterday.

So she signed up and will now start receiving my massive amount of spam value and entertainment.

If you’ve been on my email list for a few weeks you might remember the story about how I tricked my father into starting his fitness journey. I even introduced him to Dan Koe. He liked it so much that he started binge-watching some of his YouTube videos.

And he’s on my email list as well.

So it’s safe to say this is officially becoming a small family undertaking.

That being said. With both my parents on my email list.

From now on I’m forced to play the part of the perfect son, the good and virtuous Christian son who does nothing wrong and only thinks nice and peaceful thoughts.

On second thought.

No. Fuck that.

I’ll say what I want to say, how I want, and when I went to. No matter who joins my email list or what people expect of me. This is my email list, my territory, my piece of digital real estate, and more importantly. This is my world.

Which brings me to the topic of world-building. Something that’s been on my mind almost 24/7 lately.

How many people do you come across where you can confidently say, “Oh this looks like that guy’s stuff”?

How often do you see stuff that reminds you of Hormozi-inspired short-form videos/Dan Koe-inspired one-person business philosophy/Russel Brunson-inspired funnels/Dan Kennedy-inspired sales letters/Justin Welsh or Tim Ferriss-inspired weekly newsletters?

The list goes on.

Even Alex Hormozi’s $100M Leads book launch screamed “Russel Brunson perfect webinar script”.

Now, I’m not saying all of those people invented all of those things. Far from it. But they for sure popularized it. Funnels and Dream 100s weren’t new when Russel Brunson started using them. But it wasn’t as popular back then.

And that’s my point. I don’t want any of that. I’m not aiming to build my business, my brand, or my world so that people can dissect it and recognize what tactics/strategies/frameworks come from which people who came before me.

No. It’s my world and mine alone. The goal is to build it in such a way that it can’t be compared to any other business out there. If it could, it wouldn’t really be mine. It’d be a cheap knock-off.

But here’s the thing. There are 2 problems with this.

Firstly. Building your own world is hard. Like extremely difficult. There’s no checklist you can use. No framework you can copy. No intelligent imitation you can rely on. No advice you can listen to.

There’s none of that. If there was, it wouldn’t really be yours. If it was as simple as following a roadmap to building your own world. Would it really be your world?

But that’s what almost everyone you know is doing. They’re following a roadmap made by other people. Essentially becoming a knock-off brand of the bigger guy. And indirectly affiliating for their brand.

Here’s a simple example. How many people have you seen who talk about becoming 1% better every day as one of the core tenets of their brand/personality/business/belief? And what does this make you think of?

Exactly. You’ll think about James Clear and Atomic Habits.

All of these people are affiliating, indirectly, for James Clear. They aren’t building anything worthwhile of their own.

This brings us to the second problem.

Becoming a knock-off copy of someone else’s brand works… in the short term.

Sure you’ll get some success. After all, you’re relying on pre-validated ideas. Those people you’re copying are successful. And their ideas are as well.

So it’s only logical people will resonate with what you have to say. And in a way they’ll think they resonate with you as a person. But that’s just it.

You’re not really building anything worthwhile. At least not over the long term.

You haven’t built a world of your own. The relationship and trust you’ve got with your audience is based on counterfeit beliefs.

As soon as something happens, that bond breaks. And you can be certain something will happen sooner or later if you plan on doing this for 10+ years.

I can talk for hours about this topic. It’s one I’m deeply passionate about. And the sole reason why I'll keep fighting to defend my beliefs. My visions. My world view. And my world.

Yes it’ll be slower. But it’ll last longer and be more impactful.

And since you’ve spent the past few minutes in my world now. Here’s another part of my world. It’s called Simple Money Emails and it’s the one and only email system I use to make sales and keep my readers reading day after day.

Check it out here if that’s something you’d like to do yourself:

Did you know I liked bananas?

I received a funny message the other day.

Someone on Twitter saw one of my tweets, which included a banana joke.

She then asked, “Do you like bananas?”.

Uh. No. I don’t actually. Bananas like me.

Jokes aside.

Yes. Yes I do. I’m obsessed and I admit it. They’re the love of my life.

If you’ve been following me for more than a day, chances are you knew this already. I’ve got a thing for bananas.

But this led me to realize an interesting fact.

New people get introduced to you every day. And even then. People who’ve been following for a while might not see all of your posts either.

AND EVEN THEN. People who’ve been following you for a very long time might forget some stuff about you.

Anyway. Long story short. It’s important to keep repeating yourself.

Keep sharing what you stand for. Tell’em what you like and don’t like. You might have told it a hundred times already. But it might be the first time someone heard you say it.

And even then. It usually takes a while for people to register the message you’re trying to convey.

So yes. I love bananas. I’m obsessed with them.

I love film music. I’ve got some weird taste in music overall. I’m not afraid to call people out. I won’t think twice about defending my opinions. I dropped out of uni this year. I would’ve gotten my master’s degree next year.

These are just some facts about me. In case you forgot, or weren’t aware of them yet.

And yes. I love bananas.

With that said.

Did you know I have a course teaching you how to write simple emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day?

You might not have heard of it before. Or even if you did. Maybe you just forgot I had it.

Anyway, go check it out. It’s worth it. Trust me.

Here’s the link:

Can you figure out this secret trick?

Yesterday, I shared a list of some potentially well-known accounts in the Money Twitter space who read my emails daily.

The reason for this was to give me some extra authority and drive some clicks (and sales) to my course.

Or at least, that’s the reason most people probably noticed. And it’s true. It did help me got some clicks (and sales).

But it did more than just that.

You see. Getting clicks (and sales), while welcome, wasn’t the main purpose of that tactic.

There are so many stories I could tell. Different flexes I could make. Different testimonials I could share. All of them would get me more clicks (and sales).

No. This was different.

It had an added benefit.

The added benefit of getting replies. Imagine you saw your name mentioned in an email. Wouldn’t you reply to it?

I know you would. I know because over half of the people on that list replied.

But that’s not all.

I could’ve never created a list that included everyone noteworthy who’s on my list.

So a few people replied mentioning they’re on my list as well.

One of them was the queen of productivity @ItsElleCheron herself. Another one was @audrlo our favorite community builder who just passed 1,000 followers in less than 35 days.

So let this be a reminder.

In business, as in life. There’s always more going on than you think.

That being said, there’s still one more benefit my last email provided me with. (this email as well in fact).

A benefit so big that it can change the entirety of how your readers perceive you. A small little detail so important it can be the difference between having trouble selling a $50 note for $1 and people camping in front of their computer, wanting to be the first ones to buy your newly released $500 course.

And yet, something almost everyone overlooks and doesn’t think twice about when sending their emails. (I’ve only ever seen 1 person in the past 7 months talk about this)

Think you know what it is? Reply to this email with what you think the 3rd benefit is and I’ll let you know whether you’re right or wrong.

But if you truly want to learn more about this 3rd benefit. Or if you want to learn more about writing emails in general. Specifically, emails that get you paid while keeping your readers reading day after day.

Then check out my course Simple Money Emails here:

I’ve got 10k+ accounts on my email list

Lately, I’ve been learning more about marketing, sales, and copywriting.

Learning what makes people tick. And how to use it to help my audience even better. (If you think psychology-based sales and marketing is unethical then you’re not in the right place and you might consider unsubscribing)

No, I want to make an impact on people’s (financial) life. I want to help them improve their situation and guide them to a better tomorrow.

I need to know sales and marketing to do so.

So I picked up Ca$hvertising recently. For some reason I’m going through the book really slowly (I’m currently on page 38), but that’s alright. It goes really in-depth and there’s so much value inside.

Just today I came across a highly valuable principle called Ego Morphing.

The basis of this principle states that most of the purchases we make are because of our ego. By purchasing the ‘right stuff’, people enhance their own egos and rationalize away their inadequacies.

Here’s where the morphing part comes in (taken from the book):


“Your goal [as a copywriter/marketer] is to cause consumers to become so closely associated with the product’s image that it almost becomes a part of their own identity; thus, you’re ‘morphing’ their ego to fit your product. By representing your product through carefully chosen images and personalities, you can persuade your prospects that, by purchasing or using your wares, they’ll immediately become associated with these images and attitudes.”


Now, there’s a lot to unpack.

First, you’ll have to realize just how effective this is, even to a broad audience.

By showing the correct images you’ll make people (want to) relate to the characteristics. The people who do possess these characteristics (money, freedom, beauty, power, intelligence, …) will buy your products to show their ‘ego’ to the world.

People who don’t possess these characteristics will still buy your products because they’ll want to appear as if they do have them.

Long story short: think about your product. What are the characteristics it represents? Does owning/using it suggest qualities to the world that people would want to flaunt?

If you’re a personal trainer. Do you have celebrities you’ve trained in the past? Use these to advertise so people can appeal to their egos and say “I train with the guy who trained [insert celebrity here]”.

If you have an email list where you talk about monetizing a creator business, work 3 hours a day, love bananas, and get consistent sales writing these emails. Do you have known names in the industry on your email list who enjoy reading them?

Maybe that last one reminds you of a certain individual, maybe it doesn’t.

Either way, the answer is yes. Take a look at this:

  • @ImLogz

  • @ItsEshana

  • @JakobRisley

  • @glennwrites1

  • @ionutzkazaku

  • @Alex_elnaugh

  • @stoicnoorman

  • @ImCharlieBullen

  • @thejoshuageelen

  • @DesignYourTribe

  • @ItsLeonBekteshi

  • @codybeddows

  • @theshrawankc

  • @ShronLande

  • @1Chris_Ryan

  • @rublychan

  • @Ryanhlew

Now, I don’t know every single person on my list. There’s only so much an email reveals. So if you feel you belong on that list and I didn’t include you. Let me know.

But at one point in time I discovered these wonderful people were on my list.

And this brings me to my course Simple Money Emails, where I’ll teach you 1) how to write simple emails that get you paid 2) how to keep your readers reading day after day 3) how to write captivating stories so you’ll build an engaged list and attract names like these to your list 4) and much more that’s waiting for you to discover.

Don’t believe my word for it. Read the sales page, check out the testimonial, the results I’ve gotten, and the possibilities it’ll offer you.

As usual, here’s the link again to end my email:

Roadmap: How to build a profitable email business

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

When I first came to Twitter my only goal was to start making money and build my one-person business.

It took me a long long time and I made plenty of mistakes. Mistakes I didn’t have to make.

I simply didn’t know what I was doing. I experimented a lot, had crappy offers, never made any money for a long time, and often thought about quitting.

That’s until I realized the power of an email list.

The most successful people on Twitter don’t generate their income from Twitter.

So I started putting all of my efforts into my email list and I saw my income increase gradually and consistently.

I started making more money while even doing less work.

I stopped relying on viral tweets and weekly giveaways. And it did wonders for me.

Here’s the exact roadmap that made my business succeed and it’s the only roadmap I’d use if I ever had to start over again. (which I don’t because I have an email list)

The Roadmap

Step 1) Build an Audience on Twitter (X)

A functional business needs traffic.

And the easiest way to get traffic is to build a following on social media. I recommend Twitter (also known as X now).

It’s got the fastest feedback loop of any platform. You can post 10 times a day if you want and test out all of your ideas.

Seeing how your ideas perform and which ones resonate more than others is key to building a profitable business.

Anyone who can tweet 3 times a day can build a following.

Step 2) Build an email list

The next step would be to build an email list.

Social media is great to get a huge amount of traffic for free. But that traffic isn’t yours.

You can lose it at any given moment. And most platforms don’t like it when you advertise your products or services.

For this reason, you’ll want to get people off Twitter and onto your email list.

Start building one as soon as possible.

Learn how to scale an email list, how to write emails, and how to stay consistent as early as you can.

These skills compound with time. The earlier you start. The more money you’ll make.

Step 2.5) Affiliate marketing

I’ve called this step 2.5 because this is optional.

You don’t have to do this, you can still build a profitable email business without this step.

But I highly recommend you to start out affiliate marketing for a number of reasons.

One of them is that early on you probably won’t have an offer in place.

You’re still learning how everything works and you have no idea what you want to do. But that doesn’t mean you can’t earn money already.

This is where affiliate marketing comes in handy. It allows you to pick a product from someone else.

Preferably one that’s selling and has a lot of social proof.

This way you can practice your copy in the emails you’ll write.

And even though your copy won’t be perfect. You’ll still earn money because of the sheer popularity and quality of the product.

Step 3) Build a high-ticket offer

Many people think the next step would be to create their own product.

But that’s not the best way to go about it actually.

For one, you don’t have any experience yet. You don’t know what’s going to appeal to people or even what pain points they’re struggling with.

Let alone that you know how to solve them for others. What works for you might not work for others.

This is why it’s recommended to create a high-ticket offer first. Think freelancing, coaching, consulting, or tutoring.

Something where you work 1 on 1 with (or for) the client.

Get some experience in the field and start creating your own systems.

You’ll also be able to start earning loads of money early on with this method.

Step 4) Build a product

Once you’ve got more experience it’s time to finally build your product.

The good thing about a (digital) product is the enormous amount of leverage. All you have to do is create it once and you’ll be able to keep selling it forever.

It’s almost an infinite money-making machine if you do it right.

The best type of products you could create are the systems you’ve developed in step 3) with your high-ticket offer.

You’ve experienced the common problems people have and you’ve created systems that are able to help them.

All you have to do now is to package these systems up nicely into a digital product.

From here on you can use your email list to keep promoting your products regularly and keep earning money from them.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B that’ll get you there in the next 30–60 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

The #1 biggest mistake most creators make

Today’s the last day to buy Simple Money Emails AND get 3 amazing bonuses for free. More information at the end of this email.

I’ve recently been doubling down on email.

And by doing so I came across the number 1 biggest mistake most creators make.

I recently watched an interview by Josh Spector.

Josh talks about audience and business growth, writes the infamous one-paragraph newsletter For the Interested, and is an authority on growing and monetizing an email list.

He was interviewing Kieran Drew. A famous digital writer (especially on Twitter) with his own newsletter who talks about the art of writing and building a writing business.

The two of them were talking about advice for current and future creators looking to monetize.

The topic I found the most interesting was when they were talking about the 3 keys to email marketing mastery.

I won’t cover all 3 here. But I will cover the mistake most creators make.

And that mistake is not getting to the point.

The reason you’re sending emails to your list is to make sales. So get to it, they say.

Don’t have a 10-day email sequence nurturing your audience and only promote your product on the last day.

Introduce your product on the very first or second day.

Even if you’re writing an email or having a sales call. Avoid spending so much time setting up your offer.

Instead, get right to it as fast as you can. Make it clear why you’re here.

Time is valuable. And people don’t like it when their time is being wasted.

So without further ado.

This is your last chance to buy Simple Money Emails AND get 3 amazing bonuses.

Here’s the deal:

If you purchase Simple Money Emails before midnight CEST / 6 pm EDT, this is what you’ll get for free:

If you’ve previously bought the course, then you’re eligible for the bonuses as well. All future bonuses will always be available to those who previously bought the course.

To avoid confusion: here’s exactly what you have to do:

1) Purchase Simple Money Emails before Friday the 18th at midnight CEST / 6 pm EDT.

2) Reply to this email with a confirmation that you bought the course

3) I’ll send you your bonuses for free

How I plan on scaling my business

I’ve been wanting to upgrade my email system for a while now.

Everything was running smoothly and it was time I started scaling.

One of the biggest milestones I wanted to reach before scaling was the launch of Simple Money Emails. And as you know, that’s done now.

(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go read the sales page)

I’m back home from my holiday as well, so it’s time to get started.

One of the first things on my to-do list was to create a welcome sequence for new subscribers. It’s a fixed collection of 5–6 emails new subscribers will receive each 24 hours apart.

The goal of that email sequence is to nurture more of a relationship. Get them up to speed with who I am, what I do, and what they can expect. As well as promoting a product or service of mine at the end.

Which, you guessed it, will be my Simple Money Emails.

This automates a lot of the sales coming in.

Once this is done I’ll be able to focus more on growing my email list with the revenue coming in from those course sales.

Meaning even more course sales. It’s a cycle that supports one another.

The perfect modern business. All made possible by learning how to send simple daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers coming back for more.

Another addition I’ll be making to speed up the growth of my email list is referrals.

As any good marketer knows, mouth-to-mouth marketing is the most powerful form of marketing there is.

While having a referral system in place isn’t the same thing as organic mouth-to-mouth. It still is a powerful tool that I haven’t been using.

Until now.

And to persuade you to refer my email to friends of yours I’ve added a nifty reward for you to claim: My Twitter Content Schedule Strategy.

It’s a guide I’ve written showing my exact content strategy.

It shows you the exact types of content I post, when I post them, why I post them, and examples of previous tweets I posted.

No fluff, no secrets, nothing held back. None of the high-level overview. Pure practical applicable value and 100% transparency.

You can steal the exact framework I’ve been using to grow both my Twitter and email list to where I’m at right now.

All you need to do is refer one friend. Whether that’s your best friend, your partner, your grandma, or your neighbor’s dog. One referral and it’s yours.

Read the widget below for more information on how to share this newsletter:

This is the only time I’ll be sharing this referral system in a daily email.

From now on you’ll only get to see it once every Sunday at the end of my long weekly email.