3 tips, 3 announcements, and 3 things you don’t want to miss

I’ve got 3 announcements for you today.

1st announcement: I passed the big 3K (3,000 followers) on Twitter last week.

I haven’t talked about or even announced it because I was focused on the promotion at the time. And it all happened so fast as well.

At the start of last week, I was still at 2,770. While I’m now sitting at 3,180. So yeah, things exploded all of a sudden.

I still wanted to do something special for the occasion, and so I will. But more on about that later (definitely read the entire email because you don’t want to miss this).

While I haven’t been the fastest grower on Twitter in terms of sheer followers and engagement, I have picked up a few useful lessons over the past 9 months.

So here are 3 tips that helped me grow my profile. (and might help you out as well)

1) Do not try to grow your following

This might seem counter-intuitive, especially since it’s a growth tip, but hear me out. Everytime I became too obsessed with growth, too focused on the number on my profile, it stagnated.

I couldn’t get it to move. I’d wake up each and every day only to immediately check how many followers I got. It sucked all the fun out of it.

And to be fair, the number of followers you’ve got doesn’t actually matter as much as you think it does.

You’re here to make money after all (I have no idea why you’d be on my email list if you aren’t). And you can earn money regardless of your follower count.

2) Don’t get your content inspiration from Twitter

Look I get it. You’re posting & engaging on Twitter. It’s easy to look at what other people are posting and become ‘inspired’ by it. And adapt your own content accordingly.

But that’s the fastest way to losing your authenticity and becoming another “Twitter Bro". Everyone on Twitter is copying one another, so don’t do the same. Don’t become yet another copycat who’s saying and doing the same things as everyone else.

Instead create your own way of doing things. Take inspiration from people off-platform. Read books, watch videos, take courses, and listen to podcasts.

Just follow the advice of Earl Nightingale and look at what other people are doing, then do the opposite. Aka, everyone is drawing inspiration from the same space (Twitter), so you go elsewhere.

3) What you’re doing is more important than what you’re saying

A 15-year-old kid in school could give the same advice as a 27-year-old who became a self-made millionaire with his lawn-mowing business. Yet nobody will listen to the 15y/o kid.

I’m not saying you have to be a self-made millionaire. But you do need a project. You do need to be working on something. Something you can show to the world to start building some actual authority.

And no, simply growing from 0 to 5,000 followers won’t build the type of authority that’ll get you paid.

2nd announcement: I’m building a new product teaching you all about client acquisition. Especially inbound leads.

It’ll teach you everything from how to get dozens of inbound leads with only 15 minutes of work, to easily closing consulting clients in the DMs as well as landing high-ticket coaching clients both with and without a sales call.

The product shows you how to take the entire client acquisition framework I use to get paid while working less than 3 hours a day and apply it to your own business.

But I'll share more about that in tomorrow’s email.

And here’s the 3rd and final announcement—and the one you’ve all been waiting for:

As you’ve probably noticed by now. This whole email is written in celebration of hitting the big 3K.

And because of that, I wanted to do something extremely special. I wanted to give back in an incredible way. Something so powerful that it becomes life-changing—and I promise you it is.

Yesterday I spoke about how I created my coaching offer last month. And how I’m charging $1,000 per month for my service. To keep it in the theme of today’s email: that’s $3,000 for 3 months.

So here’s what I’m going to do:

I originally planned on only working with 2 people at the same time. Because I value my free time and want to give each and every person the attention they deserve.

Except that now I’m going to increase the amount of people I work with from 2 to 3. This will be a lasting change for as long as I keep doing coaching (which could potentially only be a couple of months).

But that’s not all, no no the real crazy part has yet to come.

Instead of the $3,000 for 3 months, just for today, I’m giving you a 33% discount because of the milestone. So that means you’ll be able to get 3 months coaching for just $2,000. Which is a full month of coaching entirely for free.

So if you feel ready to invest in yourself and your future. And you’d like to level up your game and actually monetize your creator business to its full potential over the next 3 months, then hop on this chance right now by replying to this email.

PS: This is the only time I’ll ever offer you this chance. I haven’t posted this anywhere else, nor will I talk about this again in the future.

So if you so much as even slightly think this might be interesting to you, just hit me up by replying to this email. We’ll discuss the program so you can fully determine whether or not this is the best opportunity for you to take right now.

How to land $1,000+ coaching clients

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

A topic that’s on everyone’s mind is “How do I get (more) clients?”.

And it’s a topic which I’ve covered multiple times before. From multiple angles and perspectives.

But this has almost always been about consulting offers. Whether that’s one-off calls or packages of 4 calls. Never have I talked about high-ticket offers with monthly retainers such as coaching or freelancing offers.

There’s a simple reason why I haven’t covered those yet. For the longest time I simply had no experience with such offers. And as such I wasn’t qualified to cover them.

But that’s something I wanted to change.

So I’ve been putting in some extra work behind the scenes and made my very own coaching program. Limited to 3 people a month only.

And with that said, here’s my method for landing $1,000+ coaching clients.

Step 1) The handraiser

I like to keep things easy, and efficient.

You’ll never see me ‘hustle 24/7’. I try to do as little work as possible while optimizing the results I’ll get. So that’s why you’ll never see me engage in cold outreach.

But I don’t have to either—and neither do you.

That’s because the power of social media allows me to get tons of inbound leads. Leads that come to me.

And there’s an easy way to increase the number of inbound leads you get called “the handraiser”. You can use the handraiser in a variety of different forms, but the core idea always remains the same: you make the prospect raise their hand and say “I want this!”.

If you’ve been on my list for a while, you’ve seen me do this via email. Where I send a simple:

This makes people reach out to me.

Check out The Abundant-Client System if you want to learn more about the handraiser strategy and different ways to use it.

Ok great, I’ve got inbound leads. Now what?

Step 2) Qualifying in the DMs

I say qualifying in the DMs. But this could be anywhere.

You could hop on a call, go back and forth via email, or even send a courier pigeon if you’d like. The principles are all the same.

I’ve already gone in-depth into my 7-step framework to landing clients in the DMs in the past. And this step is very similar to that whole process.

With a few slight changes.

First, the aim here isn’t to close your prospect directly. The aim here is to discover whether they’re a good fit for you—and you for them.

I’ll first ask questions such as “What is the biggest problem holding you back from achieving your goals in your business/life right now?”, “What would you like to accomplish within the next 6 months?”, and “What results would you like to see in the next 30 days?”.

These questions help me get a good feel for what the prospect wants, what they expect, and whether I’m able to deliver the results they’re looking for.

Sometimes prospects want results I’m simply unable to help them with. And that’s OK. I’ll simply say so. If I know someone who’ll be a better fit, I’ll recommend them.

Better to be honest and upfront than to gamble, fail, and mess up your reputation.

Other questions I might ask are how much they’re currently earning online, which other solutions they’ve already tried (because you’re not the first one to speak to), how much free time they have available to work on this project, and how dedicated they are to this project on a scale from 1 to 10.

These questions serve the purpose of figuring out whether the prospect is a good fit for the program—as opposed to if they’re a good fit for me.

Sometimes I have another (less expensive) offer that’s better suited for them. If so, I’ll suggest that one instead.

Notice how I haven’t talked about my coaching program at all yet.

That’s the next step—after I qualified my prospects.

Step 3) The Golden Document

Now is the time to introduce them to your program/offer.

If you’re on a sales call, you’ll talk them through it.

But I don’t do sales calls. And you don’t have to either if you don’t want to. The easiest, most effective, and most efficient method I’ve found is creating a document going over your coaching program. Explaining everything as well and as persuasively as possible.

Here’s an example of mine: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XqCRuPQsH-9xn9B0cpLvjMriQmtut8WLv2bzbhA9scU/edit?usp=sharing

And as you can see. Yes, this is simply a Google document. You don’t need a fancy landing page to do this. Nobody really cares that much about it anyway.

If you want you could also create a Notion page. It all works the same way.

It’s easy to create, easy to edit, and easy to share. And that’s all that really matters.

So after I qualify the prospects, I’ll simply send them this document.

They’ll read it and reply to me with “I’M IN!” (something I asked them to do in the document if they’re ready to get started).

After that, I’ll simply send them a Stripe payment link. Once they’ve paid, I’ll start the onboarding process and it’s onto the program from there.

That’s the whole process. No fancy funnels, no extravagant landing pages, no unnecessary bullshit.

Just the fundamentals. Easy and efficient.

And if you’d like to take your skills one step further. Then check out my Abundant-Client System here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B. And we’ll work on getting you there in the next 60–90 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

How many is too much?

The Content Kitchen promotion is over.

In total I sent 9 emails in the past 48 hours. Something I never expected to do, but I’m glad I did.

Aside from having a good time writing all the emails and earning a nice chunk of cash, it was also an invaluable practice moment for me as well.

I even received a message from Elle Cheron, whom you should definitely follow on Twitter if you’re even remotely interested in productivity, about the sheer volume of emails I wrote.

She even literally told me “I’ve never seen anyone promote like you.” Which I took as a compliment.

Aside from that she also wondered if I got a lot of unsubscribed.

A fair question because it was something I thought about as well before doing this promotion.

Not because I think I sent an absolute shit ton of emails—I probably could’ve sent more without any issues. But because I had never done so before and most of my audience wasn’t expecting something like this.

That’s why I came up with a plan.

If you remember, there was one email early on in the promotion where I announced that I was going to write and send a huge amount of emails. I went on to explain 3 reasons for my decision to do so.

And I think this definitely helped me. Of course I’m just guessing, as I have no way of actually knowing.

But here’s the thing.

Only 9 people unsubscribed these past 2 days. Which is barely anything considering I normally lose 1–3 people a day on average, even when normally sending emails.

So it’s pretty fair to say that email actually helped at least a bit. That specific email was also based on a deep-rooted psychological principle that many top copywriters use in their sales letters.

The principle is that you can remove or lessen the effect of negative thoughts simply by addressing the fact that people might have that specific thought.

So for example, if you say something that might sound cliché, mention how much you realize that what you’re saying is cliché.

Or when you’re talking about something that sounds too good to be true. Mention how you understand it can sound too good to be true. You could even add a story related to it and show people that sometimes, things can actually be as good as you make them seem.

Or in my case: I thought the amount of emails might shock people. So I announced the fact that I’ll be sending that many emails (to mentally prepare them) but I also explained why I’ll do so. Which helps rationalize this feeling and makes people less inclined to think negative thoughts and unsubscribe.

Now, you might think “it can’t be that simple”. But often times, it really is.

I’ve found that the best strategies to follow, both in life and business, are often the most simple ones.

And that’s especially true with emails as well. So if want to learn how to write simple emails that make sales and keep your readers wanting more, then check out Simple Money Emails here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/SME

59 minutes left

No time to waste anymore.

This is the last email about the Content Kitchen cohort you’ll receive from me.

The doors are closing in just 59 minutes.

Here’s the question:

Will you make the conscious effort to invest in yourself and improve your life, your business, and the future of you, your kids, and your loved ones?

There’s no news about when the next edition might come around.

It could take 6 months before you get another shot at this opportunity. And by that time, the price will undoubtedly be a lot higher.

Click here now to sign up before you miss out on this amazing money-making, community-building, and life-changing opportunity: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort will only stay up until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

Will you make the right choice?

In less than 5 hours, applications for the Content Kitchen cohort close.

You won’t be able to get in anymore and lose out on all the value inside.

So here’s a question from me to you:

What will you do?

The clock is ticking. Time is running out. You can’t keep procrastinating on this decision forever. You have to make a decision right now.

Ask yourself: are you happy with the progress you’ve made so far in 2023?

Or would you like to grow and scale your business to much much greater heights in the coming 6 weeks and beyond?

Are you satisfied with the current income you’re making online?

Are you satisfied with the amount of customers & clients you’re currently getting from Twitter?

Are you satisfied with the community you’ve built and the amount of people you’ve met that you’ll know will be on your side until you die?

If your answer to any of the questions above is ‘no’. Then it might be time to rethink what you’re doing and act on this opportunity right now before it’s too late.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything. It’s up to you to decide.

But this could very well be the difference between you achieving all of your goals or you staying in the same place a year from now.

Still struggling to get engagement on your posts. Still struggling to consistently get followers and grow your account. Still struggling to close clients. And ultimately still struggling to get paid and build an actual business instead of playing pretend.

The choice is yours. Make the right one.

Sign up here if you decide to jump in on this opportunity: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort will only stay up until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

The creation I’m most proud of

One of the best-performing creations is my 7-step framework for landing clients in the DMs.

I regularly get messages from people telling me how amazing it is, how simple it is, and especially how effective it is. Just yesterday I got 3 messages from people telling me how they close new clients using my framework.

It’s one of the things I’m most proud of.

But it turns out closing clients is also one of the things people need help with.

Except I can’t help everyone. Especially most freelancers and agencies who want to scale using cold traffic.

For better or for worse, I decided to work with warm traffic only. Mostly inbound leads in fact. I have no experience with cold outreach and I don’t intend to get experience anytime soon.

I’ve got one framework. One script. One method that works for me.

Which obviously won’t work for anyone.

You know this as well. Nothing truly is a “one-size-fits-all”. People work in different manners. Have different perspectives, different opinions, and different preferences.

That’s why, ideally, you’ll hire a coach or someone with loads of experience and create your own way of doing things—together.

It just so happens that Content Kitchen offers you just that.

Of the many valuable pieces of content inside the cohort, one of the things struck my eyes. It’s in the “DM Outreaching Made Simple” masterclass.

They don’t have just one script, one framework, one method they’re using.

They have four! Four different modules with their own frameworks & scripts to go through and choose from.

Specifically, they’ve got 2 different approaches to warm DMs. Which is ideal to get different perspectives on how you can work.

They’ve also got a full module dedicated to the sending of cold DMs. Something I don’t have any experience with myself.

And lastly, this one looks really promising, they have what they call “The New DM”. A special type of DM that’s neither hot nor cold. One that takes your outreach game to the next level and gives you yet another perspective to learn from and incorporate into your tool belt or skill stack.

Because as we know, there’s never one best way. But there is one best way for you personally.

And that personal best way is one you’ll discover through the combination of specific methods you learn and combining them to make them suit your style.

Finding your style, your preference, and your most efficient style of doing business can take months or even years. But having so many options to choose from, combine, and experiment with will save so much time you won’t know what to do with all the time you’ll save.

So don’t hesitate any longer. There’s only 12 hours left to save your spot for the Content Kitchen and discover your outreach style. Enroll here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort will only stay up until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

It’s the bonuses, stupid

I received an email from Victor, a subscriber who joined Content Kitchen just a few hours ago. Here’s how it went:


You got me…

I wasn’t planning on buying [Content Kitchen] but your bonuses convinced me.

Even if the cohort wouldn’t be worth it, at least I’ll have spent my money well.


This reminded me of the famous rule that says most people buy an offer for the bonuses, and not for the offer itself like you’d expect.

So whenever you have something to sell, whether that’s a digital product, a coaching service, a physical book, a cohort, hell even a one-time workshop, never forget to add some sort of bonus.

They’ll make or break your sales. And that’s especially the case if you’re promoting an affiliate offer like I’ve been doing this week.

Because here’s the thing.

You’re on my list. So you’re interested in me in what I have to say and offer. Not in what other people have to offer.

I can only really make you aware of the offers of other people. I can’t make you instantly feel like you’ve got a relationship with them—no matter how good my copy is.

So far that reason it’s even more important to add some sort of bonus—to make it personal. And so you’ll still be able to get an offer that’s mine. An offer of someone who you’re connected with.

Just to refresh your memory, here are the 4 things I offer as a bonus for signing up for the Content Kitchen:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

Those first 3 are documents I created specifically for consulting clients of mine who were struggling with those topics.

Here’s a sneak peek of things you’ll be able to learn from those documents:

  • 10 simple & effective methods to capture attention immediately so every single tweet, thread, article, email, video, podcast episode, or voice note gets read, watched, or listened to

  • The 4 most important rules and methods to improve the look & structure of your writing so people will read everything from the first sentence all the way to your last PPPPPPS

  • An easy-to-implement idea that’ll make your content so engaging they simply have to finish reading it or they’ll end up thinking about it all week long

  • The only 3 feelings you’ll ever need to make people feel to make sure they’ll keep coming back day after day, so much so that it looks like you’re building a cult of mindless believers who want to be with you every waking hour

  • A hook-crafting method so simple all you need to do is pick and choose which Lego block you want to include in your hooks and where to put’em—and you’ll only ever need 6 different blocks

  • 3 hidden ingredients to put in your writing to ensure people just want to keep reading

  • 4 simple questions to ask yourself that’ll build your own one-person business so unique that competition will become a thing of the past based on your previous experience

  • The only & simplest way to build authority in your market no matter your level of prior experience or accomplishments

  • A foolproof process for making a solid income online right from the get-go that’s so easy even 13-year-old wannabe life coaches will be successful with it

  • The fast-track formula to acquiring knowledge in any topic or any skill so you can learn more in 1 month than what 95% of people takes 5 years & $40,000 debt to do

  • The one and only framework you need to get leads & make sales consistently, reliably, and efficiently used by legends such as Alex Hormozi and Russel Brunson themselves

  • The #1 writing framework that’ll make people want to buy every single offer you buy even if they didn’t even realize they needed it or had a problem in the first place

  • The 3 most important things to include when sharing stories and the reason why 90% of so-called “storytellers” don’t make any sales because they forget to include these 3 elements

  • A 4-step formula to ensuring that your offers are as attractive as possible so that people will have no choice but to feel stupid saying no

  • What to focus on when you don’t have a big audience yet, but want to start growing & monetizing your account—and it’ll only take you 10 minutes a day to do

  • A concept coined by Eugene Schwartz (one of the best copywriters of all time) so important it’s still being used by every single successful content creator—and those who aren’t aware of it are literally unable to succeed in this business

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort is live now and will only stay up for 5 days. That’s until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

Why self-improvement is a scam

Self-improvement is flawed and it’ll only hold you back.

Now that’s a statement, am I right?

Before we delve deeper, let’s first look at the exact meaning of “self-improvement”, just so we’re on the same page.

Self-improvement is “the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or character by one’s own efforts.”

Let me repeat that last part once more—by one’s own efforts. That’s where the issue lies.

Let me share a story to clarify what I mean.

Ever since I remember I used to be an avid gamer. From when my parents first gave me a PlayStation 2 as a child (somewhere around the ages of 8 to 10) to when I “grew up” and became old enough to get into the PC master race.

Gaming was my life back in the day. And I was competitive. It didn’t matter whether I was playing Call of Duty, League of Legends, or Overwatch. I exclusively played competitive multiplayer games where I could show my skills and was rewarded for the hours I spent practicing and mastering every aspect of the game.

I used to have this dream of becoming a professional esports player—as many gamers probably once had.

I used to spend almost all of my waking hours grinding away at the game. Improving my skills bit by bit. Ranking up as high as I could. Trying to discover all the tips & tricks, mastering new mechanics as I discovered them, and coming up with competitive strategies to give me any advantage I could get.

But I used to do it all on my own. And that got me only so far. I didn’t have a dedicated team to practice with. Nobody to push me forward. Nobody to bounce ideas off and come up with new and exciting strategies.

I became a very good player. Coming closer and closer to the highest spots on the leaderboard. But I never became a pro. There seemed to be this invisible barrier I just could not cross, no matter how hard I tried.

That is, until I found myself a team to play with. A tribe to work together and reach new heights. I suddenly found myself in the middle of an engaged and dedicated group of like-minded individuals.

I eventually gave up gaming and focused on achieving different goals in life. But that final period of my ‘gaming career’ is when I saw the most improvement in both my skill and my rank—and it wasn’t even close.

This is to say that yes, as it stands. Self-improvement alone won’t cut it. You can’t reach the highest of highs “by one’s own efforts”.

You need a group of like-minded individuals to grow together with. To help keep each other accountable. To discuss ideas with and keep improving at rates you couldn’t imagine possible. You need a community.

And luckily for you, Content Kitchen offers you just that—alongside hours of valuable content and personalized coaching.

So if you’re looking for a way to launch, grow, monetize, and improve your creator business. Then click the link here and save your spot today before the doors close in less than 18 hours: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort is live now and will only stay up for 5 days. That’s until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

15 reasons NOT to join Content Kitchen

I’ve written 6 emails about different reasons you should join the Content Kitchen cohort.

But I thought it was about time I changed it up.

So here are 15 reasons why you SHOULDN’T join the Content Kitchen cohort.

1) You can’t stick to a 6-week program

This one should be obvious. The Content Kitchen is a 6-week program. You’ll get access to an active community, with daily challenges and accountability.

You’ll get a whole bunch of courses to go through, and you’ll get access to 3 incredible coaches on standby to help you out every step of the way—which on its own is already worth the price.

So if you are the type of person to start something and then stop after a few 10 days, this obviously isn’t for you and you’ll just be wasting your money.

2) You like to take things slow

As I’ve said. It’s a 6-week program. And while you’ll get to go through everything at your own pace. You won’t be getting the value you should be if it takes you 12 months to go through the materials.

It’d be a waste not to make use of the personal attention you’re getting from the coaches.

3) You think sales is a scam

Look, honestly I see this way too much. For some reason people tend to have this idea that sales is immoral, unethical, and even inhuman.

If you share this idea then not only is the cohort not for you, but I wouldn’t even know why you’re on my email list.

If you can’t see how you’re able to improve the lives of other people buy helping them out and making them aware of the right products/services that’ll solve their problems, then there’s nothing more I have to say to you.

4) You believe information should be free

This one is similar.

Look I get it. Yes, you can find all of the information out there for free scattered around on the internet.

But here’s the thing, it’ll take you years to find, test, and learn everything you need. Not to mention the amount of effort you’ll have to put in to find and connect all the pieces of the puzzle.

If you don’t see how that much time wasted is costing you thousands if not millions, then the cohort simply isn’t for you—and this whole career path probably isn’t either.

5) You’re a solo player

Imma be honest. You can’t be a solo player in this business.

You can be an introvert, sure. Many people here are introverts to be honest. But you need to make friends, engage with others, network, and level up together.

There’s simply no other way about it. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

It also won’t help you that Audrey, a professional community builder, will teach you exactly how to build an active and engaging community inside the Content Kitchen.

6) You believe that if things look too good to be true, they usually are

I get this one. I used to be the same.

But this is coming from a scarcity mindset. This is how you stay poor. You think nothing can be THAT good, so it has to be a scam.

Look, the world is changing. There are so many opportunities out there, opportunities you can’t even begin to comprehend. There’s so much many to be made, so easily. All you have to do is open your eyes.

I can’t help you with this one. It’s a hurdle you have to overcome on your own.

7) You think the world is against you

The classic victim mentality. “Oh no this doesn’t work for me because xyz”.

No, get it together. The world doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care whether or not you succeed. The universe is indifferent. If things don’t work out for you, that’s nobody’s fault except your own.

And if you can’t accept that, then this offer isn’t for you—and neither is any other offer. Because you’ll complain about the algorithm, the mentors, the state of the world, the position of the sun, or whether the McDonald’s Ice cream machine is working.

8) You’re looking to learn growth hacks

That’s not what this offer is. It’s not a “get rich quick scheme”, neither is it a “get 10K followers in a month” service.

It’s a cohort teaching you all the skill you need to build your own successful creator business. A legit business. One that’s able to improve the lives of others. One that’s actually valuable and makes in impact in people’s lives.

Not a glorified meme account.

9) You want plug-and-play templates to follow

Look, at the end of the day. It’ll be up to your creativity to use the lessons you learned and transform them into something unique and worthwhile.

Something that’ll help make the world a better place.

We’re looking to make extraordinary results. Not to click some buttons once, make some money, and be money.

And that requires you to think for yourself. To create for yourself. And not to blindly follow what other people tell you to do.

So there are no plug-and-play templates for you to follow.

10) You need hand-holding to get work done

Similar to the one above, but different.

Yes, you will get personalized help. Yes, you will be able to ask questions and get live feedback on what you’re doing.

But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to put in the work. It’s up to you to make this work. Nobody will take your business and make it a reality.

The only thing other people can do for you is to teach you what you need to know and inspire you to act. But then it’s up to you to act.

11) You just want to copy-paste someone else’s stuff

Once again.

There’s no templates, no copy-paste, no plug-and-play, and no copying someone else’s homework.

Not only is it unethical and a dirty way to play, but reality will also come back to haunt you because in the end, it just doesn’t work.

If you thought it’d be easy to look at what someone else is doing to make money and just copy-paste their strategy entirely, then I’ve got bad news for you.

And you shouldn’t buy this offer.

12) You don’t want to make a difference

I’m not talking about solving world hunger or curing cancer. I’m talking about impacting people’s lives for the better.

If you’re just in it to make a quick buck, get yourself a nice house, a cool car, and be able to go on vacation 10 times a year, without any regard for how you make your money or no desire to actually help other people.

If you so much as thought about selling a bullshit course to people because you’ve heard from some guy that it’s cool and easy to scam people.

Then leave. Just leave.

13) You like scrolling for hours on TikTok

Nothing much to say here.

You just won’t make it.

14) You hate writing

I won’t lie to you.

You’ll need to write—A LOT.

Writing is the name of the game. Whether you want to grow on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or Spotify, hell even if you just want to build an e-commerce store.

Without good quality writing, nothing will succeed. You need to learn the basics of how to get people’s attention, agitate their pains, and make them interested in your solutions.

You’ll have to write a lot and often.

If that doesn’t suit you, then you’re in the wrong place.

15) You think $499 is expensive

Oh boy.

I don’t even know where to start with this one.

You’re probably just not ready if you think this. You haven’t got the slightest clue about how much life-changing opportunities cost.

I’ve bought books that were the same price as this offer.

They could’ve priced this cohort at $2,499 and it would still be underpriced for the value you can get out of it.

Think about what your life could look like after this cohort. Think about the freedom you have to work when you want to , where you want to, with whom you want to, and on what you want to.

Think about much money you could earn. You could earn someone’s monthly wage in 24 hours if you keep this up and build your own creator business.

Now if you think about all this, and still think $499 is expensive. Then honestly I have no idea what to say to you.

And I highly suggest you don’t even consider rethinking your opinion and just forget all about this cohort for good.

Because it won’t do you any good if you can’t understand all the good it’ll do for you.

If none of those 15 points apply to you, however. Then it means this is the perfect opportunity for you.

So what are you waiting for? Secure your seat here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort is live now and will only stay up for 5 days. That’s until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/


How to build a successful business in 6 weeks

One of the questions I get asked the most on Twitter is “What should I be doing?”

And I get it. There’s just so much to cover when you first start out wanting to build your creator business.

You need to think about content creation, networking, audience building, monetization, attention-grabbing writing, idea generation, storytelling, outreach, sales calls, closing clients, funnel creation, personal philosophy, your target market, offer creation, and so so so much more.

It’s overwhelming. It's even scary to get started.

There’s so much to cover but little time to learn everything. You’re easily lost, wandering without direction. Or worse, you think you have an idea of what you’re doing, but you’re actually heading in the wrong direction. How would you know?

See, how most people learn everything is through sheer trial & error. Which might take you months or even years just to get the fundamentals down.

But there are solutions to your problem. Specifically getting help from people ahead of you. People who’ve gone down the road you want to go down.

They’ll be able to steer you in the right direction, avoid the common pitfalls, and help you shave off months, if not years, of the time required to build your business.

They’ll show you how to build authority, how to close your first clients, how to create & sell your first products, how to grow you accounts, and how to come up with endless ideas to talk about so you’ll always have high-performing content to grow & monetize your business with for years to come.

So. I ask you now.

What would you rather do?

Try to figure out everything on your own and potentially waste 10 months and miss out on thousands of dollars you could’ve earned. Or get help from people who’ve gone down that same road before you and have your business up and running in the next 6 weeks?

If you’re anything like me, which I know you are since you’re on my email list, you’ll make the informed choice and choose the latter.

In that case, check out the Content Kitchen cohort here, because that’s exactly what they’ll help you do: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen

PS: I’m also giving you an incredible set of bonuses if you sign up through my link.

That’s because I want to guarantee it’s worth your $499 even if you don’t go through a single course the cohort is offering you, even if you don’t utilize the 1:1 mentorships the coaches are offering you, hell even if you don’t take a single glance at the community inside the cohort.

And so I’m offering you four FREE and yet SUPER-valuable bonuses if you enroll through my link. Bonuses which I’ve never sold before and also won’t ever sell on their own.

Specifically, I’m offering:

  1. Getting Inbound Clients (as a new creator) ($99 value)

    This is a document I prepared for a recent consulting client of mine. Here I show you the necessary fundamentals to build a brand that automatically attracts prospects to you.

    I’ll dive deeper into methods and frameworks you need to maximize the results you get out of the content you create, so you can get paid without doing any outreach.

    My consulting clients pay upwards of $200+ per hour and I’ve never had a client who wasn’t 110% satisfied with the value they’ve got out of it.

  2. The First Steps (of a one-person business) ($97 value)

    This is a general overview & roadmap I go through with many of my consulting clients. It teaches you all the basic fundamentals you need to get right to build & scale your creator business.

    Ranging from how to establish authority, to generating an income, and a fast track to acquiring knowledge so you keep growing for years and years to come.

  3. Writing For Attention ($97 value)

    This is a new resource I created for one of my most recent consulting clients. It’s all about the rules of attention-grabbing writing.

    I dive deep into the psychology of what grabs attention, what keeps attention, and what creates engagement.

    You’ll learn the big picture overview of how to write so that people will want to keep reading as well as tips & tricks to craft the perfect hook every single time.

  4. A personalized Audit (worth at least my hourly consulting rate of $249)

    And to not leave you stranded on your own I’ve decided to at this one-time offer (I’ve literally never done this before) where I’ll personally audit your creator business.

    I’ll take a look at your Twitter profile, your current offer, and even one of your latest sales emails and give you constructive feedback on all of those to help you grow faster, get more clients, and earn more money.

    If you don’t yet send sales emails or don’t have an offer yet, no worries. I’ll help you come up with an offer that suits you so you can start monetizing as soon as possible.

So there you go. If you want to enroll in the Content Kitchen cohort with a value of $5,341, that’s yours for just $499…

… or if you want my add-on bonuses that are worth a combined $542, which you can get for free…

… then here’s what to do:

  1. Join the Content Kitchen cohort at https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/

  2. Reply to this email with proof that you’ve joined the cohort through my link (receipt, welcome email, confirmation message,…)

  3. And I’ll get back to you with all of my bonuses worth at least $542


Enrollment for the cohort is live now and will only stay up for 5 days. That’s until Saturday, October 7th, 2:59 am EDT/ 8:59 am CEST / 5:59 pm AEDT.

That’s how long you’ll have to join both the cohort and get my bonuses. Both your purchase AND your reply to my emails have to come before Saturday at 8:59 am CEST.

So if you know you want them, why not get them now and save yourself the uncomfortable “I was too late” message asking if you can still get the bonuses—which I’ll say no to.

Once again, you can join the cohort here: https://alexvandromme–contentkitchen.thrivecart.com/content-kitchen/