My anecdotal secret to enjoying what you’re doing

Recently I’ve been putting in more effort into my business.

I’m writing more emails. I’m creating more content. And I’ve been talking to a lot more people.

The results?

I’ve made more sales. Released more products. Landed more clients. Came up with more ideas for the future. And above all, I enjoyed doing everything a lot more.

Hell, it’s not even just business-related.

I’ve started reading more as well. And weirdly enough. I actually started enjoying my time spent reading much more. Who would’ve thought?

Now, I’m no expert. I’m no psychologist or any other special type of person who studied stuff and can confidently say why this happens. No. I can only tell you about my experience.

But this isn’t just a fluke.

Take something you don’t despise doing. Something you find at least something interesting. And just do a lot of it.

You’ll become better at it. Start to discover the hidden intricacies of the skill you’re pursuing. And you’ll start to appreciate everything you’re doing—and can do—a whole lot more. Which often ends up with you enjoying the activity even more.

I’m not saying you can’t enjoy stuff you don’t do often. Or you can’t enjoy stuff you’re not good at. Far from it.

I enjoy playing the guitar and I’m awful at it.

But most of the time, your enjoyment only becomes stronger when you actually put in the time and effort to develop the skillset and the understanding to appreciate everything you (or even other people) are doing.

Which brings me to my point.

I won’t promise that learning how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients effortlessly will make it your favorite activity on earth. But I’m pretty confident that if you learn the fundamentals and know where to go, you’ll definitely appreciate the activity enough to actively start enjoying it whenever you spend time doing so—and nobody dislikes making more money.

Click the link here to learn more:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

The story of my first time

Many months ago, a much younger and much much less experienced Alex hopped on his first sales call.

It all started when received a DM from a follower called Amanda.

Pure inbound. Never spoken to her before. Didn’t even know she followed me.

She asked me whether I did coaching. Which surprised me because I had around 500 followers back then. So clearly I was doing something right.

Anyway, I actually hadn’t done any coaching so far, nor was I planning to start coaching prior to her message. The closest I had gotten to coaching was a few free consultation calls—which couldn’t have been more than 5 calls in total.

Despite all of that I said, “yeah, I do coaching”. Because why would I turn down a potential payday? My first-ever payday, in fact.

Then, funny enough, she had to ask me if we could hop on a call.

I quickly sent her my Calendly link and she booked a call for the next day.

That left me with a few problems. I didn’t haven an offer. I didn’t know how to do sales calls. In fact, I didn’t even know how to receive money if I ever got her so far to agree to my made-up offer.

So I got to work and busted out an offer.

I created a Stripe account and set up a few payment links (which are much trickier than they need to be if you ask me). And then it was almost time for my call.

I probably had an hour or 2 left when it dawned on me, “I don’t know how to do sales calls”. Luckily I got to know a good friend on Twitter back then, Jakob Risley, whose one hell of a salesman and had quite some years of sales experience.

So I told him about my sales call coming up and he sent me one of his sale guides he made on Notion.

I quickly rushed through everything to learn as much as possible. To this day I still use some of the stuff I learned from that Notion guide. Particularly the creation of a buying atmosphere to take the pressure off—because when people feel comfortable saying no, they are much more likely to say yes.

Anyway. Jakob gave me 2 guides actually.

The other guide was a “Sales Objections Master Guide”. And for some reason my stupid ass spent most of his time studying that one instead of the main sales guide.

I guess I was really hung up on the fact that I didn’t know what to do in case of objections. So hung up actually that I forgot it didn’t matter if I couldn’t handle objections when I wasn’t good enough to actually go through a proper sales call.

At this point, my time was up and I had to get on the call.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

She showed up—I was actually hoping she wouldn’t—and I greeted her. Asked how she was doing. Get some fun small talk in to lighten the mood. And then went on to ask her to give a brief description of what she was looking for.

I didn’t know better than repeating her and saying “alright that’s cool”. And I immediately jumped into explaining my offer—the one I just made up. I had actually made a quick PowerPoint showing her some of the “pillars” that make up my coaching offer.

After I finished the presentation which would’ve made my high school English teacher proud, I asked if she had any questions.

She did. I tried to answer them as best as I could. And then ended by asking whether she was interested in getting started.

Her answer? “I actually have calls planned with other coaches and want to compare first”.

An objection.

This was my time to shine. I would handle that objection and land my first client. I had spent most of my time going through the “Sales Objection Master Guide” after all.

Here’s what I said, “Alright, good luck with your choice. Let me know when you’ve decided”.

At that time. I was just happy to get off the call. I felt like a winner just simply having had a sales call, no matter the outcome.

Needless to say I never heard from her again.

Did I mess up? Yes. Big time.

Was this a waste of time? No. That was one of the best learning experiences I had. It was the start of something beautiful. My more recent sales calls looked nothing alike. And I’ve improved so much in such a small timeframe.

And all the time it took me to improve. All those mistakes. All those awkward calls and scenarios, just not knowing what to.

You can skip it all. You can learn from my mistakes and my experience.

It’s all in my Abundant-Client System. Waiting for you to click here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, click here to check it out:

5-year long chess player takes his first lesson

I’ve been playing chess on and off ever since the end of 2018.

That’s 5 years of playing, mostly online against random people. But I became more serious last year when I joined a real-life chess club—a new one just created at my university.

Joining that chess club meant regularly playing over the board (almost) every Thursday evening, purely for fun. Just catching up with friends and having a great time.

I also entered a few chess competitions on the side. You know. To see how well I’d fare against players who practiced, took lessons, have been playing for the better part of their lives, and regularly joined these types of competitions.

And, to my surprise, I actually did quite well most of the time.

Now, I never won anything special. But I always placed higher than I expected and sometimes won against people who I thought were (and are) much better players than I was.

The crazy part of this? I had never taken any formal lessons or schooling whatsoever. I learned everything through the sheer volume of games I played online and the occasional YouTube video I would watch.

That is, until yesterday.

I took my first chess lesson ever. Organized by that same chess club at my university.

I didn’t really know what to expect. But boy. That was a valuable lesson.

Not to bore you with the chess specifics. But the things I learned. I never even thought about the game that way. We were discussing game plans and the weakening of structures in ways I didn’t even realize mattered. And when I occasionally knew something was up, I couldn’t figure out why.

So yes. That 90-minute session showed me just how much knowledge I lacked. Which is amazing. Because now I clearly know what to focus on and where I can (and must) improve.

And that reminded me of something important. Not just in chess, but in all of life—business included.

The most costly things in life (and business) are those things you do not know you lack.

I did not realize an important fundamental rule of the importance of certain structures in chess. So I couldn’t even ask questions about it or educate myself on it because I simply didn’t know it mattered. I was simply unable to ask a question about it because I lacked the knowledge necessary to ask the question itself.

I lacked the knowledge necessary to realize I lacked knowledge.

Read that again. Imagine if I never would’ve realized that in my playing career. How would I have improved? How many losses could I have avoided in my life if I had known about (and could learn) this topic earlier? How many losses am I going to avoid in the future by knowing about this?

Answer: a lot.

Now reframe that to your life and business. How much money are you failing to make simply because you lack something you don’t even know you lack?

Answer: a lot.

And that’s the true power of education.

Now, I know this has nothing to do with chess. But you might be interested in learning more about how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients effortlessly and consistently.

You’ll probably pick up something you didn’t even know you lacked that’s costing you (effortless and consistent) clients every single day.

More information here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

How I’m using this launch as an experiment for a promotion schedule

This is the second email you received from me today.

The same as yesterday. And you’ll get 2 emails tomorrow as well. This is because there are only 3 days remaining until the price increase—and the full launch—of my Abundant-Client System.

I’m trying out a new email promotion schedule.

Now, don’t worry. I promise I won’t send 5 emails in the last 24 hours like the last time I did a promotion.

No. You’ll only receive 2, maybe 3 emails—I haven’t decided yet.

After the promotion is over I’ll let you know what the results were. If they were good results, as I’m 80% sure they will be, I’ll talk about everything I did and why I did it in a future Sunday mail.

I’ll also include a more in-depth look at the schedule in my Simple Money Emails course in case you’re interested in learning more about that.

That’s efficiency for you.

Doing one specific experiment and creating multiple forms of content out of it. While getting paid for each and every one of them.

As you might know, both simplicity & efficiency are crucial pillars of how I do business.

And my client acquisition methods are no different.

I don’t spend my time sending 100 DMs a day to a cold audience. Hell, I don’t even hop on sales calls anymore—not even for my $1,000 coaching clients. There’s simply no need for me to do so with the methods I’ll teach you in the Abundant-Client System.

All you need is a nice funnel, an easy method of qualifying the right prospects, and a clearly outlined page, which I call “The Golden Document”, describing your offer that you can send to your prospects and which does the selling for you.

I’ve written about this 3-step funnel in prior emails.

But I go more in-depth on how you can apply it to your business to get clients on semi-autopilot and make sure you get paid.

If that tickles your fancy, check out more information here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

Let’s play a game and see if you know the right answer

What do you do when a prospect says “It’s too expensive for me”?

Well, I’ll tell you what a reader of mine does (who obviously won’t be named).

Here’s what she said:


Whenever I am on a sales call I always decrease the price more with the fear that they won’t buy.


I won’t sugarcoat it. That’s obviously the wrong way to go about it.

Never, ever, in the history of the entire known universe has it been a good idea to lower your prices, nor will it ever become a good idea. That’s the last thing you’d ever want to do. Period.

That’s simply the biggest mistake you could ever make.

Lowering your prices shows that 1) everything you offer is negotiable (it isn’t) and 2) you don’t value your own stuff (you do).

It’s the fastest way to become a commodity. To become the same as everyone else (in your prospect’s eyes) to the point where you’ll have to compete on price instead of value. Aka, you’re competing for scraps.

So what would you do instead?

Will you say “alright, see ya later alligator. Happy (not) doing business with you” to your prospect?

Well, you could do so. If you hate money and/or you’re already a billionaire. Then sure, why not.

In any other case, no. You don’t want to do so either.

See, this isn’t a trick question.

There is actually a correct answer. In fact. I talk about 2 different approaches you could take, depending on the situation, in Module 7 of the Abundant-Client System.

The first approach will make it so the prospect will give you the money for the offer either way. Using this approach makes it possible to make your prospect agree to the price, no matter how expensive it is.

The crazy part? You don’t even have to change anything about the offer itself in 99% of situations.

This is perfect for making sure you always get paid what you’re worth, while also making the prospect even happier with their purchase and basically guaranteeing that they’ll buy every single time.

The second approach is a bit more spicy.

It’s a lesser-used technique I regularly use to get paid—without even doing any work. I sometimes don’t even have to put in any work for the main offer anymore.

Yet I still get paid, regardless.

Sounds impossible? Probably.

Hell, if I didn’t know what I was talking about, I wouldn’t believe it myself. An approach that makes your prospect pay you without having to deliver any work for the main service they were asking about (which they first said was too expensive)? That either has to be an outright lie or would be considered illegal.

And yet. It’s the truth.

Anyway, enough talk. Here’s the deal:

You can discover both of these approaches in Module 7 of my Abundant-Client System, which you’ll find here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

Big or small, I take’em all

I received a question from a reader today (who didn’t want me to share his name).

The question read as follows:


Hey Alex!

I’ve been on your email list for a few months now and I’ve genuinely been enjoying your emails.

Your product [the Abundant-Client System] looks promising and I’m on the edge of purchasing it. It looks awesome but I’m not sure if it’s for me. I don’t have a big offer yet, only the low-ticket [hidden for privacy]-service as you know.



So here’s the situation.

The reader above is starting out in his market and is still in the early stages of the game. He’s helping people out for free and occasionally gets paid because of an extremely low-ticket service (less than $50).

Now he’s wondering if a “client acquisition” product is for him.

My answer?

Yes. Absolutely. Even more so in fact.

Yes, I’ve included methods to close $1,000 deals in the product. But I’ve also included methods to get your first 10 free clients ASAP so you can get experience and launch your business.

In fact, there’s one particular framework that’s just the thing for the person who asked the question.

How do I know?

Because someone else used it for a similar situation—and was successful with it.

I’m talking about a reader of mine, Arlo Sanchez, who, 2 months ago, used the exact framework I teach in Module 3 of the course to land his first paid consultation client for $47—and has then gone on to make much much more.

So no matter where you’re at with your offer. This is for you.

Don’t believe me just yet? Check it out for yourself here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

To hop on this deal do this:

1. Buy it before the deadline at the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

I got dominated during my own call

2 days ago I hopped on a call with fellow Twitter creator, Excel.

He's a coach and ghostwriter with close to 10k followers, often works with CEO's and successful startup founders. But the crazy part? He's only 18 years old.

Long story short: he's the real deal.

So I was flattered when he told me he wanted to hop on a call with me to get some help with his client acquisition strategies.

And boy did he come prepared, let me tell you that.

So prepared it felt like an interview where he had multiple questions lined up and ready to ask one after another. He truly dominated that call.

See his usual strategy was "I send hundreds of cold DMs to random people and ask if they're tired of tweeting into the void". It had gotten so bad that he was sending 150 DMs at a time and hadn't gotten a single positive result.

He eventually got tired of it and hired an appointment setter to do it for him.

But he couldn't keep relying on that forever.

So explained him my methods and strategies. All of which have nothing to do with sending cold DMs. Let alone having to hire someone else to do it for you because it's so much work.

No, pure inbound leads, warm outreach, and effective methods that feel like magic.

After going through everything he made a remark that surprised me.

See prior to our call, he had join a workshop about client acquisition by JK Molina—another monetization legend in the space. And as it turned out. A lot of the methods turned out to be quite similar, but he apparently still felt that he was missing a piece of the puzzle.

Now I have never taken a course, workshop, or anything else client acquisition related from JK Molina.

So to hear that the quality of my methods rivals his—even outshining some of them because of the simplicity and ease of use. Well that's a lovely surprise to hear.

And even better for you because you can get acces to JK-Molina-and-Excel-approved client acquisition methods, framework, and strategies right here, right now:

PS: This is the last week you'll be able to purchase the Abundant-Client System for the heavily discounted price.

The product will triple in price after Friday 27th 11:59 pm CEST.

No exceptions will be made. Get it before then or be forced to pay 3 times as much. And if you'd like to buy it anyway. Why not buy it right now?

Once again, here's the link:

How to design your winning profile

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

I was writing a module on positioning for my Abundant-Client System when I realized I hadn’t ever written an article about one of the most foundational aspects of personal branding. Namely, the branding itself.

So this is where today’s article will come into play.

We’ll take a closer look at each and every aspect of your Twitter profile. And how to design it as well as possible for the outcome you desire.

Because after all, you can’t grow and reach your goals if you can’t make a great first impression. Which is what profile optimization is all about.

There are 5 core elements when it comes to optimizing your Twitter profile:

  • Your profile picture

  • Your banner

  • Your bio

  • Your CTA

  • Your content

Let’s not waste any more time and jump straight into the first one.

Step 1) Your profile picture

Your profile picture is how you grab attention on the timeline.

It’s what people see when scrolling before they even see your tweet/comment. So you’ll want it to be both attention-grabbing and recognizable.

And while both those aspects are important. They’re not the most important aspect for me.

Even more important than grabbing attention is the profile picture being in line with who you are. Which makes sense after all. It’s the first chance you get to introduce yourself.

And what would be a better introduction? Having a black-and-white picture of you looking to the right in a serious manner, photoshopped on a white background—and looking like a Dan Koe wannabe? Or showcasing your own personality by looking unique, maybe even a bit quirky or weird, but doing it your own way and not copying everyone you see on your timeline.

Conclusion: Uniqueness and showing your personality will get you further than copying others and following whatever trend is currently going on.

Step 2) Your banner

Banners are easily my favorite part of building a problem.

But so many people overcomplicate them and have absolutely no idea how to approach creating or deciding what kind of banner they should get.

See, your banner is your biggest piece of digital real estate once people click on your profile (above the fold). And because of that, it’s also the best way to show who you are and what you care about.

While your profile picture can only give a glimpse of who you are, your banner can give an almost complete picture—or as complete as you can get from a first impression.

Contrary to what many people believe, getting the perfect banner is less about what’s actually on the banner and more about the feeling the banner gives off. It’s all about the vibes.

  • If you’re a serious person, then get a serious, maybe even professional banner.

  • If you’re laid back and like to travel, then get a relaxing picture of a sunset at the beach.

  • If your greatest achievement in life is that time you won a chili pepper eating contest, then use a picture of you at that chili pepper eating contest as your banner.

  • If you’re a boring copycat who doesn’t plan on ever adding true original content and value to people’s lives, then get the same banner everyone gets which is a plain colored background with a simple message/slogan telling people what you do, and add an arrow that points to your follow button so people know you’re desperate to get more followers

If I made one thing clear, I hope it’s the fact that there’s a lot more freedom in the choice of your banner.

Like it or not, we’re in the attention economy. And the fastest way to lose is to do the same thing as every other person and follow templates that limit your personal creativity and expressiveness.

Step 3) Your bio

Your bio is where it gets a bit more ‘serious’.

With a character limit of 160, there’s not a lot of room for personality and feeling. And you’ll want to make sure everyone who visits your profile knows WHAT you do as well.

That’s what we’ll use the bio for.

You’ll want to include a few elements to craft a compelling & value-adding (to your profile) bio:

  • What do you offer?

  • Why should people care? (authority/credibility)

Let’s clarify this with an example. Take a look at my bio:

  • Left uni to create · Learn to monetize your audience while working less than 3 hours a day · Helped 23 clients monetize their creator business

It starts with a small image of what I’m about/who I am. To show people a transformation and the fact that there’s a story behind the brand.

Then it immediately talks about what I help people with. And finally, it ends with the last part that adds credibility to my previous claim of helping people monetize.

Your bio doesn’t have to follow the same exact structure. But I highly recommend including all of those elements in one way or another.

Step 4) Your CTA

Twitter gives you the option to add your location while editing your profile.

Don’t do this. I repeat, don’t add your location. That’s a waste of space.

You’re better off using that as a call to action to drive people to your website/link.

My ‘location’ is set to “Learn how to get paid 👉”.

Which brings me to another point.

You want to have a link, somewhere to drive traffic towards. Twitter is great for generating traffic. But that traffic is useless if you’re not driving it towards a place where you own your traffic and/or get paid.

This could be your email list, as is the case for me. Or it could be a landing page for a product or an offer of yours.

Whatever you do, make sure you have a link and a CTA as location.

Step 5) Your content

This is the most significant part of your brand. But for some reason, most people tend to dismiss it when talking about optimizing your profile or personal branding.

At the end of the day, no matter how your banner looks, what your bio says, or where you drive your traffic towards. It’s the long-term culmination of your content that defines—even creates—your brand.

From an outside view, your brand is the accumulation of all your content pieces over a time frame of 6–12 months.

If your bio says “I talk about horses.” and you have a banner of a horse, but your content is all about how to create music. Then you’ll be known as the music guy. That’s how things work.

You’ll want to write content that entertains, educates, and inspires.

Those are the 3 main pillars, miss any of those and you’ll find it extremely difficult to grow—almost impossible at times.

But above all: show what you do. Be yourself in your content.

Don’t talk about stuff you don’t want to be known for or don’t care about. Don’t hop on trends just because you see other people getting followers with certain posts.

Share your story and yours alone.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B. And we’ll work on getting you there in the next 60–90 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

My first and my most recent average email payout

I still remember when I received my first $1 (it was actually $5) from a donation I received on a free Gumroad product.

Oh how happy and excited I was. Truly I can’t even begin to explain it.

While a single dollar might seem insignificant, the meaning it holds is tremendously powerful. It’s the sign of possibility. The sign of my first victory. The sign of a future.

“If I can make $1, I can make $1,000,000,” I said to myself.

And while I’m nowhere close to making a million dollars. That’s still a belief I hold. Something only made possible thanks to the unlimited amount of leverage the internet gives you—digital leverage.

I’ve also been writing emails for almost 8 months now. And it still amazes me time and time again how powerful of a tool this is.

Last month I did a promotion for a cohort—a product that wasn’t even mine—and that got me a nice $675 in the last 24 hours only.

Then just yesterday, which was a normal day. There wasn’t a deadline that day, I wasn’t adding any special offers, no extra bonuses to get. Nothing to differentiate yesterday from the day before, today, or tomorrow.

As any other day, I’d spent about 15 minutes writing an email. And yet that single email paid me $114.78.

Now I don’t know about you but that’s a pretty decent hourly wage.

Not to mention the long-term value that I’m completely disregarding right now. And the fact that even after 8 months, we’re only just getting started.

Imagine what next year would look like. Let’s say I’d have 5x the list/audience size and only double the number of products and value to offer—which are extremely conservative estimations. That’s still easily 10x the payout I’m getting right now.

The result? Casual $1,000 email days with still only take 15 minutes to write.

Now imagine promotions and launches added on top.


Long story short: I truly can’t think of a better business model designed and optimized for longevity, autonomy, and freedom.

So my best piece of advice? Start building your email list.

And if you want to learn more about how to send simple emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day, then click here right now:

I’m giving away more value than I realized

Here’s something I realized this morning while finishing yet another module of my Abundant-Client System that I’m currently working on.

The people who already purchased it aren’t just getting my system at an insanely low price—so low it physically hurt me when I decided on the 67% discount instead of the 30% discount I was originally planning to do.

No no, they’re getting 2 courses in 1.

Now, it’s not another course that I quickly developed and added as a bonus or anything. In fact, as I told you, I didn’t even know I was providing this extra course. Not until this morning when it dawned on me.

So before I reveal to you what the other course is. I have to tell you about how I’m currently working on the Abundant-Client System.

You see, every morning, the first 2 hours that I’m awake I spend writing. I wake up and write. What I write depends on the day and the projects I’m working on.

For now that’s the client acquisition course obviously.

I sit down and I outline the modules, write them out, add important examples for clarification, find some nice bonuses I can add to make the course even more valuable, and just think about how to put as much value in the course while still keeping it easy to digest and go through.

Then every time I finish a module I immediately at it to the course on Gumroad.

Sometimes I go back to previous modules and make some slight improvements. Or I completely wipe modules and do an entire overhaul.

I might change the order of modules to make them easier to understand. Or I might just change the copy and the title of the module. But all of this is happening in real-time. Every 1 or 2 days there’s at least 1 big change and probably a few minor ones.

All public and visible to everyone who already has the course.

They can follow my every move. See every module I add, every title I change, every altercation I make to one of the modules, every bonus I decide might be worth adding, and every clarification, example, simplification, or expansion I deem necessary to make the course as flawless as possible.

And that’s what every early bird buyer is currently getting. A real-time live masterclass on how to ideate, prototype, create, and improve a course.

It’s a true “build in public” project. And one that’s available for everyone basically for free as a bonus. In fact, it’s only available before I complete the course and increase the price threefold.

So in some way, if you were to really think about it, you’re basically getting paid to get a live course-building masterclass on top.

Ok getting paid might seem a bit far-fetched. But it’s a fun idea to think about.

Anyway, whether I’m paying you to get the course or not. You might be interested in checking it out either way. In that case, check it out right here: