My most blatant pitch to help you make November your best month yet

Happy first day of the new month.

I hope October has been amazing for you, and let’s work on making November an even better month.

In fact, here’s how I can help you make November even better.

(This is probably the most blatant sales pitch you’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine me sending a more blatant sales pitch and talking about my offer more directly than I’m about to do now. Not even the old infomercials you saw on TV could compare to this one. If this bothers you, click away now. I’m telling you. Click away. I’ve warned you. Whatever happens now is because you decided to continue reading. Got it? Ok here we go…)

I’m helping 2 new creators like you add $1,000–$5,000/month to their revenue in 3 months or less.

I call this my Ascend Your Business Program where the focus lies on building simple but effective systems to help you land clients, sell products, and get paid consistently and reliably.

Here’s how it works:

We’ll first create a personalized roadmap just for you. We’ll look at where you are, what you’ve already done, and where you want to go so we can craft the best possible route from A to B.

Afterwards we’ll work on 1) Getting you the right traffic 2) Improving (or creating) your offer 3) Systemizing your client acquisition and 4) Productizing your knowledge so you can get paid even while sleeping.

This process allows you full flexibility.

Whether you want to keep scaling with your 1-on-1 offer or you want to eventually transition out of it and focus solely on selling (digital) products to maximize your freedom. The choice is yours.

To make all of this possible we’ll hop on weekly calls to keep up with your process and guide you to making a hell of a lot more progress (and profit) the next week. Aside from that you’ll have permanent Telegram access to me to ask whatever questions you have whenever you have them.

What’s the investment you ask?

I want to make the offer as affordable as possible for you while also making sure you’re invested in it so you’re bound to make progress and achieve your goals.

So instead of asking for monthly payments like most people do.

I’ve put the investment for the Ascend Your Business Program at $250 per week.

What’s so special about that you ask?

Well, I want to make you feel at ease at all times. You’re the one in control after all. So on top of that, you’re free to leave whenever you want and stop making further payments. No questions asked. If you feel like you’ve got the gist of it after just 3 weeks and feel like you can continue on your own—the ultimate goal of this program—then that’s the end of it.

No more extra payments.

You’ll also be able to start earning early so you don’t have to make a big investment hoping for the best.

Almost no risk to you while having an unlimited upside.

How to join the Ascend Your Business Program?

1) Reply “Let’s do this” to this email

2) I’ll get you onboarded

3) We’ll schedule our first call at a date & time that best suits you


I’ve gone full woo-woo with this one

I’ve been reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Been loving every single second of it so far. It’s an immensely popular book about spiritual enlightenment and I can see why. Every single page teaches me something new, allows me to think about life in a new way. And it makes me aware of ‘problems’—and solutions—I didn’t even know existed.

I could go on for a while about the new insights I’ve gained because of this book, but I want to shine a light on one particular sentence I found intriguing while reading.

This one:


“The problems of the mind cannot be solved on the level of the mind”.


In the book, Tolle talks about how the mind creates a false sense of self. You think of ‘you’ as being the same as your past and future, your feelings and emotions, or even your accomplishments and life situation.

And you can see this everywhere around you. People’s sense of self is often defined based on their achievements/failures.

You hear things like, “I am an engineer” instead of “I work as an engineer”.

All of these examples are things which are created by the mind. Social constructs.

But never anything real. 

So the sentence above refers to the fact that your sense of self—your being—can’t be created by the mind. Because after all, it’s your mind that came up with the mistaken sense of self in the first place.

Finding your actual sense of self, your actual being—the solution to your problem—can’t come from the mind. Your mind can’t understand it. You have to feel it instead. Because deep down you do. Deep down you already know all of this. But your mind is working against you—as it most often does.

Now I’m not saying I’m an expert on any of this myself.

I’m sure my explanation has some errors. I’ve just entered this new world myself. I’m actually still struggling with trying to ‘understand’ it—using my mind to solve the problem my mind created.

But I like this saying because it applies to everything. Not just spirituality.

All our problems are self-created. Whether in life or business.

But the way they’re created all differ. More specifically, what created them differs. And often times—or so I’ve experienced—I spend way too long trying to solve a problem by using the exact same type of thinking that originally created the problem itself.

An approach doomed to fail from the very beginning.

So remember this.

Every time you have a problem, come across an obstacle or encounter a tough life situation. Think about what created it. And do your utmost best to avoid that same line of thinking. Search out different perspectives. Look for methods outside the ones you already know.

You’ll find that those problems immediately simply cease to exist on their own or you’ll be able to fix them almost straight away.

And if you struggle with writing simple emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day, then you might want to check out another perspective on that topic.

I’m talking about the perspective I teach right here:

My emotional email-writing journey

I'm sitting in my room, writing my email for the day.

My three monitors, one in the middle of my view and the other ones to the side, turned on in front of me while the fourth one—a TV I use to watch shows and movies—is turned off.

Immediately beneath those three monitors is my piano.

I like being able to play on it at a moment's notice. It helps me get more practice in than I would if it were located somewhere in another room—environmental design at its finest.

Beneath my piano are both my keyboard and my mouse. My desk is like a carefully crafted and intricate design constructed with different floors to neatly put everything at the right height.

In front of my desk I have this nice, big, cosy reclining chair. You know. The type of chair you think about when I tell you to imagine a director sitting in his chair, feet resting on his desk, enjoying his single-malt whisky and smoking a cigar or something.

Anyway, I've been working on this email for about 5 minutes now when I suddenly look at the time and realize I have to do something else—don't ask me what, I don't remember.

2 hours pass.

I still haven't gotten back to that email. I didn't even think about that email in those 2 hours.

Suddenly I remember and immediate panic strikes.

I hadn't finished that email. But it ended up being scheduled to send out anyway. I pick up my phone. Unlock it. Open up my email. And there it is.

My unfinished email.

The subject line reads, "fill in later", blank subheadline, and the email it self. Oh boy the contents of it. Three sentences of introduction, all talking about a different topic followed by a listicle of 10 unfinished and typo-filled transitions, only to end with a half-written word which reads, "stu-…".

That's my email. My email which had been mailed to over 600 people on my list.

I started panicking. Not knowing how I could've let this happen.

Until I woke up and realized this way all a dream.

Now I don't know if this has anything to do with the fact that I took the day off yesterday. But dreaming about writing an email? A failed one as well? That's definitely a first.

Look this is the point at which I normally share an insightful lesson about the story I just told you. But I have no idea what's going on myself.

So let me just tell you that email is great and most people don't start dreaming about sending out unfinished emails (or at least I don't think they do).

Anyway, if you like to learn more about writing proper and finished email yourself, then go here: 

A well earned weekend off

Just letting you know that there’s no actual mail for today.

I’m taking the weekend off for once.

I’ll be back next week with my usual Sunday-type email.


An email a day keeps the doctor away

So my first “build-in-public” adventure is over.

I created, launched, and sold my Abundant-Client System. I purposely didn’t advertise anything on Twitter itself. That would’ve been the more “optimal” thing to do, but I wanted to see how good this would go using nothing but email.

The result?

I did quite well. Nothing extraordinary, no 6-figure launch or anything even close to it like you see your favorite gurus talk about—as if those things are the new standard.

No but it did give me my first ever $1,000 month solely from products & email. That’s without taking into account what I earn with my coaching & consulting work.

But the most important accomplishment?

I created a new product. And while it’s not making me rich yet, it’s one tiny step toward the goal of an easy passive “an email a day keeps the doctor away” lifestyle.

Because I could do this every month if I wanted to. I’m not saying that’s what I’ll be doing. I won’t.

But I could technically create a new product every month.

I could iterate those products over time. Build an insanely valuable backlog of products. Make them all as good as I can make them. And they’ll keep growing more valuable over time.

Slowly but surely. Step by step.

That’s giving you an insight into how I think about business and what my philosophy is like. I don’t care much about creating 6-figure offers. Or doing really high-ticket sales. Nor do I care about making $10,000 right now at this moment.

I care about building a simple and enjoyable—the most important part—a business that gets me paid consistently and reliably without much hassle.

One where I can choose how much content I create for the day.

Do I want to write 10 hours and finish writing half a book or do I want to relax and just spend 15 minutes writing a 400-word email like I’m doing today? Both are fine.

That’s also what I’ll be doing this weekend.

Taking a bit of time off. Relaxing because I earned it.

Go here in the meantime to learn how you can build a relaxing “email a day” business yourself and get paid reliably and consistently:

P.S. I’ll probably be overhauling my Simple Money Emails course this month.

Completely rebranding it, even going as far as renaming it. I might increase the price later on as well while I’m at it. No specifics just yet. Will share more about it in probably a week or so.

But you’ll probably do yourself a favor by getting it early rather than later if it already piqued your interest.

Time’s almost up

You know the drill.

You’ve seen me talk about my Abundant-Client System for however many emails now.

Either you’re interested in leveling up your client-acquisition game and you hop on this chance to get my product for a mere fraction of the full value. Or you’re simply not interested in learning how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients consistently and effortlessly, in which case you probably shouldn’t get the product. I wouldn’t want you to make useless investments after all.

But those are really the only 2 types of people that should be on my list.

Don’t let me catch you being the type of person who’s a bit interested, maybe, maybe not. He doesn’t really know. He’s not sure if it’s for him and decides to sit around, wait, and do nothing.

Worse even. Some people want the product but keep procrastinating and only end up attempting to buy the product after the deadline.

After which they’ll send me an email where they come up with a sob story of how they couldn’t get it in time and ask whether I could still give them the discount even though I clearly stated—way too many times—when the deadline was due and that there will be no exceptions.

Trust me. I guarantee I’ll get emails like those.


Think about what you want. Make a decision before it’s too late so you won’t regret it later.

If you’re reading this, there’s less than an hour before the discount is gone for good.

Here’s the link:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST today (that’s less than 1 hour remaining)

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

The dark & light side of email reminders

Exactly 3 weeks ago, I sent a “59 minutes left” email for the Content Kitchen cohort I was promoting at the time.

Some people hate emails like this and think they’re scammy, salesy, pushy, or some other negative word ending in -y.

They’re missing the point.

See people are forgetful, indecisive, and they procrastinate. Sending emails like those are meant for their own good. To help them make the best choices for themselves.

Here’s a reply I got from Cassie May—who bought herself the $450 ticket for the cohort—to my “59 minutes left” email 43 minutes after I send it (16 minutes before the deadline):


Glad I snuck in right on time!

Thanks! Excited!


A short & sweet, but powerful response.

It shows you that if you have quality offers. People will thank you for making sure they’re more than well-informed and don’t miss the opportunity to buy.

And it’s the same with my Abundant-Client System.

I’m making sure you’re well-informed and aware of what’s going to happen. You still have the opportunity to buy until later today (Midnight CEST).

After that? You can still buy, but for 3x the original price.

Will I send you a “59 minutes left” email tonight? Maybe. I’m not sure yet. I don’t owe it to you to send these reminders.

So if you plan on buying the product. Save yourself the trouble and get it right after you finish reading this email.

Here’s the link:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

The biggest mistake holding me back from landing more clients

A few emails ago I shared my first time hopping on a sales call.

It was one of the longer emails I’ve written in the last few days, maybe even weeks. I filled the email with as much as I could, while still trying to keep it to the point and entertaining.

Not too much exposition, but not too little either.

But there’s one big part of the whole story I left out. Well, not necessarily something that happened in that story. More how I felt and why I made the choices I made.

See, I was needy.

I looked at the possibility of getting my first client. And I just needed to have it. I needed to close her. To convince her to give me money—even though I just made up my offer a few hours prior to the call.

And as anybody intuitively knows. It never pays to be greedy.

You need to understand that in every interaction, whoever needs the result less has the power. They have the upper hand. They have the bargaining power.

This goes for everything. From sales calls to applying for a job, going on dates, selling second-hand products, asking for a raise, buying a car, deciding where to go on holiday next year, hell even deciding where to eat.

So if you want to make the most out of every life situation, understand this:

You are the prize.

They need to pass your qualifying process. Not the other way around.

Even if you don’t feel like you’re the prize. Figure out your shit and find a way to feel like the prize. No matter what process or growth you have to go through to end up feeling like it. Work on yourself. Get yourself physically, mentally, and physically right. All of these will aid in every aspect of your life. And the result will be a mindset shift that’ll serve you for decades to come.

And while this is a mindset shift you can technically make at all times.

There is a practical element you could do to make it easier for you to reach this state of feeling like the prize. Especially when it comes to feeling like the prize in your sales calls.

More specifically, the act of getting more clients.

No matter how paradoxical—or obvious—it sounds. Getting more clients will help you get more clients. Not just because of the case studies, or the referrals, or the social proof, or anything of that matter. No, nothing tangible like that.

A part is because of your experience and your confidence that’ll increase, yes. But even that’s not the full picture.

The biggest change and the biggest reason why you’ll be able to get more clients?

You’ll be less needy.

You already have clients. You’re already getting paid. You won’t actually need yet another one. They need you to improve their situation, not the other way around.

And that brings me to the fastest way I know of to help you immediately land more clients no matter you’re prior experience or skill level. My Abundant-Client System which you can still get for a whopping 67% for the next 16 hours.

Click here to learn more:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th (aka, today).

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

Would you like to be able to completely ignore your competition?

Your aim should be to build a competition-proof business.

I previously talked about competition-proof businesses regarding ideating and creating an offer your audience desperately needs. And one that’s unique to you, one that only you could offer. One that can’t be swiped, copied, or stolen.

And sure that’s a big part of building a competition-proof business. But there are 2 other techniques you could use to do so.

One of them is proper positioning.

See, most people hear ‘positioning’ and they think about cost-leadership or product differentiation. Or maybe, just maybe, they’ve read and researched a fair bit and they think about Blue Ocean Strategy—a book by Renée Maubornge and W. Chan Kim, and worth the read.

But that’s far from it.

They’re thinking about it in the traditional way. The old way businesses have been thinking for centuries. They’re overcomplicating it, but they also had to for various reasons.

See, we live in the digital age. With digital leverage and the possibility to build a personal brand, to turn yourself into a business, not just own or work in a business.

We can use the new way, the more efficient way, the easier way, or simply the better way.

Think about it this way:

Whatever business you’re in. There are undoubtedly lots of other people in that same business. But there’s only one you, which means there’s a position you can take that’ll allow you to build a world that’s yours and yours alone.

A method that allows you to take a position which has the prerequisite that the user has to be you.

A position that’s competition-proof.

Because who could compete with you on being you?

But there’s a caveat to be made here. While I do talk about it in detail in my Abundant-Client System. I can’t tell you what to do. I can’t even tell you how to do it. All I can do is inspire you and guide you in the right direction.

There’s just no possible way for me to tell you what to do. Imagine if I could create a checklist, a template, or a roadmap for you to follow. One where you just had to execute the next step in front of you. That would take away the magic of positioning yourself as you.

As long as you could use a checklist I made to reach your goal, then someone else could do so as well.

Enabling competition in the process.

So take this into account. Yes, I have included my sales frameworks which you can follow step-by-step to land clients in the DMs. But no, not everything I talk about will be easy to implement. I can’t hold your hand throughout the whole journey. You’ll have to venture out on your own if you want to get the full 100% out of the course.

If you’re unable to do so. then maybe reconsider whether this purchase is the right one for you.

In case you’re still interested in hearing more. Then by all means click the link here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th (tomorrow).

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link:

Discover what your audience desperately needs

I’ve been talking a lot about how to get clients as of late.

Mostly about how to qualify them, reach out to them, get them to reach out to you, close them through conversation, either on a call or in the DMs, and a lot more of those kinds of topics.

And all of this is great.

But there’s one underlying aspect that doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves. That’s the offer itself.

A big part of getting clients is dangling the right offer in front of them.

Everyone can make an offer that some people are slightly interested in. But creating an offer that most people—or at least your target audience—desperately need is a whole different story.

Lucky for us, there are a few ways you can discover what your audience desperately needs and come up with the perfect offer, making sure you’ll always get flooded with clients, without having to make much extra effort.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this.

Get the right offer, the thing your clients don’t even know they want yet. The offer that once they see it, they just desperately need because it’s the only thing that’s able to scratch the itch they’ve got in their mind. And you’ll be flooded.

If you’re not careful, you’ll be overrun by a demand you simply can’t handle if you’re not prepared for it.

Using one of these methods to create these kinds of offers also allows you to effectively build a competition-proof business. Simply because nobody else 1) came up with your idea and 2) once they see your success, they simply can’t copy you like they would with other offers.

And believe me, they’ll try to copy you.

They always do.

But in this case? In this case, they’ll simply be giving you more business and more recognition, instead of taking business away for you.

You’ve essentially created an offer so good and so unique (because of your methods to know what your audience needs) that every attempt at competing with you will only make you stronger.

Is this a strong claim?

Absolutely. I might even say it’s the strongest claim I’ve made in all the 8 months I’ve been writing emails. Hell, I don’t think I’ll ever come close to making a stronger claim. At least as of now I’m simply incapable of making a stronger claim because I just don’t know anything more powerful than this.

And coincidentally, I’ve also been doing this religiously for about 120 days—and even longer unreligiously.

The crazy part?

For the longest time, I’ve been doing this without realizing that I was doing it.


I’m doing it right now. Or at least I’m currently building the foundation and the setup to use the method right now. Me typing this word—this one—is part of my masterplan to create the best offers that my audience desperately needs and makes my business all but competition-proof.

You might have figured out one of the methods that I’ve been hinting at and teasing for most of this email right now. Or you might not.

Either way, there are still a few other methods I talk about in Module 8 of my Abundant-Client System that work as well—if not better.

And when combined?

Oh boy, you’ve got a real powerhouse then.

Anyway, if you’d like to learn more, you might want to click this link here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: