An email that won’t take you longer than 32 seconds to read

Would you be interested in working with me to scale your creator business to $5,000 per month?

Reply ‘monetize’ to this email if you’d like to hear more.

I’ve still got 2 more spots open for this month.

You are free to open or delete this email

In the year 2000, two French researchers wanted to know if they could influence the likeness of someone agreeing to your request using just a few specially encoded words.

The exact experiment went as followed:

They would go around to random people on the street and ask for bus fare, telling them they didn’t have any. Remind you, they were total strangers. But there’s a twist. They thought they could increase how much money people received by using a few words at the end of their ask.

And they succeeded.

They discovered a technique so simple and effective that it doubled the amount of bus fare people would give them.

From then on, this technique has been used—with an incredible success rate—by salesmen, charities, voluntary surveys, and many more over the last 2 decades.

Let me repeat this.

There is a set of simple words, no more than 4 words actually, that can literally double the likeliness of people saying yes to whatever you ask them.

I don’t know about you, but that’s insane.

And what’s more insane? All of us can use it immediately. Today even.

You could start using it directly after reading this email and get double the amount of clients you would otherwise. I’m not even joking about this. This is absolute fact, something that’s been recorded in over 42 studies with over 22,000(!) participants. And it turned out to be true every single time.

Hell you could even stop reading any of my emails right after I tell you those 4 simple words, you don’t have to read another email in your life, and you’ll be on your way to double the amount of yesses you’ll get for life.

(Please do keep reading my emails, I enjoy you being on my list. But you are free to leave or to keep reading of course.)

You’re probably interested in knowing those magic—trust, me, they’re magical, 4 words by now, right?

Well ok. I won’t keep teasing you anymore.

Here are the magic words these researchers used in their own experiment, “But you are free to accept or refuse.”

That’s it. So simple.

This is called the “but you are free” technique. And you can use it however you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want. It’s that powerful.

Why does this work?

Well, it’s because people are more likely to be persuaded to give when your ability to choose is reaffirmed. People like to be in control. And they always are. But it doesn’t always feel that way. So show them, tell them, make sure they realize they really are free to choose whether to accept or decline, they are the ones in control.

You’ll quickly notice that when people realize this, they’ll gladly say yes to your requests.

There’s even something more crazy.

The “but you are free” technique doesn’t just apply to face-to-face conversations. No, no. It even works on the phone, via text messages, and yes, even through email.

And talking about email.

Maybe this is the perfect time for you to start building your list. To start sending more emails, to build more products and sell them through your emails, or even just to get more clients for your service business.

Whatever it is. Email will help you achieve more and get you paid more reliably and consistently.

In that case, you should check out my course Email Extraordinaire. But of course, you are free to accept or refuse.

Here’s the link:

Looking back on my crazy transformation and how I achieved it

I successfully launched my Abundant-Client System last month.

It made me look back on all the things I’ve already achieved so far. Things such as: growing a 3,000+ follower audience, landing multiple consulting clients at $249/hour, and successfully launching and selling multiple digital products almost entirely on autopilot.

But it hasn’t always been like this.

Many months ago I had nothing. I hadn’t written a single email nor had I written a single tweet in my life. I didn’t know what a USP or an ICP was. Let alone that I knew what a funnel meant.

But that didn’t hold me back from trying—and eventually succeeding.

More specifically, there are 3 things that helped me achieve these results:

1) Get clear on what you’re building for

Look. I get it.

Everything looks cool, everything looks fancy, and everyone has a different opinion about how to do business and what you should focus on.

But you can’t do everything. You can’t follow everyone’s advice.

You have to decide for yourself what matters. And for me? That’s freedom. Freedom to create what I want. Freedom to work when I want. Freedom to work however I want and freedom to work from whenever I want. I know I could probably earn 10x as much as I’m currently earning by doing stuff differently. But that would require me to spend a lot more time on certain things—think cold outreach, doing more coaching, or even done-for-you offers.

And that’s not what I’m here for.

2) Build your email list correctly

So this one is two-fold.

First, I needed to have an email list. And you should probably get one as well. It builds better relationships, it converts better, it safeguards your business, and it shows your competence and dedication like nothing else.

Secondly, it has to be done correctly.

A weekly newsletter simply won’t get the same results as a daily one. Neither will daily emails without personality, without stories, without entertainment, and without valuable insights.

But just giving everything away, unlike Hormozi and his army of fanboys want to make you believe, won’t work either.

3) Create different

Some people won’t take this well.

But nobody cares about your viral hook swipe file or your 200-page how-to-grow ebook. It’s overdone, it holds no value, it holds no personality, and it will turn you into yet another copycat of everyone else, and nobody, especially not your potential customers, would be able to tell the difference.

So why would anyone choose for you and your stuff?

See. A lot of people fall into this trap, and I get it. It’s easy. But sadly it just doesn’t work.

Luckily, it’s also so easy to be different, to stand out, to actually offer something unique and make yourself seem valuable—once you start thinking about it and actually make an effort to give something only you can provide.

And that’s the key to making all of this work.

Now I know this takes time. And it’s a process you have to start and force yourself to grow through, to take action and make it work.

But that’s where I show up and where I can help you.

If you’d like to make a similar transformation. To grow AND monetize your own brand. If you’d be interested in building your own freedom-focused business and getting paid while working less than 3 hours a day. Then I’m here for you.

Simply reply back to this email with “Freedom” and we’ll talk.

My emails are on the move, slowly but surely

I’ve made even more changes.

Today’s change is less noticeable at first glance—or maybe it’s extremely noticeable to you, it kind of depends.

See I changed my sending domain, the address I use to send emails from.

I used to be sending emails from “”. That was what Beehiiv originally recommended me to use when I first set up my custom domain. But that’s suboptimal for me for more reasons than one.

Reasons that mainly have to do with deliverability. Aka, “Do you receive my emails and are they being sent to your primary inbox?”

That said, it might very well be the case that you’re not receiving this mail from that specific address.

And that’s because of Beehiiv.

They have this advanced “Smart Warning” functionality built in that slowly ramps up the number of emails that are being sent from the new domain I want to use. This is because you want to “warm up” your new domains so Google and the likes don’t perceive you as spam when you suddenly start sending thousands of emails out of nowhere.

So Beehiiv is—I think randomly, but I’m not sure about that—selecting a few readers at a time who’ll receive my emails from the above-mentioned address, while the others will receive an email from a domain. And then slowly ramping up the number of people that receive emails through my custom domain.

This won’t take long, however.

Such practices are mainly being used for lists with tens of thousands of readers. And I haven’t got nearly that amount. My list is small, so it might only take a couple of days until everything is sorted.

That said.

This explanation has been rather technical so far—or at least to “technical” for my liking.

But the reasons why I’m doing it—to eventually improve and safekeep my deliverability—are far from technical. Or at least how I’m going to do it. I don’t tinker around much with specific tricks or hacks. I don’t even know what DKIM records or all the other stuff means. (I know the words because I see them in the settings menus)

No instead I use simple principles, non-technical principles, to make sure my deliverability is high.

To make sure I don’t end up in the spam folder. Or at least as far as I can control that myself, which turns out that around 60% of the deliverability is in my (and thus your) control.

Mainly I’ve got 10 guiding principles.

Principles once known and thought about will make sure I get the best deliverability no matter what.

Now I’m far from an expert on this matter, but that’s a positive thing. Because I’m guessing you’re not an expert either. So the principles I’m using will be ones you can easily use and adopt yourself to improve your deliverability, to ensure your emails get received, placed in the primary inbox, and actually opened.

And no.

I’m not talking about re-engagement emails where you send an email to people who haven’t opened an email in the last 60 days whether they want to remain on the list or you’ll unsubscribe them, I’m also not talking about re-sending your emails to people who don’t open them. I’m talking about none of that.

In fact, those things only hurt your reputation and do you a lot more harm than good.

But alright enough.

Want to know what I am talking about? Want to learn the principles I use to make sure your deliverability goes through the roof without any technical mumbo-jumbo?

Good. I talk about it fully in Module 13 of my course, Email Extraordinaire.

So check out Email Extraordinaire today via this link:

See? Didn’t I tell you I’d be making major rebranding choices?

I changed the font of my emails, and every other piece of content by extension—again.

This is the second time I changed the font of my emails.

The first time I ever changed it was months ago, probably around April.

Back then I changed it to the cool-looking ‘Montserrat’ font. There were only 2 problems with that one. Well, not really problems, but more “things that I didn’t like about it”. Still, those 2 “problems, but not problems” couldn’t stay as they were and I had to change them.

The first problem was a rather simple one.

Changing my fonts to Montserrat wasn’t my idea. It was Dan Koe who used Montserrat for most of his content—although it looks like he’s been switching it up as well. Still, he loved the font, he used it all the time, and he thought it looked cool.

I didn’t even know what a Montserrat was before Dan talked about it. All I did was say, “oh that looks cool, that’s mine now.”

Second. And this is more of a technical issue.

While I technically wrote my emails in Montserrat it would only show on desktop. It wouldn’t show on mobile, at least not as far as I was aware, anyway.

This means that you might not even have known that I used a different font to write my emails. People who read my articles online knew. People who got any of my courses knew—I wrote all of my courses in Montserrat as well.

So was always this mismatch. One I didn’t like.

And having my emails stand out—by literally being in a different font—was one of the main reasons why I changed it in the first place. That’s why I changed it again. More specifically, I changed it to a lovely font called ‘Georgia’. A font that gives more of a vibe that reflects me. Not someone else.

And this time?

This time the font change happens both on desktop as well as on mobile—although on mobile it slightly changes the font to one that I have no idea what it is, but it’s similar enough, so oh well.

But it’s about more than just having emails that “look different”.

It’s about creating a world. A world that’s entirely different than what people are used to. A world with a clear entrance, to which people immediately say “Wow this looks different”.

You just know when you enter my world.

It looks different, it feels different, it smells different, hell it even tastes different. It’s intriguing. And you don’t want to leave it. You come to accept it, to appreciate it, and even to love it.

That’s how you create more than “yet another business".

Another part of it is how I create my products. I don’t do none of that video stuff. I don’t overload you with 15 hours of content to go through. I don’t add random fluff or stupid bonuses, templates, or checklists to my content to catch the attention of the normies who want a quick and easy way to copy/paste their way to the infamous $10k/month.

I don’t do any of that.

I give you the golden fundamentals. The building blocks you need to make it work. And I give it to you in a straightforward fashion. One you can get through in under an hour if you want to, and immediately take action and see results as early as the same day.

Sounds interesting?

Good. Check out more by clicking on this link:

P.S. Imagine how funny it would be if the font changes don’t show/work for you but I spent all this time talking about it.

So in that case, please give me a reply and let me know about this issue. Attach a screenshot to show me how it looks if you can.

I care about your reading experience.

Are you bumping into your readers everyday for a quick chat?

Yesterday, I received a message from Henry, a reader and self-proclaimed ‘middle-aged finance bro with an entrepreneurial streak’.

He picked up my Abundant-Client System recently and he mentioned how it was only after “the 20th email” that he thought to try it out—and how he’s glad he did.

He then added the following line about my daily emails:


You've hit a very good cadence. It's like bumping into you in the common room everyday for a quick chat.


And I just love that.

That’s the exact feeling I’m going for and the main reason why emailing daily is the way to go, as opposed to only showing up once a week in your reader’s inbox.

This whole business, it’s all relationship-building at the end of the day.

And who’s going to build the strongest relationship? The guy who shows up once a week with a “5 tips to get more work done” email or the guy who shows up every single day, never skipping a day, not even Christmas, and invites you into his world, shares his stories with you, gives you valuable insights, and makes sure to interact with you, to entertain you, and be there for you at the same time forever.

It’s like Henry says.

Your goal is to be that one friend you meet daily in the common room when you take a break, that one colleague you talk with daily when refilling your coffee, he’s there every single time. Giving you a break from work—from life—and entertaining you for a short while until it’s time to go back to whatever you were doing.

You’re being transported to another world in a sense.

A world you’d much rather be in than whatever world you were in previously. Whenever you have a break, or even while you’re working, that’s what you’re looking forward to.

You just can’t do that with your standard weekly email.

You’re not close enough. It’s not frequent enough to build that same relationship.

So ask yourself:

Who would you rather be? What type of relationship would you rather have with your audience? Equally, if not more, important. Who do you think actually gets paid?

And if you’d like to learn more about how to send high-quality, even extraordinarily high-quality daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day—looking forward to having a chat with you in the common room.

Then click here:

3 Email Commandments to make more than you could ever imagine

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

I often get asked questions about what exactly my courses cover and what they look like.

I also get questions about the frequency of new material being added and whether those new modules are any good—a good question because everyone can promise “I’ll add new stuff over time”.

So instead of answering those questions one by one every single time. I decided to simply give you a sneak peek of what you can expect.

I just finished writing Module 14: The 10 Email Commandments for making more money than you could ever imagine for my email course Email Extraordinaire.

What follows are the first 3 of those 10 commandments. It’s a straight copy-paste. Nothing held back.

Why don’t I simply share all 10 commandments?

Well first of all, I still want to make sales, don’t I? It also wouldn’t be fair to share this for free while others had to pay for it.

That said, as you’ll see, this is a long email, clocking in at over 1,400 words—I make sure everything is thoroughly explained and understood. So just imagine the sheer size of this email if I had to include all 10 of the commandments.

Anyway, let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.

Commandment 1) Entertain & Promote

You want to make money, so you’ll want to promote your offers.

But you also want people to keep reading your emails day after day, so you’ll want to entertain them day after day.

You need both pieces of the puzzle.

Focus only on entertainment and nobody will buy anything from you because they don’t even know what you’re offering, nor do they get the chance to buy anything from you.

Focus only on promoting your offers and nobody wants to stay on your list because the only thing you’re doing is hard-pitching stuff (which nobody likes).

The result? You’ll stay broke in both situations.

The solution is simple.

You open the email with an entertaining topic. Tell a funny story, involve them in your life, teach’em something new, whatever you can think of. Then segue that topic into what you’re selling for the day and give them the opportunity to buy.

Don’t hard sell them. Just talk about your offer. Plug your link. And say something along the lines of “If you want to learn more about xyz go here: [link]”.

Commandment 2) Email Daily

For reasons beyond my understanding, some people don’t like to hear this.

But it needs to be said: The more emails you write, the more money you’ll make. It really is that simple. There’s no secret trick, no special method, no crazy life hack.

You email more, you earn more.

Why you ask?

Well first of all, you have to realize that most people, especially when they’re new to a market, will subscribe to a bunch of different newsletters and email lists. You’re simply not that special (yet) that they only subscribe to yours.

Now imagine that you’re the only one of those who’s sending daily emails—something that could very well be the case, since most people don’t bother.

In that case one of two things will happen:

1) They get annoyed and bored of your emails and unsubscribe. This is actually a good thing because they would never buy anything worthwhile from you anyway. They don’t see the value in what you’re giving them, so they would never spend a dime on any of your products. It’s good to rid yourself of these people and only keep the people who understand the value you have to offer.

2) They see your name 7x as much as all the other people and build a relationship with you that’s 10–20 times stronger because you’re the only one who’s putting in the constant effort to show up and check in on them. You’re giving value and entertaining them day-in, day-out.

Already they’re much more likely to buy from you than from anyone else.

On top of that, eventually—and this happens to everyone—they get tired of getting so many emails from all these different people, and they’ll unsubscribe to most of the email lists they’ve subscribed to. But because you’ve spent so much time building a relationship with them, you’re one of the few that they’ll keep reading daily—if not the only one.

At that time you don’t have any competition anymore and you win simply because you showed up every single day.

On top of those examples. You’ll be the person who improves the fastest (you’re getting more practice in after all).

But not only that, you’ll also be seen as the one and only true expert—even a leader. While everyone claims to be the expert. Only you’ve put in the work to actually prove it.

Commandment 3) Don’t be boring

The number #1 rule of copywriting: Don’t be boring.

Nobody will like you, nobody will stay with you, and nobody will buy from you.

So how do you make sure you’re not boring? Well for one, you tell interesting and entertaining stories. But that’s not all of it. Even good stories can turn boring.

Imagine if I told you the coolest story you’ve ever heard. You’d be entertained, for sure. Imagine if tomorrow I tell you the same story. It might be fun to hear it again, but it certainly won’t be as exciting anymore.

Now imagine if I keep telling the same story over and over again for the coming 6 months. Yeah. You’ll be long gone by then. It just becomes too boring to listen to eventually.

And it’s the same for your emails.

You need variety.

Specifically, you need variety in your content and your writing.

Variety in your content is easy. You tell a story on Monday, answer a reader’s question on Tuesday, give out a list of fun tips to improve their business on Wednesday, share social proof on Thursday, Friday is when you’ll shock the reader with a controversial opinion, and so on.

If you hadn’t noticed, these topics are based on the 8 subject lines I taught you in Module 6 (see Email Extraordinaire to know what I’m talking about). So make sure you don’t keep using the same one over and over again. Switch it up and keep it fresh.

But then comes your writing itself. Specifically the length of your paragraphs and the use of whitespace.

You want to vary the length of your paragraphs as well.

Too many single sentences and you’ll end up looking like your average Twitter bro who thinks they’re a copywriter because they read 1 thread and doesn’t realize how godawful it reads and how annoying they are.

Too many big chunks of text in a row and you’ll look like your average blogger whose dream it is to become a published author one day and doesn’t realize that nobody’s reading their stuff because it’s too overwhelming and too boring to actually read through it.

So what do you do?

You regularly switch up a paragraph of 3–4 sentences with a single sentence or two. Just look at this very module you’re reading right now. (this is done intentionally)

Extra juicy tip: always make sure the first paragraph of your email is a single sentence.

You want to make it so easy to read it’s almost impossible not to read it. And once they read the first paragraph, they might as well read the next one.

This works the same for tweets, threads, headlines, courses, and literally every form of writing imaginable. Although it’s more forgiving for longer forms of writing if you don’t stick to this rule.

So these were 3 of the 10 Email Commandments for making more money than you could ever imagine.

Again, if you’d like to learn more about how to write emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading, check out Email Extraordinaire.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B. And we’ll work on getting you there in the next 60–90 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

I’m rebranding and I need your help.

Well, I’m sort of rebranding at least.

I won’t suddenly turn into a stoic fitness guru or anything. But I do feel like it’s time to refresh/update the feel of my brand.

So far I’ve only renamed my email course and changed my profile picture on Twitter (go check it out).

Other things I plan on changing sometime in the near future—I don’t have a specific timeframe in mind—are the designs I use for my products, the look of my articles on Beehiiv, hell maybe even the name of this newsletter/email list hybrid combination.

I always liked the name ‘Ascend’.

I might still do something with it—or I might not, who knows. But I’m guessing the email list ‘name’, as far as it has to have a name, might see some changes soon.

I’m also considering updating my banner on Twitter.

I made it back in February if I’m not mistaken. And it’s the first one that I just fell in love with. It immediately felt right—something I never had before with any of my other banners.

But I’ve grown in the meantime.

People grow, businesses grow, and it’s time that my brand reflects it as well.

Another thing that’ll undoubtedly change soon, and something I’ve wanted to update for such a long time right now, is the opt-in page for my email list.

Now don’t get me wrong.

I love the current look of it. It’s also something that just feels right. But something’s missing. Something I’m not quite sure what it is yet. Perhaps I’ll redo the entire thing. Perhaps I’ll keep it as it is and just add a few sections.

One of the things I want to add is a section of testimonials of people talking about the email list itself.

And that’s where you come in.

You see, I have a bunch of testimonials. But those are solely about me or my consulting sessions—not even for my products (something I’ll fix soon as well).

I’ve never explicitly gathered testimonials for my email list.

So that’s why, if you enjoy reading my emails, find them highly educational, appreciate my sense of humor, or even if you just use my emails as a swipe file, it would mean the world to me if you’d take just 2 minutes of your time to leave a testimonial.

You can write whatever you want, good, awesome, boring, or outright aggressive it doesn’t matter I read it all.

Here’s the link:

P.S. I don’t want to ask for a favor without giving anything in return.

But I currently don’t have anything prepared for the moment. I came up with this idea to start collecting testimonials right now when I sat down to write an email, so here’s what we’ll do instead.

Reply back to this email with something you struggle with or something you’d like me to create or talk/write about.

I’ll look at all the answers I get and I’ll turn the most common/most interesting/most useful response I get into a bonus for filling out the testimonial.

Everyone who has written a testimonial will receive that bonus.

Hope that sounds good to you.

Once again, here’s the link:

Flirt your way to generating $126 million in 2 days

Writing copy is just a fancy word for flirting with your reader.

This is especially the case when it comes to one of the most powerful, yet underrated tools available to you as a writer.

It’s a method that allows you to generate so much intrigue that people want to buy your products even before you’ve announced that you’re selling something. A method that, if used correctly, could 10x your sales on its own. Even without having to think about fancy abbreviations such as ICP, MVP, USP, CTR, or CLTV.

I know some master copywriters who almost solely rely on this one method, this one tactic, to keep readers entertained and keep them reading, no matter how long their sales letter is.

They could write a 2,400-word email and you’d read every word.

Stronger yet, you’d want to read every word. Your innate psychology compels you to continue reading and reading.

Stranger yet, this is the same tactic that Top Gun Maverick used to make $126 million in just the first two days of release in the US alone. It’s the same reason why Jaws remains one of the best movies ever made and why it draws in the audience so much even though the shark never shows on screen in the first half of the movie—it literally couldn’t because the prop they used always broke.

Even more, it’s a tactic that literally doesn’t require any preparation at all.

No thinking. None. Nada. Nothing. Seriously.

To add even more—yes I can literally keep on going. This tactic that I’m talking about?

It’s the same reason why people go to strip clubs, spend lots of money, drink a lot, watch the women perform, then go home at the end all alone, wasted, out of money, and with nothing to show for. Yet they’ll still come back next weekend.

And they love it.

It’s all psychology. It’s all based on this one tiny tactic, this one tiny method.

And if you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s the same reason why you’re currently still reading this email until the very end.

Maybe you figured it out by now.

Maybe you didn’t.

Either way, click the following link of you want to learn all about this method to use in your own writing:

PS: I’ve renamed my Simple Money Emails course to Email Extraordinaire. I’ll be heavily rebranding the product and making tons of improvements to it over the next few weeks.

I’ll increase the price of this product at the end of this month—more info about this later.

So if you plan on getting it, why not make the choice now?

The secret to make people listen to you and actually take action

Have you ever told someone something so valuable, so life-changing, so mind-boggling awesome, powerful, and outright the best piece of advice they’ve ever gotten—only for them to end up dismissing it and never making any use of it?

I know I have.

And I know many others have as well. Because I see it happening all the time.

Truth be told, it happened to me a lot. Especially early on in my consulting career. Or when I’m trying to help friends of mine get started on their own business.

But somehow they don’t end up valuing the advice.

Sometimes they give a quick smile and enjoy hearing the small bit of advice, thinking it’s a nice idea, but not realizing the sheer potential it has or how important of a message they just received.

Other times they outright dismiss it thinking “It doesn’t work that way” or coming up with some other excuse as to why my friendly advice/information wasn’t really valuable altogether.

But I now know why this happened.

I figured it out. After a long time of failing to aid friends and early consultation clients as well as possible and make them see the grandness of the information I’m giving away, hoping they’ll take action on it and dramatically improve the quality of their life or business.

The immense pain I felt every time I thought “wow this was a really valuable session” only to check back up with my client a month later and realize nothing changed.

This has at least taken me half a year to figure out. To pinpoint EXACTLY why this happens.

But more importantly. How to keep it from happening again and again.

And I got it down to just 2 factors. Both of these are related, but slightly different, so it’s useful enough to still make the distinction.

First reason: the person who gets the advice isn’t invested enough. They didn’t have to pay anything to get the information—either in time, money, or some other resource.

I saw this happen with my first 10 consultation clients who I offered to help for free. They didn’t value my advice fully, they didn’t take it to heart. Simply because it didn’t feel valuable. It was nothing more than “free advice” after all.

This problem completely disappeared when I started working with clients who paid me $200 or more per hour to talk with me.

They all valued the advice.

Every word I said they dissected and noted down. They pondered about the implications of everything I mentioned. And most importantly, they immediately started implementing the advice I gave them.

Not because my advice was more valuable than the advice I gave to the first 10 people. But because they valued the advice as more valuable because they paid for it.

But now, I already hear you asking me, “Does this mean I can’t help people see the value of my advice unless I make them pay me?”. But that’s not the case either. You can help people see the value.

This brings me to the second point—which is a more general look than the first one, an overarching view if you will.

People don’t value advice because you didn’t frame it as valuable.

In the previous case our “framing” was simply by making people pay for it with their hard-earned cold-hard cash. That’s more than enough framing to make it work.

But that’s not the only way.

You can—and I often do—give free advice that people value. As long as you “pre-frame” how valuable the information actually is.

Pre-framing often takes the form of you telling them the story about how you learned or earned the information you’re about to share with them. Did it take you 10 years to figure this out? Tell them. Did you have to pay $5,997 to get someone else to share this with you? Tell them.

Share the pain and struggle you had to go through to get a hold of this information.

This will make them realize just how valuable your information is—helping them actually pay attention and take action.

Which brings me to the following:

I talked about how I started working with 10 clients for free to get my business running. That was back in March (I joined Twitter in late January).

Since then I’ve been hard at work trying to figure out how to best play this game of life and business. How to create a business model that allows me to 1) help others 2) read, write, and talk for a living 3) only work 3 hours a day and 4) have complete freedom over my time and location.

I still haven’t reached the top level of the game. In fact I’m far from it—it’s a long game.

But through 9 months of experimentation, lots of failed attempts, months where I literally had a negative bank balance and had to scrape together all that I could to pay my bills—even having to borrow money from friends at one point. But at last I figured out a framework to make it all come together and make it work as good as I originally hoped it would.

More specifically I've mastered the first 3 points and figured out how to get paid reliably by getting leads, qualifying my prospects, and landing clients consistently and effortlessly.

If you want to learn how to do the same and work your way to financial, time, and location freedom. Then click the following link today: