You don’t need to be a great writer, but…

If you have read just a single sales page in your life then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

You see, almost every sales page pretty much uses the same tricks as every other sales page.

One of them is the “you don’t have to be x”.

If it’s a course on how to cook Michelin-star meals it’ll tell you, “You don’t have to be a great cook”. If it’s a product that promises to teach you how to dunk it’ll tell you, “You don’t have to be in great athletic shape.” or if it’s a program meant to get you into shape it’ll say, “You don’t have to have insane genetics”

And I get it.

It works.

You have to make people believe that your solution can help them. But some of them take it so far they’re outright hilarious.

They also don’t mention the whole truth.

Look, I’m going to be honest.

I’m selling a course that teaches you how to build up your email list. I’ll take you from zero knowledge, and zero idea of what to do, to an intermediate-advanced email marketer, getting paid a consistent and reliable income.

On my very own sales page, I talk about how you don’t have to be a great writer to get started and see success with the course. I even give examples of how I knew nothing when I got started—I’m not even a native English speaker and I require spelling assistance from tools such as Grammarly and ProWritingAid.

But there’s a caveat.

A caveat almost no other marketer is willing to admit because they’re scared that it’ll hurt their sales. But you know what? I don’t care. I have to address this issue.

So while it’s true that you don’t have to be a great writer. It does help.

Obviously it helps.

A better writer will undoubtedly see more and faster success than someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. So reel in your expectations.

I’m not telling you that you’ll never have to learn a single thing about writing.

Hell no.

I’m saying that it’s ok if you have no prior experience. That’s fine. Because I’ll teach you how to write. I’ll give you that experience. But you’ll still have to put in the work. You’ll have to practice and get better.

And that’s only possible if you write a lot.

So don’t think for a second that you don’t have to develop a skill set after reading my, or anyone else’s, sales page, for that matter.

Because you do.

But that’s the good news.

You know why?

Most people won’t put in the work. They want to get results now, not next week, let alone next month. So by simply picking up the course, learning the material, practicing it as often as you can, and gradually improving as you go along, you’ll become better than 95% of people out there.

At that point there’s no chance you won’t succeed.

So if you’re someone who’s willing to learn, who’s willing to practice, and who wants to develop their skillset of writing daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day.

Then head on over to Email Extraordinaire here:

P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st (that’s in 2 days).

Check it out right this moment—so you don’t forget.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:


Did you have this as well?

I received a message yesterday on my hypophora email from daily email reader, community builder, and fellow creator, Audrey.

Here’s what she said:


I knew it was the questions right away because your writing seemed more conversational than normal.

And then I was like OH.



Which showcases an important aspect of my emails.

While reading yesterday’s email, she had an “OH”-moment. And this isn’t accidental. Neither is this the first time that I’ve received an email such as this one. I’ve got other people telling me about how they had their “Aha”-moments (whichever one you prefer).

And this is all because I design them that way.

I create many of my emails in such a way that they’re bound to get this reaction. Where suddenly something clicks. Where you can see, experience, and even feel a concept in action. And you just understand it.

It just makes sense.

And it’s exactly the same with how I approach teaching how to write emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day in my flagship course, and the one I’ve spent the most amount of time on of any of my products/content pieces, Email Extraordinaire—which already tells you how high-quality this will be if you’ve bought any of my other stuff.

Anyway, click the link below if you’re interested in hearing more.

This link:

P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:

A reader asked how to grow his email list

I received a message from a daily reader yesterday (not sure if he wants me to name him).


Hey Alex! How can I grow my email list faster?


A simple and straightforward question, right?

Well, yes and no.

Here’s my response:


Short answer?

You promote more

Long answer?

Depends on where your bottleneck is.

Might be social media growth, the link click-through rate on your promotion posts, or your sign-up conversion on your landing page.

Might be something else or a mix of those 3.


After all, an email list consists of many moving parts.

Some are more important than others, sure. But there’s a lot going on. And it can become confusing if you don’t know where to start or what to focus on.

The good news is you control everything.

You can change whatever you want, however you want. You can make it work together in perfect harmony to create the best-performing list mankind has ever seen. Or you can create an absolute mess that doesn’t produce any results whatsoever.

Either way, it’s in your control.

And that’s a good thing because it means you can learn, adapt, and improve.

This brings me to my promotion of this week, Email Extraordinaire. Which, in my not-so-humble and extremely biased opinion, is the best and most effective resource you can get your hands on to learn how to build a well-functioning email list.

One where all the parts work together in harmony.

And one that’ll help you earn a lot of money.

For more information, click here:

P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:

What’s one of the best underrated copywriting tactics?


What’s a hypophora?

Well, it’s something you should do more often.


Because it makes people interested in what you have to say. It also keeps them engaged and curious to keep reading. It’s also one of the best ways to get information across—and make sure they remember it.

Even more.

All of the above makes it so you’re able to sell and get paid.

What’s the catch?

Nothing really. There’s literally nothing you can do wrong with this. It’s based on a psychological principle. One that’s been deeply rooted in people since the dawn of time.

And those are the types of principles you want to learn and use.

Not some trendy new tactic to cheat your way to making more money or getting more engagement that only last for a month until everyone starts using them and they stop giving results.

Not this. This works.


Alright, enough teasing.

What’s hypophora and how does it work?

Hypophora is where you ask a question and immediately answer it yourself—as opposed to a rhetorical question where you phrase the question in such a way that the answer sounds obvious (and doesn’t have to be said).

This works because it gives a conversational feel to your writing.

But even more, by asking a question you’ll also (temporarily) make people think. Perhaps even noticing that they don’t really know the answer to your question. This leads them to become interested and keep on reading.

Which brings me to the following:

There are only 3 days left until I double the price of Email Extraordinaire.

It teaches you exactly how to build your email list, fill it with subscribers who love to hear from you (even buy from you), write engaging emails that get you paid, and live a life supported by your freedom-focused business.

Sounds perfect, right?

Alright great.

So where’s the link?

Right here:

P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link once again:

How I get free market research and engagement

This is something I realized (again) just today.

And while it sounds obvious once you hear how I do it.

Most people easily overlook it.

I’d say 90% of people I talked to or joined this list didn’t use this to its full potential.

What am I talking about?

Asking a question at the end of your welcome email.

In my case, I ask people what they’re currently struggling with regarding their business. I get responses from new people joining my list all the time. And I don’t have to lift a single finger.

It keeps me up-to-date with what people are struggling with, gives me insight about (probably) the main reasons people join my list, and gives me topic ideas to cover in future emails, articles, or even premium-priced products.

The great thing for you?

It’s something I teach in one of my modules in Email Extraordinaire.

I take you from not even having an email list getting paid and keeping your readers reading day after day.

The whole set-up part included.

There’s also a lot of optimization based on proven and evergreen psychological principles, making sure you get more engagement, more sales, and more market insights without having to do any extra work.


I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:

The recap of my first real chess adventure

This weekend’s chess tournament is over.

I played 9 games over the past 2 days. Six games on Saturday day and three on Sunday.

Aside from those games I also met and befriended many international students—including a group of Irish students who went to an Irish pub both evenings, so you know how that ended up.

My first day was a rough one.

I only won 2 games out of the first six I played. That should’ve been more and I underperformed on multiple occasions, making mistakes I shouldn’t have.

I’m not used to full days of playing at a relatively high level, so that might be the cause of it. Or maybe I just wasn’t focused enough for some reason. Who knows?

But what I do know is that I couldn’t let it bother me.

The only thing I could do was come back the next day, refreshed and ready to go and give it everything I had.

And give it everything I had, I did. I won three out of the three games that day, giving me a final score of 5/9.

An impressive score I’m proud of—and more than I expected.

Accomplished only because I didn’t let my past mistakes bother me. I knew I couldn’t change what happened. But I could still affect how things will turn out.

And that’s a skill everyone should have.

Especially people like you and I. Because in our business? Things will often go wrong, more often than you’d like to imagine. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

The only choice you have is to get back up and go at it again.

Speaking of.

Maybe you’ve tried giving this email business already before. Perhaps things didn’t work out for you back then. That’s alright. Those things happen. Stronger yet, it probably wasn’t your fault. You didn’t have the right information available to you, or you were listening to the advice of the wrong people, ensuring your endeavor was doomed to fail.

But none of that should hold you back from trying again and doing it better this time around.

And what’s the best way to go about it this time around?

By making sure you’re getting the right tools to succeed. Which brings me to my Email Extraordinaire course, teaching you all about writing emails that’ll get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day.

Here are some of the topics you’ll learn:

  • The greatest superpowers of email you need to understand and why there's nothing else that comes even close to it

  • An easy step-by-step guide showing you how to create your very first email list/newsletter in the next 10 minutes after getting the product

  • How to create your very first welcome email to help you set the tone, build an immediate relationship with your readers, and keep them coming back for more

  • 6 of the best methods to grow your list and get hundreds of news subscribers monthly whether you just started or have a list of 5000 readers already

  • How you can become better than 95% of people telling stories without having to spend months or even years practicing (and why it matters)

  • The invaluable power of telling great stories and how you can use those to almost guarantee you'll make a sale regardless of what you're selling

  • The secrets to writing high-quality subject lines that make your reader feel the need to click on them without even knowing why they feel so attracted to do so

  • How to keep your readers engaged and force them to keep reading regardless of whether you're writing a 219-word email or a 1,739-word email

  • 7 of the best and easiest ways to monetize your email list today that'll make it impossible not to earn back the investment of this product in 30 days or less

  • The #1 email copywriting technique you need to get people to become emotionally invested in what you have to say and make a sale every single time you write an email

  • A list of all the different approaches you can take and how to execute them regarding the frequencies of your email so you can make this work even if you don't want to send daily emails

  • My revolutionary new email strategy combines the best of both worlds of long-form weekly emails and short-form daily emails allowing for the most optimal results with relationship building, sales, gaining authority, and growing your list

  • The 10 holy and lesser-discussed email commandments you need to follow to ensure that you'll make more money than you could ever imagine

There are 4 days left until I double the price of Email Extraordinaire.

So be sure to check it out right this moment—so you don’t forget.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:

The 3 biggest benefits of my building in public adventure

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

I launched my Abundant-Client System last month.

And it went great.

But I didn’t just do it like you would create and launch any old course. No no I did it build-in public style.

Here’s how that worked:

I first came up with an idea for a product I wanted to make. Then I immediately announced it, wrote a sales page for it, and gave people a chance to buy it.

Yes, even though there was no course yet—literally nothing.

For the next 2 weeks I kept promoting it non-stop. And after the two weeks were over, the course would be officially done and “launched”, resulting in a price increase—adding some urgency to the mix.

But enough about how it works.

Why did I decide to do this and more specifically, what are the benefits?

Well, here they are.

And trust me, by the end of the email you’ll want to do your own build-in public product launch.

1) Strict deadline

The first big benefit of building your product in this manner is the obvious deadline.

You’ve promised your audience that it’ll be ready by a certain date. On top of that, some people may have pre-bought your product already, further solidifying the deadline.

There’s no way around it anymore.

You have to get this project done on time. And that’s a big help, especially if you’re anything like me.

I’m very much an “I only function close to deadlines”-type of person.

So forcing myself to get some work done by building in public is one of the most profitable decisions I ever made.

And I’m certain it could be one of the most profitable decisions for you as well.

2) Immediate feedback

You’ll be getting immediate feedback on how much people value the product you’re building.

In fact, you’ve got multiple ways to gauge people’s interest.

First and foremost, you’ve got the sales themselves. If someone bought your product, then that’s a clear indication they’re interested in it.

But most people won’t buy it immediately.

Trust me, 80%+ of your sales will come from the last 2–3 days of your promotion—urgency is one hell of a drug.

So what else have you got?

Well, secondly you’ve got link clicks, the number of times people click the link to your sales page or landing page—or even how many people sign up to your waitlist if you’d rather go for the waitlist approach.

This isn’t a clear indication that they’ll buy.

But it is a sign that the promise of the product was at least interesting enough to your readers to make them curious enough to want to read more. To find out whether or not the product would actually be a good fit for them. Maybe even to find out how much the product costs, which is also a big indicator that your product is in demand—or at least the idea/promise is.

Lastly, you’ve got replies.

You’ll be getting replies, comments, and questions about the feedback.

Ranging from in-depth questions such as “Will X be covered?” or “How much will you talk about Y in your course?” to simple and personal ones such as “Is this product for me?”.

Now, these are huge.

Every person taking valuable and precious time to write you a question about your product clearly indicates interest in your product and a huge chance that they’ll buy.

Even more, as the rule on social media goes, if one person asks you a question, 100 are thinking it.

So if one person asks about a specific topic in your course, that’ll more than likely mean that a lot more people are interested in that specific topic.

You might have got a winner in your hands in that case.

3) Faster earning cycle

Everyone and their aunt’s nephews’ cat talks about how important speed is in business.

Yet nobody seems to think about this at all.

Let’s do an exercise. Imagine you wanted to create and launch a product. But you weren’t going to do it build-in-public style.

So let’s say you give yourself 2 weeks to create a product.

But you don’t have a deadline to stick to, after all, nobody knows you’re creating a product, so what’s the rush, right? Right. So you’ll end up procrastinating and doing more “busywork” than actual work. Which means that it’ll take you about double, or 4 weeks, to create your product.

But that’s not all, is there?

You still have to sell it and get paid.

So now it’s time to start talking about it, do a promotion, get people excited, and do an official launch.

Well, let’s say that this would take you another 2 weeks as well.

Altogether it took you 6 weeks to go from idea to getting paid.

Now imagine if you did it build in public style.

You’d have an idea. Set yourself a public deadline 2 weeks later. Immediately start talking about it, sending promotional emails, and having an option so people can buy it early, before the product is fully finished and ready to be used.

All the while you’re building it and improving it as you go with the feedback you’re getting and the ideas you’re gaining by working on the promotion at the same time.

2 weeks later you’ve got a fully finished product, the promotion is fully over, you’ve been paid, and you probably made a better product than in the first example.

That’s 3 times faster.

You could get paid 3 times as often as in the first example AND you’ll be left with better quality products that will only get better and keep on selling as time goes on.

The value truly is limitless.

I hope you recognize the value of the build-in-public product launch.

With that said, I’m thinking of putting together a LIVE in-depth training soon to talk more about the specifics of exactly how to do this. And I’ll personally guide you along the process of creating and selling your newly launched product.

This means that I’ll essentially help you get paid for years to come.

Reply back to let me know if this would be something that interests you.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll determine where you stand and where you want to go. Then we’ll devise a roadmap to get you from A to B. And we’ll work on getting you there in the next 60–90 days.

  3. Check out my products (free & paid): Ranging from every resource I ever read to everything I know about content creation. It’s all waiting for you to claim it. Start your journey to financial freedom the right way.

I’m trapped for 2 days and took a hostage with me

I’m currently playing in a 2-day chess tournament as you’re reading this email.

It’s an international tournament specifically for university chess players. People are quite literally entering from all over the globe. I’ve seen multiple people from Ireland, Moldova, Germany, Morocco, Hungary, Turkey, Uganda, Spain, Finland, England, Lithuania and many more.

I’ve got no idea how I compare to most other people.

I’ll just have to do my best and see what happens.

That said, I did get some friends to enter and participate in this tournament with me as well.

More precisely, I basically forced some of my friends to join. One friend in particular had to put up with me reminding him about this opportunity every single day for the past month, until he finally gave in and signed up to enter.

He doubted whether he was good enough to enter something like this—he is.

But I kept telling him to just go for it. It’ll be a great experience and he’ll be proud of himself after joining.

Here’s the funny thing.

Apparently I was so excited and dedicated on getting him to join that I forgot to inform him on all of the practical details, going as far as forgetting how the tournament works, what we’ll be doing, and even where, when, and how long we’ll be playing.

I know because after a few weeks of me not shutting up about it he finally signed up, showed his confirmation to me, and then asked “Sooooo when is this taking place?”

Which is the most absurd thing if you think about it.

I didn’t inform him at all.

He knew next to nothing about the event, yet decided to sign up regardless.

And that, my dear friend, is the power of repeating your message. That’s the power of showing up every day, with that same energy, that same excitement, and that same commitment to an opportunity (an offer) you’ve got for someone.

That’s the power of daily emails.

You’ll be able to persuade people to make choices they wouldn’t make otherwise. Choices they sometimes, for better or worse, aren’t even fully informed about.

And as long as you stay responsible. As long as you use this power to help people improve their lives instead of misusing it in any shape or form. Then you quite literally have the ability to change the world for the better—while getting paid to do so.

Which is why I’m so adamant on promoting my course Email Extraordinaire.

Because there’s a true untapped potential in writing daily emails, especially if done well. A potential that allows you to change the world for the better, while getting paid for doing so.

And the knowledge on how to do so is all there.

Waiting for you to take action, get the course, learn what to do, and implement what you’ve learned.

Get the course here:


I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

Be sure to check it out right this moment—so you don’t forget—in case you’re even remotely interested,

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:


Your favorite creator shows me a massive and underrated benefit of daily emails

Two days ago I wrote an email talking about the pain and the misery I felt when I saw how some people (mis)treated their email list.

I got a few replies on that one.

One of which was from one of your favorite creators, Glenn.

Here’s what he wrote:


Underrated benefit of dailies – builds massive authority.

For example when I think of you – I position you above people with many x your following. Many such cases for daily senders.


The (not so) sneaky compliment at the end I purposefully left in aside.

Glenn stated an extremely powerful fact. One so powerful that it could single-handedly make your entire business work.

Sending daily emails builds massive and I mean MASSIVE authority.

It goes further than just “showing up” or “building a relationship with your reader”. It dives deep into the subconscious of your reader and sends a message that no one can ignore.

You know your shit.

It’s like Ben Settle, undoubtedly one of the greatest email marketers alive, said, “I you call yourself an expert, you should be able to have something to talk about every day”.

And this also works in reverse.

Have something to talk about every day and people will perceive you as an expert.

Even more.

Add your own takes, your own opinions, your own story, style, offers, and a feeling of belonging for your audience—something the great Dan Kennedy often talked about—and your audience won’t just perceive you as an expert, they’ll perceive you as a leader.

Something many times more valuable than being a mere expert these days.

Now, am I biased when it comes to daily emails?


I doubt you could name more than a handful of people who are more biased about daily emails than I am. (seriously, I dare you)

And yet, this has nothing to do with bias.

The power of sending daily is an indisputable fact. And one that could make you a lot of profit if you decide to test it out for yourself.

Speaking of which.

You might like my course Email Extraordinaire, which teaches you all about how to send daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day.

Quick note:

I’m doubling the price for my course on Friday, December 1st.

Be sure to check it out right this moment—so you don’t forget—in case you’re even remotely interested,

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

And make sure you see the price change before entering your info

(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code gives you the opportunity to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)

Here’s the link:

Black Friday is ruining your business and here’s why

You might have noticed that everyone and their weird uncle is having a Black Friday sale—except me.

In fact, the only thing I’m doing is increasing the price of one of my products in a week’s time.

Why is that?

You see, there’s actually a good reason for it.

And it has to do with making consistent and reliable sales—something I like to do very much.

The thing is, most people have trouble reliably and consistently selling a $50 dollar bill for $10. Instead they have to abuse certain tactics to get paid. They rely upon these tactics that only end up cheapening their brand, hurting them in the long run.

Tactics like discounts, or more specifically in this case, Black Friday.

Now, there’s nothing particularly wrong with Black Friday. But there is something wrong with how people approach it.

See, most people, they have some kind of offer. A product for example.

Often times one that isn’t selling well.

And then something like Black Friday comes around. So they think “Hey let’s have a 60% discount on my product. People like discounts, so I’m sure to get a few sales and make some money”.

But here’s the problem.

First, you were already selling your product.

That means other people might have been thinking about buying it in the past. Some might even have bought it already.

Imagine the look on someone’s face if they bought your product for $100 and then a few days later they see that same product on sale for $40. Yeah, talk about a bad feeling.

They’ll feel cheated, to say the least, and will probably never buy from you ever again.

But let’s forget that for a moment, shall we?

Imagine the case for someone who hadn’t bought your product.

They now suddenly see your product for the very first time. Never heard of it before. It’s a cool product, looks interesting, and it promises to solve on of their biggest pain points.

On top of it?

It’s 60% off for the next 3 days!

So they buy it. Ok sweet, good stuff you think. That’s awesome, right?


Well, not necessarily no.

Think about the longevity of this business model.

You’ve essentially thought that customer—and every single other person in your audience—that your prices are ‘negotiable’. Whatever you charge for your products isn’t what people should actually pay. Because people know, or think at least, that sooner or later, you’ll do another discount.

And that’s when they’ll buy your stuff.

So with one single move, you’ve completely eliminated your ability to make sales regularly and consistently.

Instead, you’re now forced to have regular sales periods, holidays, celebrations, and god knows how many other excuses to have promotions and add discounts. Which is the only time people will buy from you.

And maybe you want to build a business model that forces you to have to come up with regular discount periods. More power to you then.

But I’m guessing that’s not the case.

That’s exactly why I’m not doing any discounts myself for Black Friday.

And you won’t expect any of it in my course Email Extraordinaire either.

In it I’ll teach you timeless principles designed to help you make sales today, tomorrow, and every other day. Consistent, reliable sales. A viable and simple to sustain long-term strategy that takes you a few minutes a day. The last thing you’d need is a crazy planning structure to get the right discounts at the right time.

But remember.

I’m doubling the price for Email Extraordinair on Friday, December 1st.

To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday December 1st at midnight CET to get 50% off

3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout

(Make sure you see the price change before entering your info)

Here’s the link: