Who wins? Marcus or Bob?

Imagine 2 friends, Bob and Marcus.

They’re both fresh out of high school and want to build their own creator businesses.

The only difference is how they approach the business.

Bob comes up with the biggest claims he can possibly make. He’ll say stuff like “I’ll help you make $10,000/month in less than 60 days or you’ll get your money back”, even though he hasn’t made a single cent online in his entire life.

Marcus plays it differently.

He takes the transparent route. He shares what he’s working on and he’s open with both his achievements and his failures. Marcus is also looking for clients but he tells them that he’s just starting out and he only helped a few clients for free before.

He doesn’t make any crazy claims but keeps it simple, and talks about his own experience and stuff he knows he can deliver on. No crazy promises, not yet.

A few months later and Bob is growing his audience at an incredible rate while Marcus… isn’t.

He’s getting some traction, yes, but it’s slow, yet steady.

Immediately Bob started getting some clients. He even closed his first $1,500 coaching client and he’s hyped to help him as well as he can.

Marcus on the other hand hasn’t made any many yet, but he’s got a few testimonials from people he helped for free.

Now, fast forward a year.

What do you think would’ve happened?

You see, I have no idea. I’m not claiming that I know what happens in both situations.

But here’s what I predict will happen:

Bob, while getting fast and early traction, with lots of growth and lots of paid clients, ultimately fails to deliver for every single of his clients. He doesn’t have the necessary skills to backup his claims.

Every single on of his clients stops working with him after a month or 2.

He has no positive testimonials to show, no case studies whatsoever—except his own Stripe payments which only tell half a story.

Bob worsens his reputation month after month and he’s doomed to leave the market and start anew somewhere else.

Marcus on the other hand?

Marcus has been focusing on transparency and honesty. He’s sharing what he does every step of the way—especially his failures and his shortcomings.

He’s slowly, but steadily, been building an audience of loyal customers, people who trust him, people who actually know him, people who want to be around him, not because of how much revenue he can add to someone’s business, but because of who he is as a person.

He’s been working his way up from the bottom, building his skills, gathering testimonials, and building an immense backlog of success stories and achievements.

Marcus built a functioning, profitable, and stable business while Bob tarnished his reputation and failed to build anything meaningful in the long run.

That’s my vision.

Maybe I’m naive, maybe I’m not. Who knows?

Maybe I could earn more money faster, by making these crazy claims of things I have no idea how to do.

But that doesn’t feel right to me.

I aim to be a Marcus every step of the way.

And with that said.

I recently updated my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit—again.

In case you don’t know. This toolkit is a collection of the most valuable resources I used to educate myself, to learn what to focus on, to know where to go, and to get to where I am today.

Some of the resources are paid, yes, most of them however are free.

Once again, I have to be transparent here.

I’m not saying you’ll immediately build yourself a 6-figure business just by getting this toolkit. It’ll take you time and energy to go through every resource. You’ll have to learn, apply, and experiment with every framework, principle, and guideline you come across.

But I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today if it weren’t for these resources.

And I hope you’ll find them at least 10% as valuable as I did.

Anyway, here’s the link if you’d like to check it out: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/UCCT

3 ways I’ll be using ads to scale my business (and fill my bank account)

Ascend 101

Lessons about building a one-person business, writing, and self-improvement

I’ve decided to experiment with running ads.

See—for some bizarre reason unknown to me—most people on Twitter hear “paid traffic” and immediately get disgusted.

It’s as if using any form of paid traffic is a sin.

You know what I think is a sin? Not realizing that using “organic” traffic is “paid” for in a way as well. You’re paying with the time you put in to create your content.

And yeah, sure. Organic traffic has an unlimited upside and can scale like crazy.

But that doesn’t mean you should only limit yourself to one tool.

That said, I know next to nothing about running ads. So this will be a whole new experience for me. Probably a costly experience for the first few weeks. But that’s part of the game.

With that said, today’s article will be slightly different.

Instead of teaching something I already know or giving different perspectives on big ideas. I’ll instead show you exactly what I’m thinking about of doing in the future.

Maybe you like the ideas and want to experiment with the types of ads I’ll be running as well.

Or maybe you get inspired by me taking action, or even just seeing my behind-the-scenes thought process.

Anyway, here are three ways I’ll be using ads to grow my business (and my bank account):

1) Low-ticket product

I’ve actually already been running this ad for the past 3 days.

It’s a Twitter ad with some simple copy. The CTA is to my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit.

The goal of this ad is to see how well a low-ticket product ($22) sells to a cold audience.

Practicing selling a low-ticket product seems to me like it’ll be the best way to learn as well. Since there’s a bigger feedback loop and less risk involved.

I’m guessing that it has to be able to perform at least decent as long as my offer, positioning, and copy are on point.

That said, I still have some work to do, especially on the sales page itself.

2) Email sign-ups

The second idea I’ll be experimenting with is running Twitter ads straight to my email opt-in page.

No immediate purchase whatsoever.

But since I’d rather like recovering my costs as soon as possible I might experiment with the boost function Beehiiv has.

It’s a system where I can recommend up to 3 other newsletters to everyone who subscribes to mine. Whenever someone subscribes to another newsletter I get a small amount of cash (between $1 and $2).

Ideally this would cover the ad costs by itself.

On top of that, once they’re on my email list I can build a relationship with them and get a lot more value in the long term.

This personally seems like the most exciting option to try it so far.

3) High-ticket coaching

This final experiment seems the most daunting to me.

But it looks to have the highest potential as well—if executed properly.

Similarly to the first ad, I’ll be running a Twitter ad to a cold (maybe warm) audience advertising my high-ticket coaching service.

The cost per click will be much higher than any other ad, but the upside is enormous.

I only need 1 or 2 people to enroll in my program and I’ll make a profit.

I’ll likely wait to experiment with this ad until I’ve got more ad-writing experience.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready. Here’s how I can help you:

  1. Hop on a Clarity Call with me: Remove all of your uncertainty. Get clear on what you have to do, when you have to do it, and how. Let’s get you on the right track to achieving the freedom you deserve.

  2. Work 1-on-1 with me: We’ll get you up and running, ready to earn $1,000–$5,000 per month in the next 60–90 days

  3. Check out my products: Ranging from every resource I ever read to my entire framework to land clients consistently and effortlessly. It’s all waiting for you to claim it.

Wee-oww wee-oww your last 60 minutes

You know the drill.

This is my last email of the day. And the last time you’ll see me talking about my Ready, Set, Launch promotion.

I won’t drag on anymore—I don’t think you have the time for it.

Here’s the deal.

There’s less than 60 minutes left to join the challenge.

You either do it now or you’ll miss out forever.

No I don’t plan on doing this program again. I imagine it’s going to require a lot of work from me and that’s not something I want to do every single month.

So take this opportunity as an early holiday gift from me.

That said, here are some questions you might still be having:

Where and when will the challenge take place?

We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st.

We’ll have 4 live calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

Everything will be recorded and yours forever.

Do I need to have prior product experience?

No, you don’t.

This will work for you even if you’ve never created a product before.

I’ll support you every step of the way, telling you what to look out for and how to approach certain decisions.

There’s literally no way you won’t be able to do this.

Will your methods work to build a profitable product in my market?

I’ve consulted many different creators across all kinds of markets.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people never change.

They’re all the same.

The language you use may differ, so might the packaging. But the core concepts of how to ideate, build, and launch a profitable product always stay the same.

And don’t worry, I’ll also help you out determining the best packaging for your product.

How Does It Work?

  1. We ideate your product.

  2. I show you how to build & validate it.

  3. You apply my promotional frameworks.

  4. You sit back and watch the money pile in.

  5. Enjoy a new asset that’ll make you money for years to come

Are there any bonuses?

Yes there are.

In fact, I’ll be joining this challenge myself. Building my own product alongside you.

I’ve already more or less know what the product will be about. And it ain’t going to be a cheap one.

But, that’s not an issue for you. Because you’ll get access to this product for free, even as I’m building it. This way you’ll be able to see how I build my own products step-by-step—while also getting an amazing deal with the finished product.

This is the most valuable bonus I’ve ever given—and probably will remain so for a very long time.

What’s The Investment?

I can’t begin to explain how much value you’ll be getting.

  • 4 live calls walking you through the entire process

  • 14-days unlimited access to me where I’ll help you with every single question you’ve got

  • Behind-the-scenes access to how I build my own courses and write my own promotional emails

  • My upcoming finished product that I’ll be pricing at $150 or more.

  • Your very own finished product that’ll end up making you money for years to come

  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals all building their own products and working on their own promotions, ready to bounce ideas off and give feedback

  • The exact methods I used in my previous product launches to make a guaranteed profit.

Honestly, now that I’m writing it out like this, seeing how much you’re getting and how much value I included.

I could’ve turned this into a $2,000+ event—and I’ll probably do so if I were to decide to do this challenge again—which is unlikely.

But for now?

Let me just say that I’m giving you the deal of a lifetime.

You can get all this for an investment of just $100.

That’s it.

No contracts, subscriptions, or recurring payments.

How long can I keep procrastinating on my decision to join?

By the time you’re reading this, you probably have less than 50 minutes to make your decision.

I’m closing the doors at midnight CET. So act fast.

How do I join?

Click this link to join right this very second: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

Do you have trouble landing clients?

I sure as hell did early on in my journey.

I made offer after offer, reached out to tons of people, and even got on a few sales calls, but I couldn’t close anyone. No one was interested in my consulting, no one wanted to pay me for my service.

To make it even worse. Everyone gave the same objections of “I’ll think about it” or “It’s not the right time for me”. But then I’d watch them invest in someone else’s service just a week later.

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was holding me back.

That’s when I realized something.

It’s not that people weren’t ready. I wasn’t ready—or at least that’s what they believed.

Nobody trusted me to be able to help them.

I didn’t have any authority. Nothing to prove my worth. No big case studies, no fancy certificates—which nobodies care about anyway—nothing noteworthy to speak of.

Yeah, I had some testimonials from prior free calls I did.

But almost nobody really cares about testimonials you’ve gotten from free calls with absolute beginners. People only care about testimonials from others who are similar to them—that means paying customers if you want to get paid.

But not all was lost.

You see, I did have prior experience.

I just couldn’t show it properly. Yeah I had my newsletter, but that’s a long-term game. Yeah, I had my Twitter content, but that’s mostly top-of-funnel beginner content—which isn’t the same as the content that gets you higher-ticket clients.

So what did I do?

I made a digital product.

A paid one going in-depth into all the different concepts, frameworks, and principles I’ve learned so far. I gave step-by-step examples, and even managed to build some case studies into it—I apparently did have one.

All in all, I made a great product that proved my worth.

From then on I started landing more clients and actually getting paid for my higher-ticket service.

The crazy part?

Most people hadn’t even bought my product. They just knew I had one, saw some of the testimonials and the overall feedback, and instantly recognized me as an authority in the space.

The cherry on top?

I get paid handsomely by selling that product as well.

That’s what I like to call a win-win.

I’ve since then repeated this same process multiple times for different clients. Always one on one for a high price.

But not this time.

This time I’m giving you the chance to experience the same radical transformation I underwent. But you’re getting an even better transformation than mine.

Not only will I tell you how to accomplish what I did back then. But I’ve learned so much and know how to do it better, to get more than double the results.

I’ll also show you exactly how to do it in just 14 days—giving you the added benefit of having access to me for a full 14 days with all of your questions (even questions unrelated to building a digital product).

If you’d like to ideate, build, and profitably launch your digital product in the next 14 days.

And get recognized as an authority in your space from now on, giving you an almost unlimited access to higher-ticket clients, while also getting paid handsomely for the product itself.

Then sign up to join Ready, Set, Launch, the 14-day challenge: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

P.S. Here’s an overview of the practical details and answers to some of the questions you might have:

Where and when will the challenge take place?

We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st.

We’ll have 4 live calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

Everything will be recorded and yours forever.

Do I need to have prior product experience?

No, you don’t.

This will work for you even if you’ve never created a product before.

I’ll support you every step of the way, telling you what to look out for and how to approach certain decisions.

There’s literally no way you won’t be able to do this.

Will your methods work to build a profitable product in my market?

I’ve consulted many different creators across all kinds of markets.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people never change.

They’re all the same.

The language you use may differ, so might the packaging. But the core concepts of how to ideate, build, and launch a profitable product always stay the same.

And don’t worry, I’ll also help you out determining the best packaging for your product.

How Does It Work?

  1. We ideate your product.

  2. I show you how to build & validate it.

  3. You apply my promotional frameworks.

  4. You sit back and watch the money pile in.

  5. Enjoy a new asset that’ll make you money for years to come

Are there any bonuses?

Yes there are.

In fact, I’ll be joining this challenge myself. Building my own product alongside you.

I’ve already more or less know what the product will be about. And it ain’t going to be a cheap one.

But, that’s not an issue for you. Because you’ll get access to this product for free, even as I’m building it. This way you’ll be able to see how I build my own products step-by-step—while also getting an amazing deal with the finished product.

This is the most valuable bonus I’ve ever given—and probably will remain so for a very long time.

What’s The Investment?

I can’t begin to explain how much value you’ll be getting.

  • 4 live calls walking you through the entire process

  • 14-days unlimited access to me where I’ll help you with every single question you’ve got

  • Behind-the-scenes access to how I build my own courses and write my own promotional emails

  • My upcoming finished product that I’ll be pricing at $150 or more.

  • Your very own finished product that’ll end up making you money for years to come

  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals all building their own products and working on their own promotions, ready to bounce ideas off and give feedback

  • The exact methods I used in my previous product launches to make a guaranteed profit.

Honestly, now that I’m writing it out like this, seeing how much you’re getting and how much value I included.

I could’ve turned this into a $2,000+ event—and I might do so in the future.

But for now?

Let me just say that I’m giving you the deal of a lifetime.

You can get all this for an investment of just $100.

That’s it.

No contracts, subscriptions, or recurring payments.

How long can I keep procrastinating on my decision to join?

You’ll have until tomorrow at midnight CET to make your decision.

That’s when I’ll close the doors and you won’t be able to join anymore.

How do I join?

Click this link to join right this very second: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

Speed—no, not the drug

A few months ago, I received a testimonial from daily email reader and fellow creator, Vince Mao.

And I have to say.

This easily is one of my favorite testimonials I’ve ever received so far (it’s also one of the longest ones I’ve gotten so far).

Check it out:


Alex and I started on our journeys to help others around the same time, but we took very different paths due to our backgrounds and experiences. Getting to finally meet him on a call was one of the best things that I could do as I was still having trouble seeing the bigger picture of my process.

It didn't take long for him to see where my roadblocks were even though he was incredibly humble about it. Before this point, I had been gaining clarity on my process on my own. It took me months to get comfortable enough to be ready for his guidance.

After just one session, I now have a clear strategy and road map from which to launch and generate more and better content centered around my pillars, not to mention a path by which I can eventually launch an offer that is true to my values. I was on the fence about a paid call because of my own personal readiness for one. Clarity calls to me were something that I felt required a reasonable amount of prep. My journey took longer because I didn't have as much time.

If you're on the fence about contacting Alex for your own guidance, I will say this: just do it. It's worth the price for the perspective he can provide, and it decisively pushes you into a position where you commit to whatever journey you're on.

If you are truly serious about building a presence, a personal brand, or a business on X, I would certainly encourage you to book a call with him!


Now, aside from the obvious boasting, self-promotion, and regularly flexing one of my many testimonials, why am I sharing this?

Well simply because this testimonial easily shows one of the most important concepts and the reason why most people fail.

What is it?


See, Vince mentioned how he had been gaining clarity on his own for months. Yet it was only after 1 session with me that he had a clear strategy, a roadmap to follow, and finally being pushed into a position where he just has to commit to his journey.

Now, I haven’t caught up with Vince in a while. Which truly is a shame on my part and it’s something I should probably do soon.

But I’ve got no doubt that he’s much farther ahead by now than he was just a few months ago.

It’s always the people who push themselves into certain situations. People who invest in their development, their growth, and more importantly, their speed, who achieve the biggest results (and the fastest ones as well).

And that’s not just a coincidence.

That’s by design.

Which is why I’m offering you the chance to join my 14-day ideate, build, and launch your own product challenge where I’ll help you along every step of the way.

You’ll end up with 1) full clarity and guidance on how to make and launch killer products every time you want to 2) A fully finished and completed product that’ll get you paid for years to come (I’ll show you how as well) 3) A nice pile of cash you’ve gathered from the launch framework I’ll have you follow to make sure you have a successful and profitable product launch.

And all of these before you enter the new year.

Anyway, you know the drill.

Today’s the last day to enter, so click here to save your spot: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

Digital products are the next step to level up your creator business

Digital products are the key to building a freedom-focused creator business.

I started out doing only consulting.

Things went nicely. I started getting paid a handsome amount.

But I still had to put in the hours to get paid.

I still depended on getting new clients every week. I couldn’t just take a break for a month. Not if I wanted to keep the money coming in at least. Hell, I couldn’t even experiment with new offers, unless I wanted to risk not getting paid for the next few weeks.

There was no automation, not a lot of leverage, and no backup revenue stream.

But that’s where digital products come in.

You need just one decent product to thrive as a freedom-focused creator.

It easily keeps on selling reliably and consistently, it has an almost infinite amount of leverage—it doesn’t take time, nor does it cost you anything to sell your product to an additional customer—and you get to experiment with your main offer(s), or even take a break because you know you’ve got money coming in no matter what.

And that’s exactly why I’ll be helping you ideate, build, and profitably launch your very own product in my upcoming 14-day challenge, Ready, Set, Launch.

It’s perfectly aligned with the holidays—when people are on a spending spree—so you can take full advantage of this to sell your product.

You’ll also go into the new year with a new invaluable asset that’ll keep getting you paid for years to come.

So don’t hesitate any longer.

Join Ready, Set, Launch today: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

P.S. You might have some questions, I’ve written out the most common ones and answered them here:

Where and When?

We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st.

We’ll have 4 live calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

Everything will be recorded and yours for forever.

Do I need to have prior product experience?

No, you don’t.

This will work for you even if you’ve never created a product before.

I’ll support you every step of the way, telling you what to look out for and how to approach certain decisions.

There’s literally no way you won’t be able to do this.

Will your methods work to build a profitable product in my market?

I’ve consulted many different creators across all kinds of markets.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people never change.

They’re all the same.

The language you use may differ, so might the packaging. But the core concepts of how to ideate, build, and launch a profitable product always stay the same.

And don’t worry, I’ll also help you out determining the best packaging for your product.

How Does It Work?

  1. We ideate your product.

  2. I show you how to build & validate it.

  3. You apply my promotional frameworks.

  4. You sit back and watch the money pile in.

  5. Enjoy a new asset that’ll make you money for years to come

Are there any bonuses?

Yes there are.

In fact, I’ll be joining this challenge myself. Building my own product alongside you.

I’ve already more or less know what the product will be about. And it ain’t going to be a cheap one.

But, that’s not an issue for you. Because you’ll get access to this product for free, even as I’m building it. This way you’ll be able to see how I build my own products step-by-step—while also getting an amazing deal with the finished product.

This is the most valuable bonus I’ve ever given—and probably will remain so for a very long time.

What’s The Investment?

I can’t begin to explain how much value you’ll be getting.

  • 4 live calls walking you through the entire process

  • 14-days unlimited access to me where I’ll help you with every single question you’ve got

  • Behind-the-scenes access to how I build my own courses and write my own promotional emails

  • My upcoming finished product that I’ll be pricing at $150 or more.

  • Your very own finished product that’ll end up making you money for years to come

  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals all building their own products and working on their own promotions, ready to bounce ideas off and give feedback

  • The exact methods I used in my previous product launches to make a guaranteed profit.

Honestly, now that I’m writing it out like this, seeing how much you’re getting and how much value I included.

I could’ve turned this into a $2,000+ event—and I might do so in the future.

But for now?

Let me just say that I’m giving you the deal of a lifetime.

You can get all this for an investment of just $100.

That’s it.

No contracts, subscriptions, or recurring payments.

How long can I keep procrastinating on my decision to join?

You’ll have until tomorrow at midnight CET to make your decision.

That’s when I’ll close the doors and you won’t be able to join anymore.

How do I join?

Click this link to join right this very second: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

The best & most unexpected promotion I ran so far

2 months ago, I ran a promotion unlike one I’d ever done before.

More precisely.

I ran a promotion on a course teaching you how to qualify prospects, get leads, and land more clients consistently and effortlessly.


There was no course yet. It simply didn’t exist.

All I had was a sales page talking about the product I’d build and a promise of when I’d finish it. But that didn’t stop me from promoting it and even putting a price tag on it so people could already purchase it.

I don’t know who inspired me to run a promotion like this one, but I’m glad I did. Because that was one of the most profitable promotions I’ve ever done so far.

I had a feeling it’d do well.

But I didn’t know just how well. Never would I expect it to give me the amount of profit that I got. It truly was a unique experience.

Now, you know me.

You know I couldn’t just leave it at that. I had to find out whether I could replicate it. I had to prove myself it wasn’t just a fluke.

And I did.

I worked with clients and tried to replicate my results. Building out exact systems and frameworks to ensure the success of extremely profitable launches like this—even with a small audience.

Those frameworks?

That’s exactly what I’ll be giving you in my 14-day ideate, build, and promote an absurdly profitable product challenge called Ready, Set, Launch to help you get your own profitable product launch before the end of this year.

You’ll be able to go into 2024 with a successful product launch—maybe even your first as a creator.

You’ll have yourself a nice pile of cash and a timeless asset you’ll be able to use to grow your creator business even faster, get more authority, and keep getting paid for it for years on end—whether that’s because you simply keep promoting it, use it as a bonus for other offers, or just upsell it to your new customers.

In either way.

You’ll never stop profiting from this single asset which would only take you 14 days to build—even if all you’ve got available is an hour a day.

So what are you waiting for?

Click here today to join the challenge: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

P.S. Here’s a quick reminder of the practical details:

We’ll start Monday, December 18th and finish Sunday, December 31st

We’ll have 4 live calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

You’ll also get access to a temporary community where I’ll help you answer any and all questions you have between the calls.

I’ll close down the purchase link this Saturday (tomorrow) at midnight CET.

I’m also limiting this offer to just 10 people. And you know how people are, they all buy a day before the deadline (aka tomorrow). So save your spot now if you want to get in.

Once again, here’s the link: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

A sneaky lil trick I stole from Ben Settle to easily sell my offers

Earlier this month Ben Settle’s Email Player issue arrived in my mail.

It’s his premium print newsletter, which he charges $97/month for—an investment I happily pay for because of the sheer amount of value holds.

One of the topics he wrote about this month was the art of “deinfluencing”. as he called it. A skill so important, yet easily overlooked, that can generate more money for all of your offers than you could possibly imagine.

What does deinfluencing mean, you ask?

Well, put simply.

It’s influencing people not to do something. Telling them why they shouldn’t buy your service, or they shouldn’t get your product.

It’s both morally good business to be honest with your clients, telling them if something isn’t for them. As well as it is profitably good business. Yes you might lose out on a couple of sales in the short term. But in the long run you’ll make a ton more because of the trust and the relationship you’ve built.

I’ve had clients that I declined working with because I found myself not capable enough to help them achieve their goals.

So I told them and referred them to someone else who was more capable—if anyone came to mind.

The result?

Those clients trusted me more and ended up buying a lot of my products later down the road.

It pays to be honest.

With that said, let me tell you who my Ready, Set, Launch 14-day challenge is NOT for.

It’s not for you if you have 0 experience in the market they want to do business in. A month of experience? Ok we can do something with that. But absolute nothing? Not even a week yet? No can do.

We’re building a digital product.

You need to be able to understand the problems (and possible solutions) your market is facing—no need to know them yet, I’ll show you how to find those, but you need some experience to be able to relate.

It’s not for you if you expect to invest some money into this challenge and magically get it back without doing anything.

That’s not how it works—that’s not how I work.

This is a challenge, a product-building challenge. I’m showing you, step-by-step (it literally couldn’t be easier), how to profitably build and launch your new product. I’m not building it for you.

I’m always shocked to know that I have to mention this. But this is not for you if you have to ask me for a discount, a guarantee, or, god forbid, a payment plan.

It’s a 14 challenge where I’ll show you the ins and outs of doing a profitable product launch (including ideating and building the product) with personal attention and live coaching for $100.

I’ll eat my own shoe if you don’t make your money back after those 14 days by the way.

And still, if you’re in such financial trouble, or if you’re so uncertain that you need a guarantee in order to think about this offer. Then this simply isn’t for you. And maybe this career path isn’t for you (yet).

That said, if you’re still interested in joining this 14-day profitably-ideate-build-and-launch-your-digital-product challenge, then save your seat right here: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

P.S. Here’s a quick reminder of the practical details:

We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st

We’ll have live 4 calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

You’ll also get access to a temporary community where I’ll help you answer any and all questions you have between the calls.

I’ll shut down the purchase link this Saturday at midnight CET.

I’m also limiting this offer to just 10 people. And you know how people are, they all buy a day before the deadline (aka tomorrow). So save your spot now if you want to get in.

Once again, here’s the link: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

The secret way top entrepreneurs use to 10x the value of their offer (without changing the offer)

There's a secret way to turn your offer into on that's 10 times as valuable without changing anything about the offer itself.

Sometimes this single secret is the only reason why people by your offer. 

Hell I've even bought a $200 product before just because the creator correctly used this small little secret. 

The crazy part?

I didn't even care about the product. In fact, it's been over 5 months and I haven't even looked at it yet.

What's the secret I'm talking about?


Adding bonuses can singlehandedly transform your offer from something your readers don't even think twice about to something they absolutely need to have—even if they don't care about the main offer.

Trust me. 

People do this more often than you think—I'm one of them.

Which brings me to my offer of this wee Ready, Set, Launch, and the epic bonus you'll get for joining us.

You see, not only will I be helping you ideate, build, and launch your course. I'll also be joining the challenge myself and ideate, build, and promote my own product at the same time.

In fact I've already got a slight of what to create—thats the ideation part already started.

So I'll always be one step ahead of you in the process.

That way you'll get insights into exactly what I'm doing, live as it's happening, to help you every step of the way.

Even more.

At the end of the challenge, you'll get this course, the one I've been building alongside with you, entirely for free as well.

The crazy part? 

I'll be pricing that course more expensively than this challenge.

Now if that's not overdelivering then I don't know what is.

Anyway I'll leave it at that for now

Click here to save your spot today: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA 

P.S. I’m limiting the total amount of participants to just 10 people so I can give everyone the required care and attention.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CET after which I’ll be closing the doors—if the offer hasn’t sold out by then yet.

Once again, here’s the link to get your spot: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA

How to gain a positively unfair advantage in business before 2024

I’ve seen quite a few things in the past 12 months that I’ve been building my creator business now

More specifically.

I’ve seen so many people join the scene.

But one thing always stood out to me. Some people just made so much progress so much quicker than everyone else.

At first, I didn’t think much of it. I thought it was because of their prior experience, gathered in their 9–5 or gained by building previous businesses. Others had incredibly valuable connections, which helped them grow that much faster. Some just had a lot of money and could invest heavily in education and 1 on 1 coaching—hey that’s just how it works.

And while those were true for the most part.

That wasn’t all.

See, some people would still make tremendous progress without any of these factors helping them out.

So how’d they do it?

Turns out. They landed on a tactic so simple, a psychological principle so taken-for-granted, so overlooked, that it’s almost laughable how many others didn’t notice it and wasted 5 months before coming to the same conclusion.

The tactic?

They built their own digital product.

Yes yes, nothing groundbreaking, I know. But let me tell you why this makes such a difference.

First. Simply having a product shows you know at least something—especially when you’ve got customer reviews to prove that it’s actually a good product.

This will boost your authority and make people pay attention.

And if there’s one thing to know, it’s that attention is the new currency.

Secondly, having a product—even just building a product—gives you something to do. Something to work on or something to talk about. It gives you a personal project and a goal to reach. You’re that much more focused and you know what to do.

So many people are “building” something without actually creating assets for themselves or having a guidepost to follow except “I want more followers”.

And they won’t pay the bills.

That’s the third benefit as well. You’re simply able to get paid.

Anyway enough about that.

What if I told you that you can not only build but also profitably launch your very own digital product before the year is over?

Well, that’s exactly what I’ve got for you today.

I’m hosting a 14-day group challenge where I’ll guide you throughout the whole process of ideating, creating, validating, promoting, and launching your own digital product.

Everything I teach is based on my most recent product-building & promoting experience that gets me paid reliably and consistently.

The best part?

You build it once and it’ll keep on generating revenue for years to come if you want it to. That’s how powerful it is.


We’ll start the challenge Monday December 18th so don’t waste anymore time and get your spot right here: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA 

P.S. I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people so I can give everyone the required care and attention.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CET after which I’ll be closing the doors—if the offer hasn’t sold out by then yet.

Yesterday, someone already purchased their spot in this challenge. So don’t hesitate much longer because this will sell out.

Once again, here’s the link to get your spot: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA