Here’s why following the road most travelled is robbing you blind

Normal wisdom has you believe you should:

  • Do months of useless market research

  • Settle on a problem you think your market wants solving

  • Look at your competitors for inspiration on what solutions they’re offering

  • Slightly alter their solution to make yours seem unique

  • Create a minimum-viable product

  • Test & validate the product extensively behind the scenes

  • Waste months building the final sellable product

  • Only once everything is finished launch the product and put it on sale

But what if I told you that it’s entirely possible to do all of the above at the same time, or better yet, skip all of these steps entirely?

Yeah that’s right.

Imagine an approach that allows you to go from idea to getting paid in only 7 days. No matter what market or industry you’re in. No matter what your prior history or experience is.

And aside from the obvious benefit of going through the process at lightning speed compared to traditional product building. You’re also getting paid plenty, with more guaranteed on the way, and you’ve even got a finished asset with unlimited leverage you can use to keep earning a steady income for years to come.

Even more.

It’s the same approach I’ve used repeatedly in the last couple of months to create multiple profitable product launches.

An approach that’s supported by the ideas and principles taught by leading figures such as Ben Settle, Dan Kennedy, Eugene Schwartz, Dan Koe, JK Molina, Jose Rosado, and many, many more.

Even more.

It allows everyone who uses it to safeguard their resources. Never again will you spend time on money on a project that didn’t deliver any results.

I bet this sounds impossible.

But I can guarantee you that it works. Not only will you almost guarantee every creation you make to be a instant banger for your market. But in the slight off-chance, since people aren’t always as rational as you’d like, that you’re idea isn’t the life-changing opportunity you thought it was, even in that case, you have access to a unique and almost unspoken about mechanism that makes sure you never ever spend more resources on something than it’s going to return to you.

All but guaranteeing you always win with every choice you make.

At first, I didn’t believe it either. But since then I’ve used it on a few rare occasions and it totally amazed me. In fact, I used the mechanism not too long ago and I ended up still getting paid while literally putting in no work at all.

What’s more?

My customers loved me for doing this and they now trust me even more!

Anyway, that’s enough teasing for now.

I’ll share all of my secrets and tell you everything you want to know about this topic in Product Creation Made Easy, which is on pre-sale right now at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249) until tonight at midnight CET.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before today at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions

I only have one single wish for all of 2024:

To spend more time reading.


I’ve come across so many incredible series, all made up of so many books, written by authors that spend decades working out every little detail of their world, doing nothing every day except perfecting their craft and giving you an experience words can’t do justice.

So that’s my goal.

To free up my time so much that I can spend it all reading. And, of course, without having to sacrifice time for other activities I love such as bouldering, working out, traveling, playing chess, writing, family time, and exploring all kinds of new hobbies with friends.

How will I get there?

Not by hopping on three times as many consultation calls, I’ll tell you that.

No, I’ll get there by leveraging digital real estate that’s getting money into my bank account.

I’m talking about digital products.

That’s the one and only true key to unlocking a life of freedom and rewarding you with the time to read—or whatever else you’d like to do in your free time.

And I’ve got just the thing for you.

Allow me to introduce Product Creation Made Easy. It’s my latest course where I’ll teach you my entire process from start to finish on how to ideate, create, and launch profitable products in 21 days or less.

And for just 16 more hours you’re able to get it at a $120 discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before today at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

My first few product “launches” were horrendous

The first time I ever “launched” a product was in April this year.

I had just finished touching up a product I had been using as a free lead magnet so far and making it as good as I could so that I could slap a price on it and finally have a product that I could sell.

After having created my product I wrote an email to my list telling them the product was up for grabs on my Gumroad page.

And that was it.

No pre-sale, no hype, no special limited-time bonuses, nothing, not even a week of emails talking about the product.

No. Just the one.

Needless to say, I didn’t sell anything.

A few months went by and I wanted to create an email course. But this time I had learned my lesson. I was also really proud of the course I created so it was easy for me to keep talking about it.

And so I did.

I made my product and then started talking about it regularly, whenever I felt like it.

This time around I made a whopping 3 (!) sales.

Still, not something you’d call a successful launch, right? This demoralized me because I didn’t know what I was doing. I had spent months working on both of these products and my reward was next to nothing.

Little did I know how much everything would change.

Not long after I started reading more of Ben Settle’s stuff. I admired him for the kind of business he had built and he soon became one of my biggest inspirations. I bought all kinds of stuff from him. Investing well over $700 on his stuff.

And I loved it.

But there was one thing that changed everything.

In one of his books he briefly mentioned a promotional schedule he used to use back in a day, it was less than a page worth of content in a giant book of his. But that one page sparked something in me and gave me the inspiration to experiment with new promotional strategies.

Since then I launched 5 new offers and tested with all kinds of different methods.

One of them was my Abundant-Client System—also the first product I applied this building-in-public approach to. That launch turned out to be one of the best I’d ever done.

Within a few days, sales started coming in.

And they didn’t stop.

I easily made a month's salary in just one weekend.

Since then I nailed it down to 2 different promotional schedules, a short one and a long one—whichever you decide to use depends on the scenario and a few important factors.

I teach both of those schedules in Product Creation Made Easy—the course I’m launching this Saturday (that’s tomorrow) where I’ll teach you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products from start to finish in 21 days or less.

It’s currently up for grabs at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

So if you’d like to get it before time runs out, then follow these instructions carefully:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th (that’s tomorrow) at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

I lied, I’m not creating a course in 21 days

It’s currently Friday the 29th, 11:52 CET as I’m writing this email, almost 3 hours before this email is supposed to go out.

Now, that wouldn’t normally be anything out of the ordinary.

But it is.

Why? Well because I’m doing a promotion this week.

I’ve already written two emails for the past four days, I’ll be sending three in total today, and you’ll receive a total of five emails tomorrow because I know how much you enjoy reading my emails.

See, normally I schedule my emails during promotions like these—at least one or two days ahead at least.

But I’m not doing so this time around.

I wanted to challenge myself.

Even more, normally when I do one of these build-in-public product launches I schedule them in such a way that I have 14 days to create the whole course.

But, you guessed it, not this time.

No no, this time I started building the product only three days ago, giving myself a frightening deadline of having to write 12+ modules, 16+ emails, a sales page with multiple revisions, and a 90-day email sequence (yes I’m serious), all in just 5 days.

To say this I’m an absolute lunatic for trying this would be an understatement.

I wouldn’t recommend anyone else to follow this same schedule.


I’m doing it. It’s entirely possible. Even better. It’s going a lot smoother than I originally expected.

There’s only 2 more modules I have to write and I’m pretty much finished with the course—at least the base version, I plan on regularly adding more content and bonuses throughout the following weeks to make the processes and systems work even smoother and clear up some of the early questions people might have.

That said, I surprised myself as well with this.

I know I had good systems in place that allowed me to create great and profitable products fast and effortlessly. But I didn’t know they worked this well.

So when I tell you that I’ll teach you “How to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products from start to finish in 21 days or less”, pay careful attention to the “or less” at the end of that sentence.

Because I’m doing it in just 7 days (or less).

Anyway, that’s enough for today.

If you’d like to learn more about Product Creation Made Easy click here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249) until Saturday, December 30th (that’s tomorrow) at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before tomorrow at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

Think you don’t know what to do? Think again

Many months ago I was speaking with a fellow creator and friend of mine (who I won’t name for obvious reasons).

He told me about this lead magnet he wanted to create.

I asked what he wanted to create, and it sounded like a great idea.

I gave him some pointers and wished him luck with the creation of his lead magnet.

But then, a few months after that initial conversation, when I was catching up with him, I asked him how the lead magnet was performing.

Turns out, he hadn’t built it yet!

He told me has was struggling and didn’t quite know how to build it. I obviously wanted to help and so I asked him what he did already and where exactly he got stuck. And what would you know? He never even got started in the first place. Not a single word was written down on the topic.

Now, I don’t mean to say anything bad about this friend.

But I see this same problem recurring all the time. It’s not that building a product is difficult or that some people just can’t figure it out. It’s just that people don’t get started.

I’ll guarantee you this now.

Once you start writing, I don’t care if you have no idea what you’re doing, you’ll magically figure it out along the way.

It won’t even take long. Force yourself to start writing. Even if it’s just for two minutes.

At the end of those two minutes, you’ll know where you want to start and you won’t want to stop because you have gained the clarity needed to create your product through that writing.

That said, there are some guiding principles and steps—which are so incredibly easy to follow even a 10-year-old could do this—you can take to make your life easier. Ones that I’ve been using to write entire 12-module products regularly in 7 days or less.

And you’ll find all of those in the product I’m launching this week called Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll show you exactly how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products from start to finish in 21 days or less.

The crazy part?

I’ll show you how you can get paid before you’ve even written a single part of your product.

Sounds interesting?

Then click this link today to learn more about Product Creation Made Easy:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249) until Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

Look at me, being a big boy and planning ahead

Recently I’ve been investing more time and energy into systemizing my business & marketing process.

One of the latest additions to my process has been to schedule future promotions and offers months in advance.

I’ve currently got a schedule until April.

I regularly get an unhealthy amount of shiny object syndrome and this process helps me stay focused on the things that currently matter, while not discarding the great ideas I come up with when I’m supposed to be dealing with other stuff.

One of those ideas I’m particularly excited about is to host a (new and improved) 21-day workshop/group-coaching/challenge thingy entirely about ideating, creating, and launching new digital products.

Similar to the 14-day Ready, Set, Launch challenge I tried doing a few weeks ago.

But this time hosted at a better time, with a new curriculum, a better timeframe, and more clarity & feedback from my audience.

I’ll likely price it at $100 since I want to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

But here’s the fun fact.

It’ll obviously be heavily based on Product Creation Made Easy, the course I’m currently promoting, so everyone who bought the course by then will get a free invite to the 21-day workshop I’ll be hosting sometime around March or April.

Yes, you read that right.

Even if you purchase Product Creation Made Easy right now with the $120 early-bird discount (making it only $129 instead of the full $249) you’ll get access to the 21-day workshop in March or April, entirely for free.

Those who don’t get in now, but want to join the workshop, have 2 options.

Either they buy the course sometime later at the full $249 or they buy the workshop for $100 and don’t receive access to the course itself.

That said.

This is the only email I’ll send revealing this bonus.

I don’t want to turn this into the main marketing of the course. So if you’re reading this email, take this as a token of my appreciating for reading every single email of mine.

Or if you just so happened to read this one, and none of the others, consider yourself lucky.

Either way, that’s enough for now.

If you’re interested in getting Product Creation Made Easy or already want to secure your spot for the upcoming LIVE 21-day “Ideate, Create, and Launch a course” workshop/cohort/group-coaching thingy, then click here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249) until Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

Doubling Kieran Drew’s course launch from $100k to $200k

A good 6 months ago a writer, Twitter personality, and ex-dentist known by the name of Kieran Drew launched his writing course “High Impact Writing”.

It shook the whole “Money X” community—as the youngsters call it nowadays.

I wholeheartedly respect Kieran.

He’s a great writer and a brilliant entrepreneur, and he knows what he’s doing.

So much so that Kieran made over $100k almost overnight with his course launch—and people were losing their minds. It was an amazing launch for Kieran and I doubt he expected something like this himself.

But there’s one thing that stood out to me.

See, Kieran’s one of the few leading personalities to talk about “building in public”. Yet the closest he got to building his course in public was posting a sneak peek of his writing course once in a while and creating a waitlist for the product before he released it.

Both of which are great, don’t get me wrong.

But that’s the old approach.

The approach used by old-school marketers in the olden ages before we had the power and the leverage of the internet.

Nowadays we have access to so much more potential.

There’s a new way to build in public. One which, dare I say, could’ve transformed his $100k launch into a $200k launch or even more.

An approach so simple, yet so effective.

One that successfully leverages your credibility builds authority and increases the hype and “buzz” around your product in such a way that people find it almost impossible NOT to buy from you—without giving you any extra work at all.

Such is the new way.

Such is the way I’m teaching in my course Product Creation Made Easy that’s currently up for sale at an early-bird $120 discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

In it I’ll take you through the entire process starting from getting the first idea for a profitable product, to creating the product step-by-step using a simple method, yet effective, method even a 10-year-old could follow, all the way to launching the course in such a way that you’ll get guaranteed sales and traction, all in 21 days.

I’ve also added bonuses showing you how to easily and effectively keep getting paid for the final product you created, even months or years after the initial launch.

If you’d like to learn more about Product Creation Made Easy click here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249) until Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

Selling the same banana for 30 days straight

A few months ago a follower, daily email reader, and aspiring copywriter named Vladimir Gulyashki had a genius series going to prove his credibility while also getting tons of practice in.

Here’s what he did:

He started a daily series where every day he would open a Google doc, write a sales email in which he was trying to sell a banana (wonder who he got inspired by) and post it onto his Twitter for people to read—and even critique/add suggestions if they wanted.

Every day he’d post another Google doc called something along the lines of “Selling a banana #24”.

He stopped doing this a while back as far as I’m aware.

But I loved this series for multiple reasons aside from the obvious “sell a banana” joke.

For one, you could actively see Vladimir experimenting with different principles, strategies, and marketing angles. You could see him getting better day after day.

Not many people would commit to such a series.

While the idea behind the series was definitely there and it’s great practice, I understand why Vladimir ended up calling it quits after a while.

It didn’t pay the bills.

Why practice writing an email that never arrives selling an imaginary banana when you could build a list, send real emails, and sell something that’s actually going to get you paid?

The problem here, however, is that many people don’t have an offer to sell.

Which is why I thought this would be a perfect moment to announce that I’m going to experiment working with affiliates to promote my course Product Creation Made Easy.

So if you 1) want to practice writing your copy, 2) have an audience (doesn’t matter the size), or 3) just want to share the product with your audience and make a bit of profit in the profit, then listen up.

Here’s what I’m offering:

I’ll give you a unique link that you can promote to your email list, your X following, or your grandma.

You’ll keep 50% for every sale you’ll make (that’s $64.50).

And to make it extra worth it, we’ll work together to craft a unique bonus offer just for you and your audience if you can get more than 5 people to buy through your affiliate link.

I chose 5 to make sure I don’t have to create a thousand bonus offers, but also make sure it’s low enough so you’ll have a shot at rewarding your audience no matter how big your list is.

It’s a win-win for every party involved:

1) I get more experience working with affiliates—something I’ve never done before—so I can add a module to the product about how to use affiliates effectively

2) You get to practice writing your copy and actually being able to get paid without having to worry about creating an offer yourself

3) Your audience gets a chance to receive some extra bonus, whether that’s a workshop, a group coaching session, or some other bonus product/offer we’ll create together


If you like the sound of this offer and would like to affiliate for Product Creation Made Easy then reply to this email and we’ll work something out.

If not and you’re just here for the entertainment or you’re more interested in creating your own product.

Then check out Product Creation Made Easy here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

How do I market my marketing business where I teach people marketing?

I regularly receive DMs from people asking for my advice on the best way for them to build their creator business.

There’s only one problem.

They almost always want to “help people make money online”—even though they haven’t made any money online themselves.

And I get it.

It’s a fun and exciting market. It’s especially trending nowadays. Hell, I even got into it myself.

But there’s a big difference.

It all depends on your prior knowledge and experience.

You can’t just go around asking people for payment for your marketing and sales knowledge if you don’t have any marketing and sales knowledge. You won’t even get that far in the end because almost nobody will be willing to pay you since you don’t have any marketing nor sales knowledge.

Here’s a rule of thumb:

If you have to ask me (or anyone else) for advice about how to create, grow, or market your business. Then you shouldn’t build a creator business around marketing… yet.

But not all is lost.

I’ll share with you the same answer I tell every single person who asks me this question:

Start with something else.

Teach yourself a skill. Get some results with it on your own. Become your own case study. Then once you’ve gotten results with that skill you can start teaching it to others—which will require you to learn some sales and marketing to turn your teaching/consulting offer into a success.

Let’s take copywriting as an example.

Get yourself some courses. Learn the basics. Create your own email list and write everyday—not with the aim of selling stuff, not even with the aim of building a big list, but just to have a place where you can practice daily, even if nobody’s reading it.

Share your progress on Twitter or any other social media—this gives you undeniable proof you’re doing something, building your credibility and authority for the future, but it’ll also keep you motivated to keep going if you see people paying attention.

Try to land some client work early on.

Write emails for other people’s products. Get paid to learn—that’s what makes freelancing so great.

Or become an affiliate for an offer you really like and enjoy (this eliminates imposter syndrome while selling). Then try to sell it to your own email list. Yes, even if nobody’s reading, you just need the practice.

Keep doing what you’re doing and build up a portfolio of emails/sales letters.

You’ll eventually get real, tangible results you can show as a case study. At that point you can confidently start teaching what you know.

From then on you can keep doing what you’re doing or pivot and try out other avenues.

Just don’t skip this.


This brings me to my Product Creation Made Easy course I’m currently promoting where I’ll teach you how to ideate, create, and launch your first or next digital product in 21 days or less.

Just as what I recommended above, so does your product has to be something you have experience with or at the very least are extremely passionate about.

But what’s that? You don’t think you have anything worth offering, let alone building a product on?

Well I’ll show you just how big of a pile of bullshit that is.

In the course I’ll show you a simple 5-step ideation process I go through everytime I create a new product that guarantees you’ll end up with a valuable product, one that can actually help people, based on something you have experience with.

I’ve never seen someone go through this process and not come out with a valuable product idea.

Everyone has life experience, everyone has interests, hobbies, and curiosities, and everyone has valuable product ideas inside their mind.

It’s that simple.

If you’d like to learn more about Product Creation Made Easy click here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

JK Molina’s email teases something I use to 5x what my products make

I opened up my email inbox this morning when I noticed a new email from JK Molina.

I don’t always read every single email of his, but this one I just happened to read.

In it he mentioned a play on words, “Customers in motion, stay in motion”, which I thought was slightly fun and clever.

The premise of the email was that 90% of your audience will never spend any money with you.

But that’s ok.

Because those 10% who do will spend a lot. They’ll see the value you’re offering. and they’ll be happy to invest in your products and services time and time again. All you need to do is give them slight nudges to first get them into motion—and then even slighter nudges to keep them moving.

JK didn’t go into any specifics in the email.

He was mostly teasing about his next offer—as he always does.

But that didn’t matter.

Why you ask?

Well it just so happens that, coincidentally, “keeping your customers in motion” is something I teach in Product Creation Made Easy as well.

More precisely.

I show you the follow-up sequences (some of which can be up to 90 days long!) I use when someone buys my products. These follow-up sequences easily account for more than double, sometimes even three to five times as much as I earned selling the product itself.

You’re literally leaving so much money on the table by not having these follow-up sequences. You might as well burn 80% of your net worth right now.

That’s how much of an effect these sequences can have.

Anyway, that’s enough for now.

If you’d like to learn more click here:

P.S. Product Creation Made Easy is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th at midnight CET to get it before the price increase

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link: