I did an oopsie

Everyone makes mistakes, and your banana overlord ain’t no exception to that rule.

In my last email, I shared a testimonial I’d gotten from a consultation client many moons ago.

I also spoke about how I would start offering consultation calls again because I noticed just how helpful they were for people.

Especially for people who wanted more personalized assistance than they’d get from a digital product, but who aren’t quite in need for a full-on coaching commitment—or for people who want to test the waters before committing to a coaching program.

Either way.

I announced that I’ll be doing more one-off consultation calls again.

And in combination, I’ll be increasing my hourly rate to better reflect my increase in skill, experience, and prior client results.

But I won’t increase my rate just yet.

I’ll only increase them this Friday, February 9th at 10 pm CET—not September 9th as I accidentally wrote in my last email.

Now don’t ask me why I wrote September.

I have no idea. My brain works in mysterious ways sometimes and this was no exception. Maybe I wanted it to be September already? Who knows.

Or I just simply saw “Friday 9th” and thought of September as the 9th month, because, you know, that makes sense.

Either way.

We all make mistakes.

Yet there’s one thing I can guarantee that’s no mistake.

And that’s signing up for a clarity call before the price increase (from $249 to $500) this Friday FEBRUARY 9th at 10 pm CET.

Here’s the link: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call