One of Rome’s most ‘hated’ emperors teaches how to be loved

Contrary to popular belief, Nero, one of Ancient Rome’s most notorious and infamous emperors nowadays, wasn’t hated by the people.

Stronger yet, he was actually very much loved by the citizens of Rome—until the whole “killing his mom” and “building a giant golden palace in the middle of town after a fire—which the angry mob later, wrongly, accused him of causing it—destroyed most of the city” fiasco happened.


The people used to love Nero.

He was very entertaining, quite caring, and extremely outgoing. In fact, he was so outgoing he regularly gave theatrical performances where he would play the lute or act out a whole play (in a time when actors and artists were regularly considered to be on the same level as prostitutes and slaves).

Naturally, the Roman aristocracy hated him for doing such “foolish” and “low-status” activities.

But nonetheless, he definitely had the love of the common man.

Thing is, Nero didn’t actually care that much what others (especially the aristocracy) thought of him. In a way he was a real goofball, did what he wanted, regardless of what the shnobs thought of him, and enjoyed the company of others (and their praise). He wasn’t

Quite ahead of his time if you ask me.


This goes to show you how there’s a formula you can follow to be loved and adored by people, regardless of the difference in your station or upbringing (assuming you don’t happen to kill your mother, your step-brother, two of your wives, and a whole load of other people just because they said something you didn’t like).

The formula in question?

Be a goofball. Talk about your passions. Embrace them. Do your own thing—your way. And learn to enjoy the company of others while showing interest in who they are and what they do.

Which brings me to my point of today’s email.

I already talked to many people on my list. But I’m not even close to having spoken to everyone yet.

So here’s a question for you today:

What kind of business are you running? Or if you don’t have one yet, what are you (hopefully) working towards?

I’d love to hear more about your situation and how it’s going.

And if I already know because you’ve told me already, then message me again and tell me how everything’s been for you and your business since the last time we spoke.

Just hit reply.