And old fish and two young ones walked into a bar

Alright, they didn’t walk into a bar.

But check this out:

A few days ago Quy, a new daily email reader, and highly valuable content creator on LinkedIn who’s working with 7–9 figure CEOs, shared with me a tiny little silly, yet still valuable, story.


An old fish swims past two young fish.

"How's the water?" he says.

The young fish look at each other and reply,

“What water?”,

Apparently it’s a famous and often-told story, which I should’ve heard before. But alas, either I didn’t or I didn’t register and just forgot about it.

Either way, for some reason, it hit me when I read it.

You see, you, me, and every other person out there spends day in, day out just living their life. Completely different lives with all sorts of adventures, backstories, pains and hardships, highs and lows, moments of insight, and an almost unlimited source of inspiration to tap from that keeps them going, gets them new ideas, and make life unique.

So unique in fact that none of these lives ever look the same.

Every. Single. Detail. Will. Be. Different.

And we know that what’s different is automatically exciting and interesting.

My point is that every single person, including you and me—doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what you do, or even how old you are—has an unlimited amount of interesting stories to share.

Unique and original stories, taken straight from your own life.

Not merely copy and pasted from someone else (like I ironically did with this email).

Yet not a day goes by without seeing some new creator complaining about not having any interesting, useful, or exciting stories to share.

Speaking of stories.

One of the best results that comes from stories is 1) getting noticed 2) landing clients 3) making money.

And if you’d like more clarity on the frameworks I used (and still use occasionally) when it comes to landing clients, then check out my Abundant-Client System today.

Here’s the link: