A not-so-secret email about my secrets

One practice I like to do is to add a “Secret Module” to (almost all) my courses.

What I mean by that is a course that isn’t immediately available upon purchase—one people often aren’t even aware of that exists.

Requirements to unlock the module could be writing a testimonial, sharing proof of work, finishing a particular module, or just waiting for a few days (i.e. bonuses via email sequences).

These are little personal touches added to make a course feel special (or at least that’s what I’m hoping it does).


Those “Secret Modules” often tend to be one of the most valuable ones out of the entire bunch. Valuable in the sense of ‘most profitable once implemented together with the previous foundations already in place’—none of these secret modules are foundations or even required to make your business functions, but they do add a nice big chunk of cash flow.

And, at the end of the day, more cash flow with less work is what I’m optimizing my business for.

That’s also what I optimize my products for and what I aim to teach.

It just makes sense.

So if you want to discover this Secret Module I have in store for you in Email Extraordinaire, one that’ll teach you “How To Run … To Make A Metric Crap Ton of Sales” (I can’t show the full title, otherwise it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now would it?), then check out Email Extraordinaire in the next 1.5 hours.

Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE

PS: Why 1.5 hours?

Well, because that’s the last chance you’ll ever get to purchase Email Extraordinaire (or at least for the next 6 months).

I’ll be closing the cart today at midnight CET (that’s 1.5 hours after this email goes out).

And you won’t have another chance to invest in your email writing skills with Email Extraordinaire until late July/early August at which time I’ll have completely revamped, updated, upgraded, visually overhauled, and improved upon every single aspect of the course, based on my own recent experience and customer feedback—so much improvement in fact I can guarantee you it won’t be available for any amount under $497 (potentially even higher).

But if you get it today?

You’ll get it today, including all upcoming improvements, and for less than 20% of the full price it’ll be in 6 months time.

So if you’re thinking about getting it, then what are you still reading for?

Get it here in the next hour: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE