A new and spicy writing lesson from the world’s greatest living copywriter

Here’s something new I learned:

It’s something Gary Bencivenga, often referred to as the world’s greatest living copywriter, used in his own copy and which he taught to all of his students who paid thousands upon thousands of dollars to study under the great Gary Bencivenga.

And it’s one of those little details that’s perfectly applicable to almost everything you do—even if you don’t write copy (or think you don’t write copy).

More importantly.

It’s one of the best tips someone could ever give you regarding email marketing.

With this tip you’ll guarantee never to bore your audience, to make sure they’re coming back every single day, eager to know what you’ll be writing about this time—without even having seen your subject line or you having to tease your next emails—and people will have that same eagerness to buy almost all of the products and services you offer.

Simply said.

It’s powerful.

But alright enough teasing.

The lesson in question?



Whenever you’re writing, ask yourself, “Is this new”? Has my reader already heard this before?” If so, don’t bother. Always share something new. Something your reader has never heard before. That’s how you keep them coming back.


So there you have it.

Make sure everything you write is new. It doesn’t have to be a new revelation, a brand-new idea, or some new product you’ve only recently invented.

But approach it from a new angle, make a new connection, or talk about an old solution or an old problem in a new way.

Whatever you do, make sure it’s new.

Speaking of news.

I’ll be test-running out a new service.

More specifically, I’m offering people the opportunity to hire me to write their emails. Whether it’s creating a new welcome sequence, a post-purchase product sequence (even ones up to 90 days), writing promotional emails (think launches, affiliate promotions, coaching spots, workshops, and more), or simply writing your weekly/daily emails.

A simple done-for-you write your emails & grow your list type of offer.

I don’t have any specifics yet, as I said, I’m still test-running this idea and playing around with it. That said, while it obviously won’t be free, I won’t charge expensive prices just yet.

I also don’t plan to take on many clients, only a few at once.

So if you’d like me to write emails for you, then hit me up by replying to this email. Tell me a bit about what you do, what kind of list you have (or want to build) and we’ll talk a bit to figure out whether we’d be a good fit to start working together.

Simply reply and I’ll get back to you right away.