I need your help

Yesterday I shared that I’m working on building a course.

The course focuses on building your own creator business. I share my own methods and frameworks.

From branding to positioning and monetization. It’s all included.

I don’t want it to be another growth guide. Neither do I want it to be a “How to make money doing coaching on Twitter” guide.

I want it to work for anyone. Regardless of what ‘niche’ you’re in.

This past year I’ve spoken with countless people across different fields:

  • B2B sales

  • copywriters

  • ghostwriters

  • Forex Traders

  • fitness coaches

  • Notion creators

  • digital marketers

  • meditation gurus

  • brand consultants

  • graphic designers

  • affiliate marketers

  • community builders

  • productivity coaches

  • SaaS business owners

They all differ in what they do, who they target, and how they operate. But the underlying fundamentals remain the same.

That’s what this course will teach you — the foundations for building your business in a digital age. Leveraging the power of social media. And becoming a creator in the process.

And of course. Using all the systems that allow you to work less than 3 hours a day.

Here’s a quick overview of modules I’ve already (partially) written:

  • Design your winning profile

  • Find and build your dream audience

  • Write content that gets you growth, leads, and sales

  • Crafting an offer people can’t refuse

  • Closing prospects on a sales call

  • Making friends through DMs

  • Selling through DMs

  • Tools to automate 90% of your business

  • Hosting the best spaces on Twitter

  • Thread writing masterclass

  • How to get your emails opened

  • Social media positioning guide

  • Create attention-grabbing tweets every time

  • Your 6-month blueprint

  • The first steps of creating a newsletter

  • Different monetization routes explained

As you can see. I’m working on making this course worth your while. Not just another “Engage often, keep posting, DM people, hop on calls, and get paid” guide.

But this is where I need your help. What were your first thoughts when you read these chapters?

Do they interest you? Are they different from what you were hoping for? Are there important topics that I didn’t mention yet? I’m open to any and all suggestions.

This course isn’t just a solo project of mine.

It’s a collaboration with my audience. With people who have a need for such a course. It’s a collaboration with you. Let’s make a wonderful product together.

Let me know by voting on the poll below.