A must watch philosophy on the divide between Work and Play

Last week turned out to be quite a successful week for me.

Mainly because of finally having published my first book (which still amazes me every time I look at my bookshelf and see a book with my name on it).

So that means it’s more than okay to take some time off and relax for a while.

Now, one of the issues that often arises when you’re relaxing is that you might ask yourself “am I doing something useful right now?”

And in that case, you’re falling into a major trap so many people in our current society fall into in every single day.

But don’t take it from me, take it from the late, great Alan Watts himself:

This is one of my favorite and most-watched/listened to fragments of Alan Watts that’s freely available out there on YouTube.

It’s about the unusual, society-made, and self-destructing divide between work and play.

The whole thing is less than 13 minutes long so you can watch/listen to it during your commute, while doing the dishes, or even during the time you’d otherwise be wasting scrolling through social media on your afternoon toilet break.

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IGgGQZth08