How much did I earn last month?

August is officially here.

So it’s time for me to reflect on July.

I look at what happened and what didn’t happen. Where am I making progress and do I need to improve?

It’s an important practice to have, as it makes sure you’re always making progress, no matter what happens.

July has been a good month. I’ve made plenty of progress on a course I’ve been working on. My Twitter profile saw some nice growth. Nothing to boast about, but I’m happy with what I achieved.

The business side of things also went well. I didn’t promote my offer for the first 2 weeks of July. There were some things I had to figure out so didn’t expect much profit this month.

I did, however, make $816,40. (I have some calls already planned for August that I’m not including here)

Not bad for 42 hours of work. (3 hours a day for 14 days)

I’m expecting August to go better. Many times better, in fact. Everything seems so promising. I’m filled to the brim with excitement, joy, and motivation.

Because my aim is freedom, I can’t take on an unlimited amount of clients. And in order to limit that number, I’ll increase my consultation prices at the end of this week.

My current hourly rate is $149 which I’ll be increasing to $199 this Sunday at 4 pm EST.

So in case you were still on the fence about hopping on a strategy call with me, here’s your reminder. There are exactly 121 hours left at the time I’m writing this email.

If you’re not sure whether I’ll be able to help you and would like some more information or if you simply want to hit me up before making a decision, that’s totally understandable.

Reply to this email and we’ll see if we’d be a good fit together and how I’ll be able to help you out.

Just for good measure, here’s another link: