By the time you’re reading this email, I’ll be in a restaurant eating what I hope will be an amazing meal.
But not just any restaurant.
A Korean Barbecue place to be specific.
See, I’ve heard (and seen) many great things about Korean Barbecue, yet I never tried it before in my 24 years of existence. Until today that is.
Now, I didn’t write you this email just to share what I’m eating today.
In fact, this simple event in my life reminded me of something important. A valuable lesson many people, myself included, often forget.
What am I talking about?
Simply said, the power of experimentation and trying new things.
You see, it’s easy to keep doing the things you know, going to the places you’re familiar with, practicing the skills you’ve already mastered (or at least have a good grasp of), and repeating this every single day.
But that’s a dark place to be. It’s where hopes or lost and dreams go to die.
Nobody ever got where they wanted without pushing their assumed and self-imposed boundaries. You simply need to push yourself out of your comfort zone if you want to grow as a human being.
Now, sure, trying out a new style of food isn’t “pushing yourself out of your comfort zone”—especially when I’m looking forward to it.
Yet even so.
How many cuisines have you tried before (figuratively of course)?
Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. It can be as small a step as trying out some new cuisine or it can be as huge as revamping the entire way you approach business (although I wouldn’t recommend you to do this too often).
For example.
You might have been selling services for many years, or perhaps you’ve been selling and delivering physical goods to your customers. But have you tried creating and offering digital products, either as replacements or as supplementing products to the main thing you’re selling?
If you haven’t, then I’d highly encourage to step outside of your comfort zone for just a moment and see how that might suit you.
Who knows, maybe it’ll be the best choice you ever make.
And in case you don’t know where to start, check out Product Creation Made Easy here: