What to do against manipulative, deceiving, and chaos-inducing news outlets

I haven’t watched, listened to, or read the news in over 2 years.

Mainly because I find it unhealthy for any one person to be exposed to so much drama, so much negativity, and so much chaos every single day. There’s always some disaster, an accident where people died, or a scandal to talk about somewhere in the world.

That’s not all though.

Not only does 90% of this not even matter (ask yourself how many news items you’ve seen in the last year that still have a big impact on you today, which you wouldn’t have known about if it weren’t for watching the news every day, that you still remember), but a lot of it is propaganda or heavily biased news items meant to, not just inform, but actively deceive or manipulate you as a viewer.

And if you think the news isn’t trying to deceive or manipulate, then you’re an even bigger fool than most.

The thing is, today’s media companies (among others) have become so adept at their craft that it’s damn near impossible to perceive when the manipulation is taking place—at least if you’re not trained in the same craft of entertainment and human psychology as they are.

But, as I must confess, this “no news for me” hasn’t been without some slight disadvantages.

Mainly, I’m unaware of most of the useless, frivolous, yet global news that’s making rounds around the globe, making it extremely difficult for me to “piggyback” of those trending topics to use in my emails, sales pages, advertisements, social media content, books, or anything else I create for a living (a rather powerful and entertaining strategy to use—taken straight from the enemy’s playbook).

Luckily, there exist solutions for this problem. Those solutions aren’t perfect, but they’re as close to a flawless compromise as I could find.

One of these is a popular newsletter I’ve discovered called 1440 which focuses on sending you no-nonsense, unbiased, and trending news items from all over the globe directly to your inbox.

Within five minutes you’re completely up-to-date with most things people are talking about while not (or as little as possible) trying to deceive or manipulate you (which you can confirm yourself by the lack of entertainment) and allow you to form your own opinions by diving deeper into the topics that interest you.

1440 also expressed their interest in wanting to sponsor today’s email.

As always in my sponsored emails, this last section of today’s email is the excerpt the guys over at 1440 prepared themselves. All I can say is to at least check them out and determine if this is something you could benefit from or not.

Anyway, here they are:


Seeking impartial news? Meet 1440.

Every day, 3.5 million readers turn to 1440 for their factual news. We sift through 100+ sources to bring you a complete summary of politics, global events, business, and culture, all in a brief 5-minute email. Enjoy an impartial news experience.

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