Making $6,000 in three weeks playing the guitar

Six months ago I launched Product Creation Made Easy, and quite successfully if I may say so myself.

In that time I’ve spoken with plenty of students who went through the course, some faster than others. While I don’t have the results of everyone, I do know that those who truly took the time to study and, more importantly, apply what they learned, meaning they ideated, created, and launched their new products (mostly courses), had some truly amazing results.

For example, there’s this one student (who I’m not sure wants me naming him) who built a guitar-playing course for older people in a later stage of life who weren’t sure whether they could still learn how to play or if they ‘wasted’ that opportunity.

It took him all but 3 weeks from the first time he started thinking about such a course until he was completely finished with everything and no longer had to lift a single finger (including promoting and launching it).

Those 3 weeks of work (in reality he only worked about an hour a day for those 3 weeks) landed him a sweet $6,000 paycheck, dozens of happy customers who’ll likely buy his future offers as well, and not to mention, he now owns a proven and permanent asset (the course) that he’s able to build upon, expand, and keep on profiting from for years to come…

And all of that with a measly email list of only 200 people!!


This isn’t the average result of just about anyone launching a course.

In fact, there’s something I haven’t told you yet.

The guy reached out to me a couple of times asking if I could help him with some questions he had. Mostly questions about how he could best position his otherwise “yet-another-guitar-playing-course” and a few other questions about adding upsells and other best practices.

So I looked over what he had for a bit and gave him some pointers as to what to think about and focus on.

Two weeks went by and he got back to me sharing the incredible results of his launch. And while he told me he couldn’t have done it without me, I’m not sure how much of those results can be attributed as opposed to his ruthless mindset of implementing everything he learned, combining it with his passions, and giving it everything he has.

Either way, this did spark me with an idea.

Something I thought about once in a while but never tried before…

And that’s a one-on-one 3-week done-WITH-you service where I’ll help guide you every step of the way to ideate, create, and launch your new digital product. We’ll tackle the contents of your product, the positioning of it, and exactly, step by step, how you can best launch your course, upsells, crossells, downsells, the whole shebang, so you can have the most profitable product you could imagine.

The process is simple:

We’ll hop on three different calls, one per week for every stage of my Product Creation Made Easy framework. During these calls we’ll strategize every step of the process—together—and at the end of the call you’ll know exactly what to do and focus on for the upcoming week.

During the week you’ll have permanent access to me over text as well so no question goes unanswered and no mystery remains unsolved.

At the end of the three weeks, you’ll either have a completely finished (and launched) product or you’ll at least have your completed first draft including the launch strategy in case you’d rather take more time creating and optimizing what you have on your hands (this depends on the scope of your product and the time you have available).

But here’s the catch:

This is something new I’m trying in the sense that I don’t often do “client/coaching work” (or at least not anymore).

I like my free time, you know?

So I’ll keep this extremely limited by only opening 3 spots for people who are interested. Three spots and not a single one more.

It’s first come, first serve as well. I don’t do favors. I don’t reserve spots.

And on top of that, if you want in you’ll have to decide before next week (the deadline is this Sunday at midnight CET).

I don’t have a sales page created.

I don’t have a payment link (to make sure we don’t go over the three-person limit).

The only way for you to get in is to personally reply to this email and let me know you’re interested.

We’ll handle it from there.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, don’t wait any longer.

Reply now.