The magic formula to making more sales

Dangle the right product in front of the right person at the right time and you’ve got yourself a sale.

That’s all you need.

Finding the right person is easy (and this means thinking about it for at least 10 minutes). So is finding the right time (just mass-create content and advertise your product and the magic of internet marketing will do its thing).

The difficulty lies in finding the right product.

See, everyone can make an offer that some people are slightly interested in. But creating an offer that most people—or at least your target audience—desperately need is a whole different story.

It’s the difference between “Oh I’ll bookmark this because I might want to get this later” and “Damn where did I leave my credit card? I need to buy this shit”.

It’s the difference between receiving a message from someone saying “Nice sales page, I’ll buy this later!” (they never do) and getting a testimonial from someone saying “This product changed my life”.

Luckily for you though, there are a few ways you can use to discover what your audience desperately needs and come up with the perfect offer, the perfect packaging, and the perfect positioning to make sure you’ll get flooded with buyers without having to put in much, if any, effort at all.

In fact.

These aren’t just any old methods.

I’ve used every single method myself, multiple times, even going as far as using ALL of them before I created my Abundant-Client System—which turned out to be a certified winner and became the biggest launch I ever had at that time.


I share both those methods and the exact case study of how I applied them to pre-validate the perfect product idea, design, and framework for one of my best launches ever in Product Creation Made Easy.

But why go through the trouble of coming up with the prefect product, the perfect positioning, the perfect target demographic, and the perfect narrative all on your own when you could sign up for my latest offer where I’d personally help you do all of this and guide you every step of the way through?

In case you’ve missed my previous 2 emails:

I'm talking about a new one-on-one 3-week done-WITH-you service where I’ll help guide you every step of the way to ideate, create, and launch your new digital product. We’ll tackle the contents of your product, the positioning, and how you can best launch your course with all of the upsells, crossells, downsells, the whole shebang or as fancy as you want to make it, so you can have the most profitable product you could imagine.

The process is simple:

We’ll hop on three different calls, one per week for every stage of my Product Creation Made Easy framework. During these calls we’ll strategize every step of the process—together—and at the end of the call you’ll know exactly what to do and focus on for the upcoming week.

During the week you’ll have permanent access to me over text so no question goes unanswered and no mystery remains unsolved.

At the end of the three weeks, you’ll either have a finished (and launched) product or you’ll at least have your completed first draft including the launch strategy in case you’d rather take more time creating and optimizing what you have on your hands (this depends entirely on you—I'm ready to help you go all the way).

As for some practical information:

No, you don't need to have bought Product Creations Made Easy for this offer. But obviously, if you have, it would only make things easier for yourself.

The price to get in is $297 (or $197 if you own Product Creations Made Easy).

I’ll keep this extremely limited to only 3 spots

The deadline to get in is this Sunday at midnight CET.

Since it's a one-on-one, we'll schedule our calls at whatever date and time suits you.

I don’t have a sales page created. The only way for you to get in is to personally reply to this email and let me know you’re interested.

We’ll handle it from there.