How would you like a business model so simple even a 12-year old could build one?

That’s what I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

In fact, it’s more “writing everything I’m currently doing down” than doing actual work to make it function.


Well, because that’s the exact level of simplicity my current business model has.

I’m serious.

There’s nothing fancy, shiny, or spectacular about what I do. But it works. It has always worked and it will always work. It isn’t based on some recent trend, hype, or anything else that’s only temporary.

It’s based on the teachings of old-school direct marketing legends, simple persuasion principles, and the evergreen natural desires of people.


I often talk about my 3 main business (and by extension, life) pillars: simplicity, enjoyment, and freedom. And this business model hits all 3 of them. So much so that some people might even call my business model primitive or unsophisticated.

And you know what?

I like the sound of that.

So I’ve officially come to name it The Barbaric Business Model (trademark pending).

Even more.

I’ll be launching The Barbaric Business Builder, a group coaching program where I’ll help you build your own Barbaric Business—a business so simple and so effective even a 12-year-old could build a profitable online business in 60 days or less.

The program will have weekly sessions where I’ll guide you through the entire process step-by-step, ranging from setting up your own email strategy to creating your flagship offer, building out your Fantasy Funnel (also trademark pending), and filling it with your very own profitable digital products according to my beloved Product Creation Made Easy framework.

The Barbaric Business Builder will officially start next week.

I’m looking for 5 people to join and no more.

The investment comes down to a mere $500/month, which is incredibly low considering that’s what I charge for a 60-minute consultation call. But I want to reward you as an early-action taker since this is the first edition of the Barbaric Business Builder.

I’m guaranteed to increase the price next month, so don’t procrastinate hopping on this offer (and don’t worry, once you lock in your price, it will never change).

What about guarantees and promises?

Well, due to the nature of the work (I spend all of my time working with you and you keep everything I give you), there’ll be no guarantees, nor big promises.

But you can decide to leave and cancel your payment anytime you wish, no questions asked.

If this got you interested and you want more details — reply “BARBARIC” to this email and I’ll send it over.