It’s the 16th of January today.
I’m sitting at my PC, once again, just minutes before this email has to go out. No specific idea prepared so what do I do?
I simply start writing and talk about whatever comes to mind, trying to find a nice story to tell, a lesson to tell, or a principle I discovered to share.
One thing comes to mind.
A few months ago I learned of a new way to instantly create tons of engagement, no matter where or when—but especially on social media. And especially since Zuckerberg’s recent changes to the X algorithm.
You may know (or may not) that recently the algorithm has received plenty of updates.
Updates that made most people who were merely playing business shit in their pants because they noticed their follower count—the only metric that means anything for them since they’ve got nothing better to offer than growing a follower count—isn’t going to grow anymore as it was in the golden days of social media.
No longer does a “10 Google chrome plugins that feel illegal to know” thread give you thousands of followers overnight.
But there’s still one tactic that has the potential to give you a shit ton of engagement.
A tactic rooted in deep human psychology, one powered by a principle so strong people have been using it since the dawn of time when the first humans walked the earth (source: trust me, I was there).
What tactic am I talking about specifically?
Well, it’s the same tactic really that makes grammar nazis wake up every single day, ready to blast you whenever you misplace a comma, whenever you capitalize a word that doesn’t need capitalization, or, god-forbid, whenever you misspell “your” as “you’re” or vice-versa.
It’s the need to correct.
The need to feel important because you’ve got nothing better to do.
Which—luckily for you—makes for great email fodder, engagement, and even tons of profit if you do it right.
Anyway, I’ll keep it here.
Wouldn’t want this email to drag on too long and not get it out on time, would I?
That said.
As you might know if you’ve been reading the last couple of emails. I lost my X account so I’ll be starting anew on Instagram where I’ll probably start posting consistently from tomorrow onwards.
So if you’d like to be a part of this adventure, learn some business, or just chill and hang out with me there, then go click this link right here and follow me: