Do you know the number one biggest sin in marketing?

You could be the best in your field technically, but none of that matters if you make this outrageous mistake.

People will stop following you without blinking an eye.

Your career will be over before it even starts. People won’t even give you a chance anymore. They won’t care about the “value” you have to offer or how good your stuff might be.

None of that matters if you… waste their goddamn time.

That’s it.

Whatever you do, don’t waste someone’s time—don’t bore them to death.

That’s why entertainment is so powerful. You don’t have to be the smartest guy in the room, the most successful in your business, or even “the best” at what you do.

If you can just be more entertaining (extremely powerful if you happen to be informative at the same time as well) than the other guy, then you’ll never have to worry about anything else for the rest of your life.

Case in point?

Check out these reviews I’ve gotten on my Abundant-Client System.

This one is from a long-time reader, game developer, founder of Eventides Games Studio, and owner of the “Beyond The Loading Screen” podcast, Aaron Arenas, who wrote the following:


“This is the sweetest and most value-packed system I've found on Clients and Leads. It's full of actionable advice in a concise manner. Finished it in less than a couple hours. Appreciate that it values my time.”


As well as this one from another long-time reader and self-proclaimed “middle-aged finance bro with an entrepreneurial streak”, Henry:


"Super actionable step by steps and delivered in the no-fluff/no-nonsense tone that is uniquely Alex."


That’s the beauty of life and business. People will tell you exactly what they want, all you have to do is listen.

In this case, it’s to cut out the bullshit, give people what works in an interesting, informational, and most importantly, entertaining way while respecting their time (after all, most people live busy lives and they don’t want to waste their free time listening to you yapping about stuff they don’t care about—especially if it isn’t entertaining) and doing it in a way that’s uniquely yours and yours alone.

And if you’re wondering what people love so much about my Abundant-Client System, then why don’t you check it out yourself?

Click here to learn more:


I’m currently running a final retirement sale (20% discount) for my Abundant-Client System because I no longer plan on teaching how to do client work (as I have stopped doing so myself), but that doesn’t lessen the quality of the product and the number of people whose life it single-handedly improved tremendously.

So here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Sunday, July 28th at midnight CET to get it at 20% off before I retire the product (and it’ll never see the light of day again)

3. Use code RETIRE at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: