Julius Caesar taught me how to monetize haters

It happened. I got my first 1-star review on my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit.

Now, I don’t know why I’ve gotten a 1-star review.

It’s the first one of 75 reviews.

Maybe the person didn’t like the layout. Maybe the person expected all the guides in the product to be mine—if so, that’s on him for not reading the sales page.

Maybe the person didn’t expect that he had to put some effort into going through the courses himself. Maybe he expected to buy the product and through the magical powers of the almighty banana to suddenly get my 7-months of experience just like that—if so, that’s also on him for not knowing how guides work.

Maybe, just maybe, he simply doesn’t like who I am. Maybe he thinks my bananas are stupid. Maybe he dislikes my confidence. Maybe he’s jealous of the small success I’ve already gotten in the past few months—and if so, that’s still on him for giving me money, even if it was to give me a 1-star review.

Even stronger still. The 1-star review allows me to write this email. An email where I’ll stand by my product.

It was Julius Caesar who wrote the following about a Gaulish general who had suffered a big defeat from the Romans:

"This speech made a good impression upon the Gauls. What pleased them most was that, despite a signal disaster, Vercingetorix had not lost heart or concealed himself or shrunk from facing the multitude.” 

So no, I’m not concealing myself from facing this. I’m going to stand by my product.

It’s not a magical product that will make you happy. It’s not something that will make all of your obstacles disappear. You won’t suddenly get clients lining up to work with you.

No, you will have to put in the work yourself. You must be determined to make this work. But if you are. If you are willing to put in the work. If you are determined to make this work.

Oh boy, let me tell you. If that’s you. This product will give you a shortcut to finding all the best pieces of information out there.

You’ll get to skip the awkward growth phases where you lack clarity. Where you have to figure out the best business models. Where you have to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together by yourself. Even though there are many missing pieces and pieces of different puzzles all jumbled together.

This product gives you the puzzle pieces, all of them, and only the necessary ones. But you still have to put them together yourself.

You’ll have to look far to find another product that does what mine does.

You’ll have to look even further to find another product that does what mine does, without having to put in any effort yourself.

But in the case you do. Let me know ASAP.

Because I’ll have some swiping to do.


If you’re looking for something magical—some products where you can simply download information in your brain while you sleep, I’ve got bad news for you.

If you, however, understand how the world functions. Check out the Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/UCCT