I’ve been slacking off, but not anymore

Do you remember how I mentioned I started writing these daily emails first thing in the morning?

I mentioned it 4 emails back I believe.

If you don’t, here’s a refresher. I always schedule my emails at the same time each day. That’s 3.12 pm my time. And for the past 2 months I used to write that day’s email at 2.30 pm or something. Which gave me a good 30 minutes to write after I came up with an idea.

It wasn’t bad. But I realized it could’ve been better.

So 4 days ago I optimized my daily schedule and started writing my email for the day first thing in the morning. At least, that’s what I shared. And that’s what I did that first day as well.

Yet here we are, 4 days later, and I’m once again writing my email just a few minutes before it’s supposed to go out. In fact, that first day was the only time I truly did what I said I was going to do.

And that’s a problem.

I’ve been slacking off. In more ways than 1 actually. I haven’t been going to the gym regularly anymore for example.

So this email serves as an accountability message. I’m openly announcing right here, right now, that I’ll pick up pace again and start doing the things I know I’m supposed to do.

And let this be a reminder to you as well. It’s easy to lose track of your habits. Keep them in check. Have a regular reflection period in your life where you look at your habits, systems, and lifestyle choices to see if you’re still in line with your goals, visions, and values.

If they’re not, adapt. As any scientist would tell you. You need to keep putting in energy on a regular basis or your systems will break down due to entropy.

All of this gave me another realization. One that’s actually positive. Extremely positive.

All of this didn’t affect my business. I was still growing, selling, and making money. Which is another benefit of the daily email creator business model.

As long as you take 20-30 minutes of your time to write a daily email, you’ll keep making money. Now tell me another business model that enjoys such a simple process.

Not sure if you’ll find one though.

If this tickled your fancy. Check out Simple Money Emails here to learn more about how to build the same business model for yourself: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/SME