I’ve got 2 surprises for you

I’ve got two surprises for you today. Definitely read this email till the end to find out both of them.

That said. You didn’t expect an email today did you?

Well you might have if you subscribed to my email list somewhere in the past couple of days.

I used to send out daily emails every weekday. And a longer one every Sunday. At least that’s been my schedule for the past 2 months or so.

But here’s the thing I was thinking about.

Why don’t I send an email Saturday as well?

You know, I actually don’t NEED a full day of rest or recovery or anything to write out the longer email.

It’s not like I’m tired from writing emails throughout the week either. No, I love writing them. And why would I limit how much time I spend doing the thing I love—something that’s productive and gets me closer to reaching my long-term vision?

And as I often talk about experimenting and just trying stuff out. It only felt natural to write you an email today. And next week. And the week after that.

Meaning. I can properly say that I actually do send daily emails. Literally every single day. Not just 6 days a week. The full 7.

So that’s your first surprise! What a lucky bastard you are.

I’ll keep this one short today. You know, because maybe you wanted to do some mental preparation about getting absolutely bombarded with my emails every single day from now on.

Maybe you needed that one rest day weekly. And well in that case.

Sucks to be you then I guess.

Maybe don’t read my Saturday email when I send it and read it on Sunday together with the other one.

Or just unsubscribe. Or come find me where I live and throw some bananas through my window to annoy me.

Whatever floats your boat.

That being said. I did have another surprise.

Until now I’ve only ever been consulting clients. Either on one-off clarity calls or a package of 4 consulting calls.

I did this to get a wide range of experiences and help people with all kinds of different problems—which in turn require all kinds of different solutions.

But since I’m in the spirit of experimentation and doing new stuff at the moment.

I’ll help a select few through longer-term coaching as well.

What do I help people with, in case you’re not fully aware?

Short answer: Creator business monetization

Long answer:

  • Writing copy that sells

  • Creating offers prospects can’t refuse

  • Creating automatic money-printing products

  • Acquiring new clients consistently and effortlessly

  • Grabbing attention on social media so people pay attention to you

  • Building funnels that bring you consistent leads, customers, and clients

  • Sending emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day

  • Building worlds of your own that can’t be compared to anyone else’s and where customers want to buy more and never want to leave

So here’s the deal: I’m looking for two people who’d be interested in working with me 1-on-1. We’ll get you earning $1k–$5k per month in the next 60–90 days depending on where you’re at right now and how much effort you put in.

And yes you heard it right. Just two people. Not a single person more.

So if you’re interested just hit reply to this mail and let me know. Don’t wait too long because those spots will fill up before you know it.