Here’s a confession I have to make:
I haven’t been working out consistently for months.
My fitness journey started back in late 2021. I immediately fell in love with the process and almost never skipped a session. It started with 3 days a week, then 4, and then ultimately even 6 days a week.
It became a special part of my life and one I kept up for at least a year, maybe 1.5 years of my life.
My weight increased from about 64kg all the way to about 80kg in that time. Some of that was fat for sure, but a lot of it was muscle.
Like A LOT.
Noticeably so—I ended up having to buy an (almost) entire new wardrobe because of it.
That said, I haven’t been working out for at least 4 or 5 months now.
Until this week.
I finally got my shit together and started giving it yet another go.
So there I was. On my first session in what felt like ages. Loading up the bench and working my way up. Only to realize something was wrong…
See, I used to have a maximum bench of about 110kg, which meant I could comfortable do 80–90kg for reps.
Yet, that was completely different now.
I could barely lift 80kg—I could, eventually, but only once.
It was as if all of my strength was just gone.
My physique hasn’t left me. I still look like I lift regularly, so I never expected this much of a change.
But that’s what happens when you stop putting in the work. When you stop paying attention to the fundamentals and think things will keep on functioning as they always have.
I’ll probably get my strength back relatively quickly if I stay consistent once again. But this is a highly valuable cautionary tale for everyone.
Which brings me to my course Email Extraordinaire that’s still available for purchase for 2 days until I close the cart for the next 6 months.
In it I’ll teach you the highly valuable, highly profitable fundamentals and principles you need to know (and keep on doing consistently) if you want to write emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day.
I’m not promising you’ll make $5,000 a week writing emails immediately after reading this.
But I can assure you, if you’re currently writing emails, yet you’re not growing, you’re not getting engagement, or you’re not getting paid reliably and consistently, then without a doubt, you’re failing at least one of the fundamentals (if not more) I teach inside Email Extraordinaire.
I’ve never met someone who followed every step I laid out, that didn’t get reliable growth, engagement, and sales or clients by writing simple emails the way I teach it in Email Extraordinaire.
For more information:
P.S. Reminder, I’m closing the cart to Email Extraordinaire for 6 months this Saturday, January 27th (that’s tomorrow) at midnight CET.
If you purchase the product now (or have already bought it in the past) you’ll keep your access indefinitely (meaning you'll also get the improved product at the ridiculously low price of only $97, compared to the $497 or more it'll end up costing)
So do yourself a favor, don’t procrastinate, and check it out today.