An incredibly insightful testimonial from a happy client

Another client, Vince, and long-time daily email reader’s testimonial reads (back when I was still only to be found on Twitter/X):


Alex and I started on our journeys to help others around the same time, but we took very different paths due to our backgrounds and experiences. Getting to finally meet him on a call was one of the best things that I could do as I was still having trouble seeing the bigger picture of my process.

It didn't take long for him to see where my roadblocks were even though he was incredibly humble about it.

Before this point, I had been gaining clarity on my process on my own. It took me months to get comfortable enough to be ready for his guidance.

After just one session, I now have a clear strategy and road map from which to launch and generate more and better content centered around my pillars, not to mention a path by which I can eventually launch an offer that is true to my values.

I was on the fence about a paid call because of my own personal readiness for one. Clarity calls to me were something that I felt required a reasonable amount of prep.

My journey took longer because I didn't have as much time.

If you're on the fence about contacting Alex for your own guidance, I will say this: just do it. It's worth the price for the perspective he can provide, and it decisively pushes you into a position where you commit to whatever journey you're on.

If you are truly serious about building a presence, a personal brand, or a business on X, I would certainly encourage you to book a call with him!


I find this an incredibly insightful testimonial because it shows you one of the main problems holding people back.

And not just for hopping on a call with me or anyone else. But actually holding people back from achieving their goals—both in business and life in general.

And it’s all summarized in the following single sentence: “I was on the fence about a paid call because of my own personal readiness for one.”

So many people doubt themselves.

They don’t believe they’re ready.

They’ll come up with excuses (both knowingly and unknowingly) to convince themselves that they’re not ready. Often delaying their dreams by years, decades, and in the worst case, ensuring they’ll never even reach their dreams.

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned after helping dozens of people build a business they love and one that prioritizes the three main pillars of simplicity, enjoyment, and freedom, then it’s that everyone is ready and nobody is ready at the same time.

Here’s what I mean.

Nobody is truly “ready” in the sense that they know what they’re doing or that they’ve learned everything there is to know about a topic before going on. In fact, that’s quite literally impossible.

There’s always something more to do.

Something to learn, something to double-check, something to practice.

The thing is.

You need to jump in before you think you’re ready. And for that? You’re always ready.

I hope this makes sense.

And if it doesn’t, no problem. It took me a long time to finally understand this—and I still have to regularly remind myself of this.

But that said.

Listen to Vince. Do the thing, even though you currently might not think you’re ready for it. Push yourself into a position which forces you to commit to whatever journey you’re on.

And for that, hopping on a clarity call with me might very well get the job done—just like it did for Vince.

Click here to learn more:

PS: If you want to achieve your goals, if you want to push yourself in the abovementioned position, if you aren’t sure if you’re ready yet then you should definitely hop on a clarity call.

And you should do so today.

Because I’ll be doubling the price of my clarity calls today at 10 pm CET (that’s in 14 hours).