Implementing simple systems for new and busy parents working a 9–5

A previous client, Denis, once wrote:


I had a struggle of implementing a system in my content creation process.

As a new dad there are a lot to handle with constant changing daily schedule and having a 9-5.

Alex helped me to understand that systems don't have to be complex.

He provided me with simple but effective steps to apply the structure right away.


Many people like to brag about their intricate and complex systems.

They think it makes them professionals.

But the only thing they’re doing is unnecessarily making life (which is difficult enough as it is) even more complicated than it needs to be.

I have 3 main pillars, both in business and in life. Those are simplicity, enjoyment, and freedom.

The best systems are simple. The best systems are the ones you can enjoy using. And the best systems are the ones that add more freedom to your life, not less.

If something doesn’t align with one of these pillars, I don’t want any of it.

And neither should you.

That said.

In case you’d like some help setting up your business focused on simplicity, enjoyment, and freedom, then do check out my clarity calls here:

PS; I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) this Friday (that’s tomorrow), February 9th at 10 pm CET.

So if you want to get in before then, I’d better not think over it too long.