Why I’m selling an extremely inexpensive offer

Last week I wrote an email about the new inexpensive offer I created for new email subscribers.

The reason for this offer is twofold:

First, I’m moving my focus from playing the social media game and growing my list that way to running paid ads. The main difference here is switching from a method that requires time as an investment to one that requires cash.

I’m not saying one is better than the other—they aren’t.

But it’s a new world I was to educate myself in and one that, at least currently, feels a lot more “my style”.

The thing with cash investments—and especially paid ads—is that you’d ideally want to see an almost immediate ROI. Doing so allows you to reinvest the money you make from ads to run even more ads which once again produce an immediate ROI and so on… allowing you to run ads “for free” almost indefinitely.

Or at least that’s the ideal scenario.

So I’m using this—extremely—inexpensive offer to break even on the front end when running my ads. Then, everything else I make on the back end could be considered “pure profit”.

As for the second reason.

This low-ticket offer provides me with an opportunity to do a few things 1) it helps me immediately prove my worth to the customer 2) they’re introduced to my world of products and offers from the get-go. Think of that first offer as a sort of “gateway” to everything else there is to discover. And 3) it helps me move otherwise free readers into customers—even if it’s only a mere $4.95, the fact that people bought something immediately flips a switch in their mind making it so they trust me a lot faster and are much less resistant to buying more products in the future (given the products are actually valuable).


That’s how it works in theory, at least. All that’s left to do is see how it turns out in practice.

That said.

I thought it would be unfair to give new readers the opportunity (they’ll only ever get to buy immediately after subscriber, never again) to buy this offer without giving you, a long-time and loyal reader who has already proven to stick around and regularly read and reply to my emails, that same opportunity.

So to set that right.

Here’s a link to check out my new offer “Your Very First Email Marketing Steps”: https://alexvandromme.com/yourfirststeps/

PS: I might remove this sales page in a few days just to make it fair and ensure that people can’t buy it anymore after having skipped the opportunity to do so right after subscribing. No exact date when I’ll remove it, just whenever I feel like it.

So if this interests you, then get it now.

PPS: Make sure you read the sales page to know what you’re getting. Don’t be pressured into buying something you don’t need.

Also, and this is important, don’t buy this if you previously bought “Email Extraordinaire”. This offer is a small subsection of the original offer—there’s nothing new here for you and you shouldn’t purchase this.

Once again, here’s the link to the offer. It’s only $4.95 so definitely check it out: https://alexvandromme.com/yourfirststeps/