I’m retiring my precious

People always remember their first times.

Whether it’s your first kiss, your first sales call, the first dog you got, the first house you bought, the first car you drove, or the first time you ever snorted cocaine off a gypsy while backpacking through Eastern Asia (hey, no judging here).

The point is, people remember their firsts.

And I’m no different.

In my case, I very much remember (and think highly of) the first ‘real’ course I made.

More specifically, my email course, Email Extraordinaire.

I’d spend an extremely long time building that course, making sure it was as good as it could be, spending hours doing research looking at what others were teaching (and how to do better), adding tons of bonuses, and making sure it was a complete and finished product from start to finish.

And boy was I proud of it.

But that was me from many months ago who built that product.

I’ve changed now. My approach has slightly evolved. I’ve got more experience building different products, talking to different people, and helping lots of different business owners build (and profit from) their email list.

Whereas I value my other, more recent products upwards of a thousand dollars, I value email extraordinaire at $400–$500.

Which is still more than good enough for most people.

But not for me. I want it even better.

It’s for that reason that I’ve decided to retire my email extraordinaire from this Saturday onward.

From then on the product will remain unpurchasable for the near future until I've completely overhauled and improved it. This might easily take me 6 months and by that time I'll relaunch it at a much, much higher price.

I’m doing this to motivate myself to completely rebrand the product and make it as good as it can possibly be (The longer it takes me, the less I’ll earn because it’s not up for sale).

So with that said.

If you were ever considering to get your hands on Email Extraordinaire, now is the time.

Quick side note: If you purchase the product now (or have already bought it in the past) you’ll keep your access indefinitely—meaning you'll also get the improved product at the ridiculously low price of only $97.

That’s something for you to keep in mind.


Click the link here for more information about the product: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE