I’m very much a “judging a book by its cover” person

Especially when it comes to making new connections on social media.

I’ll take a quick look at you and if I don't vibe with what I see, if it looks like you're preaching bullshyt, or have no idea what you're talking about, then I don't want anything to do with you. (This goes for like 98% of people I see posting content on social)

I also want to see intensity in your work.

And with that I mean. is your soul in it? How much effort are you truly putting in everything you do? Are you actively challenging yourself to do better? Or are you merely using the stuff that “works right now” even though you don’t care much about it.


If every post is "5 tips to get more work done" or “Here’s my game plan to grow my [insert social media platform] account” then I'm out.

I guarantee most of those audience builders who do nothing except flex the size of their followers (and often their monthly income—an even bigger red flag) have no real skills to offer and most of them would be broke if it weren't for other people who buy into the dream of growing a big audience to also sell audience building.

I’m not saying this hating on the whole “coaches coaching other coaches on how to coach coaches”. Arguably, I find the whole coach-hating notion to be absurd and not at all relevant or even remotely correct.

But that doesn’t mean there’s not a tremendous amount of shyte out there.

If it wasn’t obvious yet, the lesson of today is to be careful who you listen to and not merely take advice from anyone.

It’ll do you more harm than good.


If you want to see what I mean when I talk about putting intensity in your content (and these emails aren’t enough of an example for you yet), then check out my content over on LinkedIn.

Not every post is a banger. I don’t go viral.

Which is often by design.

They’re for a specific audience, at a specific point in their journey.

But more importantly, they’re made with intensity, passion, and a true admiration and love for the craft.

But enough about that.

I’ll let you decide for yourself.

Check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexvandromme/