I’m so close to reaching my goal

I’m almost done writing my email course.

I aim to have it finished and release the first version by next week. When it does, it will have 12 modules, covering different aspects you need to know to build and monetize your email list.

Ranging from how to create the perfect welcome email, different methods to grow your list, how to write subject lines people want to click on, and how to actually get people to buy your products through your emails.

This is something I’ve been working on for so long. And I don’t mean just the writing on its own. But everything combined.

Ever since I created my Twitter account, I had my mind set on releasing a high-quality product one day. One that I could be proud of. This could easily be one of my first long-term goals.

One I’m about to reach so soon.

And there were so many things I had to do and learn.

  • I had to learn how to optimize my profile to make it attractive to attract new followers.

  • I had to learn how to write engaging tweets that people would want to interact with

  • I had to get over many fears (one of which was hopping on calls with strangers from the internet talking in a language that’s not my own)

  • I had to study and practice marketing, sales, writing, and more every single day

  • I had to learn how to create and promote my consulting offer to help and teach other people the skills I had learned by myself

  • I had to position myself correctly to attract the right audience

  • I had to learn how to create and grow a newsletter on my own

  • I had to build a habit of consistently writing every morning to create content and write emails

  • I had to understand what makes people tick and why they do the things they do

  • I had to learn how to come up with ideas that resonate with my audience

  • I had to figure out a way to build a community, a world, of my own on social media where people feel comfortable spending time and wanting to see more of the miracles of that world

  • I had to test and improve my systems and frameworks based on the feedback of the consulting clients I was working with

  • I had to summarize all those experiences and find out what made some fail and others work

  • I had to learn how to come up with and tell engaging stories on the spot when hosting spaces

  • I had to learn how to interact with a live audience and keep them engaged in those same spaces

  • I had to package this up nicely in an easy-to-understand product teaching people how they can achieve similar results

And that’s not even all of it. There’s almost certainly a lot I missed.

The point is. There’s a lot that had to be done before I could create a high-quality product I know people are interested in and can actually help them.

I’ve been at it for almost 7 months and I’ve probably spent close to $5,000 in total to get to where I am today.

It’d be an understatement if I said that so much has happened. Everything changed.

So yes. I’m thrilled about releasing such a product.

Now the question remains. How excited are you?


I had to spend so much time and so much money making mistakes, coming across the wrong information, not knowing where to go or what to look for, and being clueless about what should’ve been clear to me from the beginning.

But you don’t have to.

You can find everything you need to succeed on Twitter (or X) in 1 place. You can learn everything you need about sales, (copy)writing, audience building, email marketing, personal branding, content creation, storytelling, or offer creation all in 1 place.

Speed up your learning process by surrounding yourself with the best information, the sources I used personally and found valuable enough to keep coming back to every time I get lost.