I’m alive

I didn’t write an email for the first time in over 400+ days.

In fact, I didn’t write an email for the past 2 days.

First things first, my original plan for Saturday was to write an email late into the evening/night after I came back from my boulder competition.

Turns out, I was absolutely knackered afterwards.

I got home and almost immediately fell asleep. So that happened.

Then Sunday we had a family event planned and I also took time to recover because my body definitely needed it after the competition. I might have pushed myself a bit too hard this Saturday because everything is in pain, many many cuts and bruises, and my left front delt is swollen.

But nothing that won’t heal.

That said, it’s Monday now and I’m back baby.

If anything, I just took the weekend off for the first time ever.

Which reminded me of an important fact. And the reason why I started doing this in the first place.

I can choose to take time off whenever I want. The business runs no matter where I am or what I’m doing. If I wanted to I could take an hour or three or four of my day right now to batch create some emails for the next month and that’s all the work I’d really have to do.

Everything else I do is extra.

Now, I don’t know about you. But that’s a damn fine business model if you ask me.

And since I’m back, and also simply because I can, I won’t link some product of mine today.

Instead, let me use this email to ask you a question.

I’d love to know how close you are to running a business like this yourself. If you have one, what’s your favourite part about it?

And if you don’t have one (yet), what’s something that’s been holding you back from getting one going?

And, if for some reason you don’t want nor care about such a business model, why not?

I’d love to hear your answer and learn more about your situation, insights, and experience.

Simply reply to this email and I’ll get back to you right away.