I posted my very first LinkedIn post yesterday.
More specifically, a story post recapping my journey from January 2023 until today.
It did well—receiving over 40 likes and 1,000 impressions
Better than I expected.
And definitely a lot better than the first X post I’d ever written. Both in quality and engagement.
The quality is nothing surprising.
Who would’ve thought that your writing skills after a year of non-stop daily writing and content creation (going as far as 10+ pieces of content a day sometimes, both long and short-form) would improve—giving a noticeable increase in post-quality?
Funny how that works.
But the engagement part is different.
First, the network I’ve built up over the past year has helped me tremendously.
When I first opened up LinkedIn I immediately found dozens of creators I’ve met and befriended on X, which meant I didn’t have to start from zero—I was even welcomed with applause and open arms, talk about an entrance.
I didn’t create a ‘fresh’ LinkedIn account.
I already had an old one lying around. One I made a few years back as a sort of resume and to slowly build up my network of people I met in and because of my university—including some of my professors.
Which made for a funny feeling.
See, I’ve never really been very public about what I’m building here.
Aside from my close friends and family, nobody really knew. Twitter (at the time) was completely new for me so that worked out perfectly well.
I also wasn’t going to create a new LinkedIn profile for the sake of it.
So that meant I had a lot of engagement from people who ‘knew’ me, yet had absolutely no idea what I’ve been doing for the past year—which will definitely make for interesting conversations in the future.
I’m still getting the hang of LinkedIn and figuring out what to post and how to do everything.
But it’s looking great so far.
There’s a big lesson in this email if you read between the lines. But other than that, I’ll leave you to it.
Here’s the link to my story (and first LinkedIn post): https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alexvandromme_371-days-ago-i-started-my-online-business-activity-7152708870715424769-hcpC
(and go connect with me while you’re at it)