A hidden bonus only early action takers know about

Here’s a fun fact:

The people who already purchased Email Valhalla aren’t just getting everything I learned, experienced, and discovered about building an email-powered business.

No no, they’re getting even more.

But first, let met tell you what my current development/finishing process for Email Valhalla looks like.

You see, every morning, the first 2 hours that I’m awake I spend writing. I wake up and write. What I write depends on the day and the projects I’m working on.

For now, that’s Email Valhalla of course.

I sit down write out the remaining modules, details, bonuses, email sequences, important examples for clarification, and everything else I find to make the course even more valuable, while still keeping it easy to digest and go through (which often means rewriting and cutting out the fluff as well).

Then every time I finish a module I immediately at it to the course on Gumroad.

Sometimes I go back to previous modules and make some slight improvements. Or I completely wipe modules and do an entire overhaul.

I might change the order of modules to make them easier to understand. Or I might just change the copy and the title of the module. But all of this is happening in real time. Every 1 or 2 days there’s at least 1 big change and probably a few minor ones.

All public and visible to everyone who already has the course.

They can follow my every move. See every module I add, every title I change, every altercation I make to one of the modules, every bonus I decide might be worth adding, and every clarification, example, simplification, or expansion I deem necessary to make the course as flawless as possible.

And that’s what every early bird buyer is currently getting. A real-time live masterclass on how to ideate, prototype, create, and improve a course.

It’s a true “build in public” project.

And one that’s available for everyone basically for free as a bonus. In fact, it’s only available before I complete the course and remove the discount.

So in some way, if you were to really think about it, you’re basically getting paid to get a live course-building masterclass on top (something that’d otherwise cost you $249 to get my Product Creation Made Easy framework)

Ok getting paid might seem a bit far-fetched. But it’s a fun idea to think about.

Anyway, whether I’m paying you to get the course or not. You might be interested in checking it out either way. In that case, check it out right here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.