Hacking your inbox to getting more clicks & opens

Yesterday’s email was a sponsored one.

That means, I get paid a nice amount of money by the person who decides to sponsor me in hopes that they get a lot of clicks (and in turn, conversions) on the link they provide me.

Logically speaking, the more traffic (clicks) I can send, the more money I can ask and the more I’ll earn.

Now, I’m 100% of the opinion that clicks and open rates don’t actually matter in the wide scheme of things. It’s sales & conversions that make the world go ‘round and keep you and your business alive.

But, there are some oddities and specific scenarios where that’s not always the case.

This is one such example; where you get paid through advertisements or sponsorships.

Then it's all about clicks and opens.

While I do know a bit about how to grab people’s attention just enough to get them to open my email and read the first sentence (which has the sole purpose of getting people to read the second sentence, and so on).

I, by no means, am an expert in the click-and-open rate side of things.

But I do know someone who claims to be an expert (self-claimed at that, always keep your eyes and ears open, remain critical of everything you read, and be your own judge).

In fact, that person also decided to sponsor today’s email.

That’s some crazy coincidence right? How we were just talking about how clicks and opens matter so much for advertising and sponsorship and here’s someone teaching all about clicks and opens who’s actually sponsoring me.

A special place, this world is.

Anyway, if you read yesterday’s email then you know the deal (or you don’t).

I’ll stop yapping about right now and I’ll leave you with the sponsored excerpt I got asked to send, including the sponsored offer.

Check it out, see if it’s for you, and decide for yourself whether you want more of it or not.

In this case, the offer is for a free marketing newsletter called “Inbox Hacking” and some free test drive for a lead gen tool for those who are interested.

(although the link points to the “thank you” page of the newsletter even though you’re not automatically subscribed when clicking the link—as far as I know, at least).

Enough about this. Check it out.

Here it is:


Inbox Hacking will be your huckleberry.

How ‘bout a useful marketing newsletter minus nap-inducing insights and regurgitated takes? Marketing news, tactics, and strategies that lighten your workload and boost revenue.

Subscribe to Inbox Hacking and get a free test drive of a lead gen tool that can 3x your click volume (instantly).

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