How I grow, ideate, monetize, market, manage, master, and perfect my email list

A few months ago, a loyal reader of my emails asked:


“Hey Alex do have any resources on how to grow & monetize an email list? Or any recommendations I should check out?

I want to start my own and would love some advice from you to know where and how to start.”


At the time I responded with a simple answer talking about the tools I use and what kind of email I had the most success with so far. I also mentioned how I was in the process of creating a resource of my own on that exact topic.

Fast forward a few months, and it’s here—my course Simple Money Emails.

This course teaches you 7 benefits of email, the 3 steps to create your email list, 6 rules to write a welcome email, 6 methods to get new subscribers every single day, the power of storytelling, 6 rules to tell great stories, how to keep your readers engaged no matter how long your email is, the best 4 types of subject lines to get your emails opened, the only email formula you need to get people to buy your products and keep them wanting to read more day after day, 7 additional methods to earn money with your email list (even if you don’t currently have an offer), the pro’s and con’s of every standard frequency type of emails and the one that stands above all of them, the 4 best-performing email types to send (and how to write them), and an in-depth guide on the exact structure you need when writing long-form email articles to keep your readers engaged, entertained, and educate them to point of wanting to buy your services.

And that’s not even all of it.

Did I overdo it? Probably. Could I have made more money if I had spent less time on the course and instead spent my time on other things? Most definitely.

But am I proud of what I created? Absolutely.

This is my life’s work so far. This is my one true masterpiece. I’ve spent many hours, days, and full months on this.

I’m proud of the effort I’ve put in. I’m proud of what the course has become. And I’m proud of the results it’s gotten for both me and other people.

It’s everything I do.

It’s all there, waiting for you to claim it.

Check it out here: