Greetings from the past

If you’re reading this, I’ve either just completed walking 100km in 24 hours or less OR my feet couldn’t handle anymore and I had to drop out of the race.

Either way, there’s an extremely big chance that I’ll be feeling proud of myself.

Few people would even dare to attempt such a feat, let alone give it everything they’ve got and try to complete the whole thing.

That said, since I’m writing this email a full day before it’s supposed to go out, I have no idea what the outcome will be or how I’m feeling about it.

These are just my predictions.

But one thing is certain.

Nobody ever regretted giving it their all and daring to do things which they didn’t know they were capable of (I sure as hell never expected to see myself walking 100km in less than 24 hours).

So here’s the question:

When’s the last time you pushed yourself to the edge? Physically, mentally, whatever it may be. Whatever just popped up in your mind right now. That big project you’ve been procrastinating on. That dream you’ve barely told a soul about because you’re ashamed you might not be able to do it (or alternatively, that goal you’ve been talking to everyone about, yet you still haven’t actually started it).

Whatever it is.

Make sure you don’t come to regret not seeing it through in 10 years’ time.

That’s it for me today. Nothing to plug. Nothing to offer except (hopefully) a bit of motivation.

Now go and do something with that motivation.