Going once, going twice

Here’s an interesting observation:

I wrote an extremely short email yesterday telling people I’ve got something for them if they have their own email list and are looking to grow it entirely for free.

That email got quite a few replies (I haven’t answered any of them yet because I’ve been out walking for almost the entire day—so if you replied to me, I’m not ignoring you, I’ll get back to you tomorrow).

It’s interesting because the email was less than 40 words long.

Which goes to show you, sometimes less IS more. You just need to know what to say to get people’s attention.

And with that said.

I also know not everyone checks my emails every day (their mistake), but since I’m feeling nice today I’ll give those people a second chance. So here’s a reminder if you missed yesterday’s email.

If you’ve got an email list with at least 500 to 1,000 subscribers and you’d like to quickly and efficiently add a few hundred more—entirely free of charge and with no cost to you whatsoever.

Then reply to this email, because I’ve got an amazing opportunity for you.