Forget list building

Everyone is so worked up about building their list, growing their numbers, getting more clicks, yada, yada, yada.

Stop it.

That’s the mindset of a short-term thinking marketer.

Not that of a banana-loving, empire-building, freedom-focusing, life-enjoying, awesome-being, cool person such as yourself (that’s who you are since you’re on my list).

See, you and I. We don’t play the game following the same old rules everyone else lives by.

We do things our way.

And that means thinking long term, not caring about the open, the click, the size of your list, or whatever the market tells you is currently working right now.

This also goes back to something Ben Settle often refers to as psychological vs sociological marketing (and business worldbuilding by extension).

Psychological marketers do the above thing.

They care about their open rates, CTRs, LTVs, ROIs, and everything else you can put on a spreadsheet.

Sociological marketers?

They don’t.

They care about what matters. The long-term vision. Building the business you dream off, doing it YOUR way.

What does this have to do with list building?

Well, first, it’s realizing you’re not in the list-building business. You’re in the relationship-building business.

I care about building the relationship I have with you and every other reader of mine (and you probably should too).

This means I’m not concerned with milking as much money out of every person on my list as possible. It doesn’t matter to me what’s optimal or not.

I’d happily pass on big sums of money if that means building the business I dream of, doing things the way I want to do them, not having to bother with complex funnels, nightmare logistical problems, or any other issues most psychological businesses suffer from.

Which perfectly reflects the way I teach email writing in Email Extraordinaire.

  • No complex funnels

  • No swipe files

  • No sequences whatsoever

  • No selling the click

Just pure unadulterated information on building and growing a list aimed at fostering a healthy and engaging relationship between you and your readers, allowing you to write simple emails that get you sales and keep your readers reading day after day.

If that sounds like your jam, then click here for more information today:

PS: And when I say ‘today’ I actually mean it. If you’re reading this email than it means you have approximately 9 hours (or less) until I close the cart on Email Extraordinaire and it won’t be available to purchase for at least another 6 months.

By that time I’ll have completely revamped, updated, upgraded, visually overhauled, and improved upon every single aspect of the course based on my own recent experience and customer feedback—so much improvement in fact I can guarantee you it won’t be available for any amount under $497 (potentially even higher).

But if you get it today?

You’ll get it today, including all upcoming improvements, and for less than 20% of the full price it’ll be in 6 months time.

So if anything, at least check out the link and decide whether it’s for you or not.

Anyway, here’s the link once again: