Writing copy is just a fancy word for flirting with your reader.
This is especially the case when it comes to one of the most powerful, yet underrated tools available to you as a writer.
It’s a method that allows you to generate so much intrigue that people want to buy your products even before you’ve announced that you’re selling something. A method that, if used correctly, could 10x your sales on its own. Even without having to think about fancy abbreviations such as ICP, MVP, USP, CTR, or CLTV.
I know some master copywriters who almost solely rely on this one method, this one tactic, to keep readers entertained and keep them reading, no matter how long their sales letter is.
They could write a 2,400-word email and you’d read every word.
Stronger yet, you’d want to read every word. Your innate psychology compels you to continue reading and reading.
Stranger yet, this is the same tactic that Top Gun Maverick used to make $126 million in just the first two days of release in the US alone. It’s the same reason why Jaws remains one of the best movies ever made and why it draws in the audience so much even though the shark never shows on screen in the first half of the movie—it literally couldn’t because the prop they used always broke.
Even more, it’s a tactic that literally doesn’t require any preparation at all.
No thinking. None. Nada. Nothing. Seriously.
To add even more—yes I can literally keep on going. This tactic that I’m talking about?
It’s the same reason why people go to strip clubs, spend lots of money, drink a lot, watch the women perform, then go home at the end all alone, wasted, out of money, and with nothing to show for. Yet they’ll still come back next weekend.
And they love it.
It’s all psychology. It’s all based on this one tiny tactic, this one tiny method.
And if you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s the same reason why you’re currently still reading this email until the very end.
Maybe you figured it out by now.
Maybe you didn’t.
Either way, click the following link of you want to learn all about this method to use in your own writing: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE
PS: I’ve renamed my Simple Money Emails course to Email Extraordinaire. I’ll be heavily rebranding the product and making tons of improvements to it over the next few weeks.
I’ll increase the price of this product at the end of this month—more info about this later.
So if you plan on getting it, why not make the choice now?