My first few product “launches” were horrendous

The first time I ever “launched” a product was in April this year.

I had just finished touching up a product I had been using as a free lead magnet so far and making it as good as I could so that I could slap a price on it and finally have a product that I could sell.

After having created my product I wrote an email to my list telling them the product was up for grabs on my Gumroad page.

And that was it.

No pre-sale, no hype, no special limited-time bonuses, nothing, not even a week of emails talking about the product.

No. Just the one.

Needless to say, I didn’t sell anything.

A few months went by and I wanted to create an email course. But this time I had learned my lesson. I was also really proud of the course I created so it was easy for me to keep talking about it.

And so I did.

I made my product and then started talking about it regularly, whenever I felt like it.

This time around I made a whopping 3 (!) sales.

Still, not something you’d call a successful launch, right? This demoralized me because I didn’t know what I was doing. I had spent months working on both of these products and my reward was next to nothing.

Little did I know how much everything would change.

Not long after I started reading more of Ben Settle’s stuff. I admired him for the kind of business he had built and he soon became one of my biggest inspirations. I bought all kinds of stuff from him. Investing well over $700 on his stuff.

And I loved it.

But there was one thing that changed everything.

In one of his books he briefly mentioned a promotional schedule he used to use back in a day, it was less than a page worth of content in a giant book of his. But that one page sparked something in me and gave me the inspiration to experiment with new promotional strategies.

Since then I launched 5 new offers and tested with all kinds of different methods.

One of them was my Abundant-Client System—also the first product I applied this building-in-public approach to. That launch turned out to be one of the best I’d ever done.

Within a few days, sales started coming in.

And they didn’t stop.

I easily made a month's salary in just one weekend.

Since then I nailed it down to 2 different promotional schedules, a short one and a long one—whichever you decide to use depends on the scenario and a few important factors.

I teach both of those schedules in Product Creation Made Easy—the course I’m launching this Saturday (that’s tomorrow) where I’ll teach you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products from start to finish in 21 days or less.

It’s currently up for grabs at a $120 early-bird discount ($129 instead of the full $249).

So if you’d like to get it before time runs out, then follow these instructions carefully:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday, December 30th (that’s tomorrow) at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code PRODUCT at the checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: