My first product launch was an absolute disaster

Back in May, I “launched” my first paid product.

I say “launch” because it wasn’t as much of a launch as it was me saying “Hey guys, come and give me your money for this thing now”.


I’ve been having a lot of success at the time with my Content Creator’s Toolkit, as I called it. Which was a free Notion product I made where I gathered up all the books, courses, articles, threads, tools, and other resources I used to educate myself on a wide array of topics over the past few months.

All topics relating to building my own creator business of course.

I did the occasional giveaway with the product and it would get a crazy amount of responses time and time again.

It got to a point where so many people were telling me how this toolkit should have been a paid resource, some of whom even donated me $20 to show their support.

After a while some friends of mine convinced me to actually turn it into a paid product.

But it didn’t feel right to suddenly slap a price on it.

So I reworked it, updated it, and tried to make it as good as possible—adding even more stuff, refining the look and feel of it, and generally building something I was proud of at the time.

I also whipped up a quick and dirty sales page to make it even more enticing.

All seemed good so far.

But that’s where I messed up.

I simply slapped a price on it ($22) and told people “hey btw, this thing is now available for purchase. It’s new and exciting, check it out”. Also, I told them once. Just once.

Zero sales.

None. Nada.

I didn’t promote it. I didn’t validate it. I wasn’t even that excited about it anymore just a few days later.

Even more.

I completely stopped paying attention to it and it got maybe 1 sale since then because of someone who bought all of my stuff after having gotten a single product he liked so much.

Needless to say.

My first “launch” didn’t go well.

Luckily I didn’t stop there. I kept trying out new methods and new strategies to create better products, faster, and actually getting paid—all in just under 14 days.

And I can teach you how to achieve the same result with my Ready, Set, Launch 14-day course creation challenge—without it being a complete disaster your first time.

Here are the details:

What is it? A 14-day challenge showing you how to build, promote, and launch your new product in this 2-week challenge so you can enter 2024 with an already-selling product.

When is it? We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st

How does it work? We’ll have live 4 calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining. On these calls we’ll cover what to think about, how to ideate and create your product, how to write promotional emails and sales pages, and everything else you’ll need to know to make your launch a success—and no worries I’ll record the calls and send them to you as soon as possible.

What else is there? You’ll also get access to a temporary community where I’ll help you answer any and all questions you have between the calls—as well as where you can get feedback from and bounce ideas off of your fellow course builders who joined the challenge.

Sounds enticing?

Save your spot right here:

P.S. I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people so I can give everyone the required care and attention.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CET after which I’ll be closing the doors—if the offer hasn’t sold out by then yet.

Yesterday, someone already purchased their spot in this challenge. So don’t hesitate much longer because this will sell out.

Once again, here’s the link to get your spot: