Father of two, working a 9–5, and still outperforming 90% of writers

Here’s an (unsolicited) testimonial I received a few days ago from Vince Mao, a daily reader, and an incredible writer, thinker, and father of two:


Hey Alex,

It's kinda become a thing for me to improve my writing over the past year since speaking with you.

I've been consistent.

– 21k posts on X and archived my account in case I share the same fate someday.
– 45 issues of my weekly newsletter
– nearly 300 short videos
– 25 articles on Medium now as I've shifted to honing my long-form writing this year.

Since our talk, I've invested in several courses (including your email course). I'm slowly going through them and taking action on every lesson. I also have a recording of your talk.

In short, endless content and clarity of my voice to write just about anything centered around my values.

As for launching offers, I have a three-year plan around your advice. I have two young children to care for so my momentum is at a glacial pace…but it's also just as massive.

Consider this an additional piece for you to continue your efforts. Thanks again for meeting with me last year. I stand by my remarks. Your calls are well worth a higher price (definitely now as I'm sure you've improved substantially).


I’m not only sharing this to stroke my ego (although that’s part of it).

But more so to show you how far people can get if they stay consistent and execute the plans they make. And yes, even if they work a 9–5, have two young children to take care of, and live an overall busy life.

This is what true “life-changing” moments look like.

Not your average 18-year-old Twitter AI bro still in high school who has 25 hours a day available to launch a newsletter talking about the latest AI advances (which they often don’t understand anything about) and makes an average hourly rate of $0.012 through ads, yes is able to convince people on social media he’s “balling”.

But I’m getting off-topic.

See, Vince is improving his writing day by day, he’s putting out tons of content, outperforming/outlasting most wannabe digital writers (most people stop before ever writing 10 weekly newsletter issues), and he’s gotten clear on his vision, his mission, and his values.

On top of that.

He’s got his entire offer plan figured out for the next 3 years.

That alone is worth millions. Too many people fail to plan (or even think about) their long-term strategy—something I give a lot of attention with my clients—only to wander around aimlessly from idea to idea, never building something truly wonderful, let alone something that’s truly theirs.

Not all who wander are lost… but all who wander without a long-term strategy to justify their wandering are.


If you don’t want to be a lost wanderer.

Then you may find my clarity calls to be a wonderful opportunity for you.

Check it out here: https://calendly.com/alexvandromme/clarity-call